The First Day

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"No! Leave me alone!" Hazel hissed. She was in her cage, each wrist chained down. One of the guards used a spell to electrocute her. "Quiet, you!"
Hazel whimpered in pain as the second guard stepped forward, carrying a tagger that they'd already used on the other Basilisk's. As they were reaching for her tail, the Warden stopped them. "The Emperor wants this one's tag on her left ear."
The guard paused, before reaching further into the cage. Hazel panicked. "GO AWAY!" She screeched. Biting the guard, she drained his magic from him. He let out a terrified scream, slowly becoming weaker and weaker.

"I didn't want to hurt anyone."

Hazel felt more and more sick as she continued to drain his magic. She finally let go, slouching over as if she was going to puke. It was too much.
The Warden watched in curiosity, summoning a clipboard as he wrote something down. " looks like it's body can't handle taking the magic from living creatures."

"I'm sorry."

Hazel couldn't take it anymore, and she immediately vomited. All the magic she drained from the guard returned, and he stood up shakily. "I'm not doing that again!" he yelled. He tossed the tagging gadget to the second guard. "You do it!"
"I'm not doing it! It's your job!" The guard interjected. The Warden growled. "Just give it here already!" He yelled.
Snatching the human-like device from the guard, he reached into the weak Basilisk's cage, grabbing her ear roughly and pressing the sharpened rod down into her flesh. Hazel shrieked in pain, thrashing around in her cage as she struggled to break free.
When the Warden was finished, he let the Basilisk go, and the demon retreated to the farthest part of the cage, gently cupping her ear.

Hazel woke up in a cold sweat. She was lying face first on one of the desks in her potions classroom.
Rubbing her face in frustration, she let out a sigh. "Why can't I just forget?" She whimpered, tracing her fingers lightly over the earring on her left ear.
"I promised I wouldn't do it again.
I just want to be that too much to ask?"

Hazel, Willow, and Gus were waiting for their human friend to arrive. She'd passed the entrance exam a few days ago, and was officially joining today.
Gus was jumping up and down in excitement, searching the surrounding crowds for the human. "I can't believe it! Luz is actually gonna be coming to Hexside with us! This time without being in disguise." Willow chuckled. "Yeah, but I hope the Emperor Coven's Inspector doesn't start picking on her and give Hexside a bad name." She said.
Hazel whipped her head round to face the witchling. "Emperor's coven? Inspector?! Since when!?" She squeaked out.
Willow tilts her head, confused by Hazel's startled reaction. "We have one every year, don't you remember?" she asked curiously. Realising her mistake, Hazel chuckled nervously, realising both her best friends were giving her odd looks. "Of course I do! I just...didn't realise it was today."
There was an awkward silence, as Hazel began to sweat nervously. Laughing unusually loudly, Hazel pointed to the approaching human wearing a light grey uniform. "Luz is here!"
The two witchlings turned to Luz, wide grins on their faces as they forgot about the strange exchange. "Luz!" They yelled in unison.
"Hello, fellow Hexoleos!" Luz said excitedly. Willow chuckled, striking a pose. "Hello, classmate!' she winked. Hazel let a genuine smile rest on her face. "Welcome to Hexside!" she greeted, stretching her arms above her head like a showman.
Gus cast a spell circle. "You did it, Luz!" He cheered, summoning letters reading out "BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME!" Willow and Hazel glared at the witchling, as he chuckled nervously. "Sorry, I was, uh, covering all my bases."
Willow shook her head, turning to face Luz and gesturing to the nine banners surrounding the school. "So, do you know who those witches are? Those are the heads of the main nine covens. each one excelled at a magic school like Glandus, St. Epiderm, and, of course, Hexside. Are you prepared to enter these hallowed halls?" She asked the human.
Luz thought for a minute, looking up at the banners. "Hmm, that's what I'm gonna go figure out right now." She announced, walking inside the large building. "See you on the other side, friends!" She called.
Gus, Willow and Hazel waved her off. "See you later, Luz." Gus said, summoning more words spelling out "GOODBYE FOREVER!" Willow and Hazel glared at him again. "You know what? I'm uh, I'ma just get rid of these."

