The Owl House & Amphibia Crossover

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A/N: This roughly takes place during season 2A of ToH, and sometime in season 2 of Amphibia. Sorry if my characters seem, well, out of character lol. I haven't written Hazel in a while.

Major spoilers for both shows and my books.

(In the Boiling Isles...)

In the woods near the Owl House, Luz has placed a myriad of magical objects on the ground in front of her, and paces while reading Philip's journal. She's trying to open a portal to Earth. Hazel curiously looks over her shoulder, while Eda "supervises" the human. Aka, drinking a lot of apple blood.

Luz stands, looking down at what she set up with a satisfied nod. "Okay! Attempt number 23! I have a good feeling about this one." She says. She turns to Hazel and Eda with a smile. "Thanks again for agreeing to help, guys."
Hazel smiles back. "Hey, no problem! Always happy to help my favourite sister!" She says, poking the humans cheek. Luz giggles, as Eda waves the human off.
"Ah, don't mention it, Kiddo. But if you wanted my help, you should have mentioned something two apple bloods ago." She says, looking at her half-empty mug.

Luz places a hand on Eda's shoulder, eyes shining with adoration. "Your very presence is help enough." She whispers out in admiration. Hazel giggles at her friend, as Eda looks down at the human. Luz has been staring for a little too long.
"Cute, but creepy..." she states, removing Luz's hand from her shoulder. " Hooty when he was a kitten."

Hazel nods, thinking over what the Owl Lady said. Before her eyes widen in shock, whipping around to face their mentor. "Wait! Hooty was a-"
"So, what do we got here?" Eda cuts off the basilisk, looking down at Luz's magical masterpiece. Hazel blinks in surprise. "We gotta talk about this! Do you have pictures of him!? I wanna see!" She cries out. Both Eda and Luz ignore her, as the human looks at Philip's journal. The basilisk gives up, letting out a frustrated sigh as she listens to the human.

"We've got a spell that has a VERY slim chance of working. But, if it does, it might get me back to the Human Realm." She explains. Eda grins, throwing out her arms in excitement and nearly spilling her apple blood. "Well, hot Titan toes! What're we waiting for? Pull the trigger!"

"We have to be very careful." Luz explains, looking up from Philips journal. "This spell is unstable and-Eda!"
Eda had already activated the spell. She looks up at Luz and Hazel's shocked expressions. "Again, probably should have said something two apple bloods ago."
"Oh, shoot!"
"Aw, nuts!"

In a bright flash of light, there's a rift between time and space. In front of the dazed trio, swirls a shining portal to...


(Somewhere in Amphibia...)

Deep in the Wartwood Swamp, the Plantar family and their two human companions, Anne and Jean, are hunting for ingredients. Flossie, too energetic to walk with the rest of the group, scurried around and looked at the vegetation and small critters they would occasionally come across. But she never wandered off too far.

Sprig sat on Jean's shoulders, looking bored as he rests his head on top of hers. Polly was in her arms, the same bored expression on her face. The older teen didn't mind holding the young Plantars. They had been out most of the day, and were getting tired.

Hop Pop, who was leading the gang, turned to the kids. "Wait till you kids taste this Swamp Soufflé. It only tastes slightly worse than it smells." He tries reasoning. The kids groan at this, obviously not looking forward to another one of Hop Pop's ancient recipes.
"I still think we should have ordered takeout from Stumpy's." Anne says flatly. Sprig nods, leaning over Jean's head. "They do Grub Satay now!" He adds.

However, Flossie was ecstatic.
"Heck yeah! I'm ready to taste this Swamp Soufflé!" She pumps. Polly turns to her, a blank expression on her face. "You do realise that the recipe's from Hop Pop's ancient book, right? I wouldn't get too excited over anything from that old thing." She states, ignoring Hop Pop's offended "hey!".

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