Really Small Problems

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Inside the Owl House, Eda's stirring something on the stove, King is watching Luz talk to Willow and Gus on a crystal ball, and Hazel was practising her glyphs, safely wearing gloves as she sat beside the human.
Luz grinned. "So they said I couldn't remove my thumb, but look at that!" She said, pretending to remove her thumb. "Whoop!"
Gus gasped, panicking. "You sliced it off! You sliced off your own thumb!" He cried. Willow chuckled. "You make doing homework actually fun." She giggled. Luz smirked. "And they say humans can't do magic."
King leapt onto the table, sitting on Hazel's paper as he pestered Luz. "Nyeh! Luz! You've been talking to them all morning. Don't forget about the Luz and King comedy hour!"
Eda cringed at those words, glancing back at the duo. "Please, no. Not the comedy hour..." she groaned.
King ignored her statement, however, and was turned away from her. Hazel managed to move her glyphs safely out of the way as the small demon turned around. "This week I've been working with props!" He announced. There was a cardboard tube on his nose. "Oh dear, I've gotten a tube stuck on my nose! Will I ever eat again?" He said, posing dramatically. Slamming a piece of bread on his face, he giggled. "Looks like I'm toast!"
Luz and King cackled at his pun, while the Owl lady groaned. "It just goes on like this for an hour!" She complained.
"Heyo, dough boy, quit loafing around!" Luz said, poking the tube on King's nose. "Why don't you bake me!" He added.
Eda groaned once again. "Hazel, please promise me you won't join them." She said. Hazel grinned. "Don't worry, you can crust me!" She giggled.
Eda turned her head to glare at her, as the other duo were cackling at Hazel's joke. Hazel smirked. "There's no knead to be so sour dough, Eda! We know you loaf us!" The trio cackled.
Eda squinted suspiciously at her. "Oh, you were just waiting this moment, weren't you?" She hissed. Hazel giggled. "Yeah, I was so bready for this."
The crystal ball buzzed by an alarm, catching the attention of the trio. The time, 8:00, flashes below Willow and Gus.
Luz perked up. "School time! See you guys in class!" She said. Willow waved goodbye, while Gus was still panicked about Luz's magic thumb as the human ended the call.
King sighed, and the human gave him a sympathetic look. "Hey, don't worry. We'll finish our comedy hour when we get home." Giving the small demon a kiss on the skull, she headed towards the door. "Try not to miss me while I'm gone!" She called out, closing the door. Never noticing the knowing smirk on Hazel's face.
King scrambled over to the door, looking up at it before turning to Eda. " really think she's coming back this time?" He asked.
Eda rolled her eyes. "Yes, she'll be back; she always comes back. It's cute you miss her though." She said.
"The King of Demons-" King threw off his comedy hour props and pointed at the witch angrily. "The King of Demons misses nobody! I wouldn't care if she came through this door right now!" He boasted.
Eda then noticed the small witchling sitting by the window, grinning at something outside. "Wait, why are you still here? Shouldn't you be at school?"
Hazel didn't need to answer, as Luz walked back through the door. Eda was even more confused. "Hey, you're-"
"You're back!" King yelled excitedly, climbing up on Luz's head. "I didn't miss you at all."
Luz walked back inside, allowing the small demon to stay on her head. "Apparently there's an infestation of pixies at Hexside, so school's been cancelled." She explained. Seeing her friend grinning widely at her from the window sill, she gave her a suspicious look. " knew, didn't you." She said blankly. Hazel cackled, holding her sides.
Luz couldn't help but smile at her reaction. This was the most lively she's seen her friend since she's known the demon.
King smiled. "That sounds like a crumby situation."
As the trio laughed once more, Hooty slid over to Eda. "Hey! Guess what's been in my mouth that I'm about to throw up!" He said.
The bird tube began gagging. Everyone watches on in disgust. "...does....he always do that?..." Hazel asked. Hooty finished throwing up letters and a box. "The mail!"
Eda gave a tired nod. "Yup." She stated, pausing in her stirring and picking up the letters. Hazel shuddered.
The witch started sorting through the mail. "Junk, junk, death hex." Tossing the death hex into a trashcan, the can condenses into a dark purple ball before disappearing entirely. Eda's eyes lit up as she held up a poster. "Oh, a carnival's in town today!" She said.
"A carnival?" Luz asked, taking King off her head. "You know, I've been so busy with school lately, what do you say we take this comedy hour on tour? It'll be a Luz and King day!"
King threw his hands up in victory. "That's my kind of day! And Hazel can join us too!" He cheered.
"Let's all four of us go!" Luz added, wrapping an arm around Eda and Hazel, who'd wandered over to see what exactly the older witch was cooking. Hooty rushed off to get ready.
Eda thought for a moment, a sly smile resting on her face. "Carnivals bring crowds and crowds bring suckers. This could be the perfect chance to try out my new get-witch-quick scheme." She placed the poster in her hair, and taking Owlbert out of the pot, she knocks the goop from the palisman. "I'm in!"
Hazel, however, chuckled nervously. "Oh no, no. You don't have to drag me along. I'd only slow you down. Besides, crowds aren't really my thing." She said, looking away from the trio.
The Owl lady raised a brow. "Y'know, kid. Sometimes to have fun you gotta step out of your comfort zone. I don't mind you staying here, but I'll just leave ya with that advice. To the carnival!"
King and Luz copied her, as they ran out the door after the human gave her a sympathetic look and a wave goodbye, leaving her alone in the house with Hooty.
Hazel thought about Eda's words. "Sometimes to have fun you gotta step out of your comfort zone."
She sighed, starting to practice her glyphs again. Her mind went back to all the times she had fun having adventures with her friends. Most of those times she was in situations that would trigger bad memories. Yet, when they were pass that, they had good times. Good memories.
"Since when have my discomforts stopped me?"
With a determined glint in her eye, she opened the door, rushing outside. "Hey! Wait for me!"
Hooty returned as the door closed. "Good news, I'm bringing my knapsack full of games! Hello?"
A fly buzzes around the room, gaining the bird tube's attention as he let out a loud gasp. "Oh, a fly! Talk to me, talk to me!"