Hazel was in her classroom, awaiting for the teacher. Boscha was being a pain, as usual. Finally, the teacher stepped inside, Luz not too far behind in a yellow uniform. The human smiled at her friend, moving over to sit next to her. As the teacher began the class, Hazel leaned over to whisper in Luz's ear. "I thought you were going to do a few tracks. What happened?" She asked. Luz sighed. "Principal Bump said I needed to hocus-focus. But it's okay! I can live with stirring of potions together for the rest of my life! I'm with you, after all!" She insisted.
Hazel eyed the human as the teacher went on to say they were learning fog brews again. "Luz, the potions track isn't fun. I only came here because I wanted to learn without using actual magic. But the things they teach in this class aren't great. You can't even learn to defend yourself! And you still need magic to learn most of this stuff. I'm lucky that I haven't been failing. I want to do multiple tracks like you, but I'm too nervous about asking Principal Bump."
The human listened to Hazel rant. When the witchling realised that she was rambling on, she stopped. "I-sorry, Luz. I'm...kinda sick of this track."
Luz smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her friends shoulder as they got their equipment out for the day. "Hey, it's ok. It's good to let your feelings out! But I am kinda bummed about the whole "not learning what you want" thing too."
Before Hazel could say anything else, an explosion came from outside. The human and Hazel looked out the window to see that Willow and another student, Selene, are facing off. Selene grabs a crystal ball, out of which pops a mummy-like ghost. Luz gasped. "The Oracle Track!" she exclaimed. Hazel pressed herself up against the glass, watching in awe as Willow traces a spell circle that she slams on the ground. A carnivorous plant grows out of the ground and hisses.
"The Plant Track." The demon whispered, watching the plant and the ghost battle. Neither of the two girls noticed yellow smoke rise from Luz's cauldron, taking over most of the room.
The two girls spin around, and Luz apologises and continues to stir her cauldron, as the teacher walks off.

The bell went off, a small dinging sound this time. Luz and Hazel walked out of their class. The human stretched her arm, rotating her shoulder. "Ooh boy! Stirring is the pits." She stated. Hazel chuckled. "You get used to it."
Pulling out her list, Luz asked, "What else is on the schedule for today?"
The reading list said "Potions for beginners, potions in motion, potions (again), still potions, potions till you die, potions after death".
Hazel cringed at the list. "Is that really what 've been doing this entire time?" She asked out loud. Luz groaned tiredly, as she swayed her arm. "Oh, man! I'm sorry, elbow!"
The two look up to see Selene placing the crystal ball she had used in the battle back in a closet. After she leaves, Hazel and Luz just stare at it.
Luz was mumbling something under her breath, and Hazel barely had the time to catch the words, "Maybe it can show me if I'm on the right track..."
She turned to her friend, eyes wide. "Luz, please don't touch it! I know it's tempting, but it isn't forth getting in trouble from Bump. C'mon, we're gonna be late for our next class." She began walking away, only to realise that Luz wasn't beside her.
Looking back, she noticed Luz grabbing the crystal ball. The demon panicked, rushing back over and grabbed the ball from her. "Luz! We're gonna get caught!"
At that moment, the spirit comes out of the crystal ball. "You two will be in trouble very soon." It whispered. Luz was amazed at first. Before realising what the spirit said. "Wait, what'd you say?"
Hazel stared up at the shadowy figure towering over them. Principal Bump had caught them.

The two students were being dragged by Principal Bump through the halls of Hexside. Luz struggled against his grasp, while Hazel followed closely behind, not wanting to be in anymore trouble.
"But we weren't studying other subjects!" Luz whined. Thinking quickly, she pulls out her potion from her pocket. "Fog brew!" Tossing it to the ground, she glared at it when it didn't work. "Yeah. I figured that wouldn't work." she grumbled. Principal Bump continued to drag them away, when Hazel noticed King pop out of a nearby trash can. "Luz? What is King doing here?" She asked quietly. Luz gasped, turning to face the smaller demon. "King! Vouch for my character!" She yelled.
King looked up at them. "Uh, right! I don't know you!" He winked. Luz glared at him, until Principal Bump pulled them into a classroom with bars on the door.
The principal shoves the two girls inside, and Hazel looked around in curiosity. There was a teacher inside, plus three students, all wearing a grey uniform. "What is this place" Luz asked fearfully. Principal Bump cast a spell circle. "This is a place where all troublemakers go." He explained, as Luz's and Hazel's sleeves and leggings turn into a dark grey. "Detention track."
Luz gasped, before dramatically screaming, "Noooooo!"
Hazel thought for a minute. "Detention track? But this is impossible. I thought that-"
Principal Bump cut her off. "Yes. Actual detention still needs...repairs. In the meantime, I am keeping all troublemakers far away from the eyes of the inspector."
Luz gasped. "But Hazel doesn't deserve to be here! I'm the one who used the crystal ball!" She insisted. Bump waved her off. "Hazel was caught holding the crystal ball. She'll be punished as well. You two may try for a new track next year." He said, walking out the door.
Hazel began to fiddle with her uniform skirt, as Luz reached out to the principal in vain. "But I'll be back in the human world by then!" She called. Principal Bump shrugged. "Maybe you'll do better in a human school." he declared.
Luz looked hurt as the door closes, and Hazel placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Uh... it's fine, it'll be ok! Maybe we can try and convince him to change his mind later when the inspection is over."
Hearing the teacher clear his throat, the two students turned to look back at everyone in the room. Luz smiled awkwardly as she sits at a nearby desk, Hazel sitting beside her. "Hello, fellow detentioners. Room for two more?" Luz asked. None of the students spoke, and Luz fiddled her thumbs as she looked around the room awkwardly. Turning back to the girl beside her, she smiled. "I like the little spikes in your hair." she commented.
"Hey! You all better be quiet, unless you want to scrub the classroom again." the teacher snapped. Hazel leaned back in her seat, trying to draw as little attention to herself as she could.
Luz stood up. "Hey, don't blame any of them. i'm the one that started talking." She said. The teacher rolled his eyes. "Oh hurray. A hero." He drawled, casting a spell circle. A mop and bucket appear in Luz's hands, and she walks off to another part of the room. "Aw, farts."