Oh wait, I have the music. *brings out radio and presses the play button* Boop!
*Marcy's theme-I mean Owl House intro starts blaring*)

The four arrived at the Bonesborough Carnival. Eda grinned at the sight. "Well, here we are, kids. Look at all that fresh meat."
Many demons and witches were already at the carnival. Flies buzzed around a fried chicken on a stick.
Luz, who was now in her usual attire, grinned. "And smell all the fresh meat!" She said, taking in a big sniff. A fly goes up her nose, and the human started coughing violently. Hazel pat her on the back as the same fly flew out of her mouth. "Fun!"
Hazel herself was in her usual Hexside uniform. She didn't have anything to change into, and she didn't want to change her attire by shapeshifting in front of Eda and King.
Owlbert hooted, starting to twist himself off the staff to enjoy the fun of the carnival when Eda stopped him. "No games for you, Owlbert, we've got scams to run." She stated. Owlbert let out a sad hoot.
"Friends! Welcome!"
Everyone looked up as a small figure landed in front of them, jumping into defensive poses. Hazel instinctively grew claws as she stared down at Tibbles wearily.
Tibbles stared back at the witchling, raising a brow suspiciously. "I see you got my postcard." He said, glancing between Hazel's claws and her.
Realising what she was doing, Hazel quickly lowered her hands, keeping them out of sight of Eda.
Eda was more concerned by Tibble's words, though. "Tibbles? You sent this?" She asked, looking at the back of the flier. Hazel peeked at it too. It read: "To my Owl House Pals, From Tibbles", and had a picture of Tibbles dancing each time Eda tilted it. Lowering it, the demon was doing the same dance. "Mm-hmm." Was all he responded with.
"Aren't you mad at us for destroying your stand?" Luz asked. King jumped up and down excitedly. "Ooh, and destroying his life! That was the best part!" He said. Hazel placed her hands in her pockets, staring quietly down at Tibbles. She was suspicious of his behaviour.
Tibbles shook his head, a wide grin on his face. "No, no, no. I should thank you. After my stand was destroyed, I reevaluated my life and found my true calling! I'm now ringmaster of..." he wandered over to a stand, pulling out a whip from behind his back and snapping it as he gestured to the stand. "Tibbles's Tent of Tiny Terrors!" He announced.
Luz and Hazel approached the terrarium containing tiny unicorns, a tiny manticore, and a tiny griffin. The human took a closer look at them. "Aww. it's like a regular circus but adorably small!" She exclaimed. The griffin hissed at them, and Hazel tilted her head curiously. "Strange. I've never heard of a tiny griffin. What species are these?" She asked Tibbles curiously. Tibbles chuckled. "Oh, dear child, they're a rare species known as mini gryphes, all the way from, uh, the other side of the Boiling Isles!"
The witchling squinted suspiciously at him, but didn't say anything else since Luz pressed her face against the glass. "You're my friends now."
Eda didn't seem to like what Tibbles was saying, either. "I don't buy it." Making Owlbert disappear, she crossed her arms. "What kind of con are you running?"
Tibbles smiled up at her innocently. "No cons here, Owl Lady, only pros. In fact, why don't we toast our newfound friendship with this totally innocent bottle of water." He said, pulling out a potion.
Hazel growled lowly at the demon, which Luz responded to by grabbing her arm to calm her down. King gave the duo an odd look, before returning his attention back to Eda.
Eda took the potion from Tibbles. "Oh yeah, sure!" She said sarcastically, about to chug the liquid down. "Why don't I just-"
Throwing the bottle away, she turned back to Tibbles. The bottle landed on a passerby's head, who Hazel recognised as the Oracle Teacher, knocking them on their back. "I'm okay!"
"I know poison when I see it; you can't scam a scammer!" She said matter-of-factly, pointing accusingly at Tibbles. Hazel let out a sigh of relief, as Eda wandered over to a nearby stand. "Now speaking of scams..." the witch continued. She knocks the vendors stuff to the ground. "Beat it loser!"
The vendor, another teacher from Hexside, scurried off. Eda grinned, jumping over the stand table and turned to the crowd. "Step right up to..." drawing a spell circle, she transforms the stand. "Eda's Human Horror House! Humans shed their skin and I've got proof." She announced, pulling out fishnet stockings and showing the people surrounding her.
"You should really put a lock on your closet." King said, as the three kids stared at Eda. Hazel nodded in agreement. "Exactly what I was thinking." She muttered. Luz shrugged. "You know what, Eda can pick through my socks all she wants. Because today is all about having a great time with my partners in crime." She said, pulling Hazel and King into a hug. King giggled. "That's us! We love crime!"
The three laugh, as King climbs onto Hazel's shoulder, nestling in her hoodie as they walk off.
Meanwhile, none of them noticed Tibbles disappearing into his tent. "Have a good time, friends." He called out, before disappearing into the shadows. "While it lasts." He whispered menacingly. Inside the tent, he pulled out two posters. One was of Eda the Owl Lady, but the other was brand new. It had a horrifying basilisk demon, with brown hair, purple pupils and white spots on its cheeks. Unlike the many basilisks he'd heard about, this one seemed to be half witch. The prize money was 1000, 000 snails.
"Such an impressive price for a demon. And I may have just found them." He giggled maniacally.

Hazel, Luz and King walked by many attractions. Luz was grinning widely. "Now this is my kind of weird! So what do you guys wanna do first? We could brave the molar coaster-" she gestured to a roller coaster ride in the shape of teeth. "-or eat a mysterious blob..." she pointed to a poster with a picture of a witchlings looking at a piece of fried food in disgust and fear. It read "Eat the Fried Orb!"
King scurried off of Hazel's shoulder, heading toward a stand. "Ooh, what's that?" He asked excitedly. The two girls followed him to a prize booth. The owner was resting on the stand tiredly, as the small demon wandered over to some objects on display. "Ah! Some kind of deadly string weapon." He said, picking up one of the three pieces.
Hazel looked at it as well. "It looks so weird...what is it supposed to be? A form of self defence?"
Luz giggled, placing a hand on King's head. "No, sillies. That's a friendship bracelet." She explained. King was still confused. "Is that a type of weapon?" he asked hopefully. The human grinned. "A weapon of love!" She said. Hazel tilted her head, right at that moment King did too. "I don't get it..." the confused witchling stated.
Luz grabbed the three pieces of jewellery and puts them together, forming a heart. "It's basically a declaration to the whole world that you're the best of friends." She said.
The two demons before her perked up, excited. "Ooh! That's way safer than becoming blood brothers! Luz! Hazel! We must have those bracelets!" King yelled.
The prize vendor leaned over the booth, snatching the pieces of jewellery from Luz. "And yoink. Sorry, ma'am's. If your bone son wants these bracelets you'll have to play the games and win the tickets. You know, carnival rules." The vendor told them.
King grabbed onto Luz's shorts like a child, tugging at them to get her attention. "Beat up the man and steal his things for me." He demanded. The human merely rolled her eyes, smiling down at him. "Or let's just play the games." She said. King placed a hand on his chin. "Oh, okay."
With that, the three giggled as they walked away, chanting. "Games! Games! Games! Games!"
In front of the House of Death tent, Hazel and Luz noticed two familiar figures walking toward them. Luz gasped. "Friends!" She said excitedly, bringing Willow and Gus into a hug.
Hazel stood to the side, until Willow grabbed her hand, pulling her in too. "C'mere!"
The demon chuckled, as the three continued to hug. Finally, they broke apart, allowing Hazel to breath.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't think I'd see carniv-ya'll here." Luz said, pointing finger-guns at her two best friends. They were silent for a few seconds, until Gus gave her a thumbs down. "Boo."
"I got an invitation from Tibbles." Willow explained, waving around her postcard. It read "Come to the Carnival! To: You other two".
"We figured it's a trap since we squashed his stand with a walking house." Gus chuckled. Willow grinned. "But who cares? This place has a Scarris wheel!" She squealed. Gus grinned too. "It's like a human Ferris wheel but it gives you long-lasting nightmares." he explained.
Hazel's eyes widened, as she started stimming, waving her hands around excitedly. "Ferris wheel? Scarris wheel?! I wanna go!" She said.
"Yes! This mama is ready for trauma!" The human yelled, striking a pose. Hearing an "ahem" behind them, the two girls looked down to King, who was staring up at them. Luz remembered her promise. "Oh, yeah. We're on a very important quest to win a special prize for King." The human stated.
Willow perked up at this. "Oh! We can help with that." She said. Gus knelt down toward King, waving his finger at the small demon. "Aw. Does the little guy wanna win a prize? Aw, does he?" He cooed. King whacked his hand away. "Nyeh!"
Luz liked the idea, as she turned to King. "What do you think, King? The more the merrier, huh?" She asked. Hazel stood between Willow and Gus, placing a hand on each of their shoulders as she looked down at King. "Please?" She asked nicely.
King fiddled with his thumbs. "Um, sure. Whatever you want, guys." He finally answered, looking to the ground sadly. Neither of the kids noticed, as they cheered. "All right. Approval!"
The four ran ahead, leaving King behind. King tries to keep up with them, but trips.

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