A few minutes later, the teacher had passed out. He was snoozing away, and Hazel has pulled out the notepad Luz had given her on the Knee, practising perfecting her glyphs.
Feeling a light tap on her shoulder, she glanced up to find one of the students, Jerbo, gesturing for her to follow him. Barcus was standing at the chalk board, drawing a square onto it.
Glancing around to Luz, she spotted her talking to someone on the other side of the window. Getting up from her chair, she followed the student.
Barcus had finished drawing the square with a lock in the centre. Placing the chalk on the lock, he turned it like it was a key. Hazel watched in amazement as a small door swing open, revealing a passageway.
The two detention students climbed in, and Hazel followed closely behind. "What is this place?" She asked as soon as the door closed. Jerbo kept walking, Barcus beside him. Hazel quickly followed after them, watching them disappear behind a door with a sign that read "KEEP OUT!". But upon opening the door, she gasped at the sight of the tower-like room with a spiralling ramp. There were hundreds of doors covering the walls, floor, and ceiling. The two students, Jerbo and Barcus, were no where to be found. "Uh...hello?" The demon called out anxiously, looking around the room.
"Jerbo and Barcus will be hiding." A voice explained. Hazel almost jumped out of her skin, some large white spots appearing on her cheeks for a split second before she calmed herself down. Turning around, she found Luz and the last detention track student, Viney, standing by the entrance. Viney grinned at her. "My name's Viney. What's yours?" she asked. Hazel stuttered. "I-i'm Hazel. What is this place? Why are we here?" She asked curiously.
Viney winked at Luz and Hazel. "You two are one of us troublemakers now, so you get special access to the Secret Room of Shortcuts!" The witchling explained. Luz gasped excitedly at the sight. "Whoa!"
"Hey Jerbo! Barcus! You can stop hiding now!" Viney called out. One of the doors opened, and Jerbo poked his head out, Barcus not too far behind. "How do we know they're cool, man? How do we know she won't turn us in?" he interrigated. Turning to Barcus, he asked, "What do you think?"
Barcus barked, then growled a tiny bit. Jerbo moved further into the room. "Barcus says the human's aura is strong and silly, like a baby's laughter. But the witchling's aura is grey and secretive. What are you hiding?" He hissed. Hazel's eyes widened, as she stumbled for a reply. "I-i, uh-"
"Oh, you mean Hazel? She's cool! She's helped me out a LOT of times! She wouldn't hurt a fly!" Luz laughed, pulling Hazel into a side hug. Hazel was quiet as Barcus barked again. "Hmm...Barcus says that your aura doesn't seem evil or threatening in any way...Welcome!!" Jerbo translated.
Luz squealed excitedly. "Aah! I love secret rooms! Where do the doors go?" She asked, moving to the wall and opening a door. Hazel noticed Amity was pacing on the other side.
Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she turned to see Viney standing beside her with a serious face. "So, who'd you kill?" She asked in a serious tone. Hazel tilted her head, confused. "H-huh?"
Viney burst into laughter. "You guys are fun to mess with. By the way, I love your earring, where'd you get it?" She asked.

Pain. The piece of metal piercing through her ear as blood dripped down the Warden's hand. Hazel's animalistic shrieks as she struggled to break free from the strong witch's grasp.
Finally, the screams of the guard from the unexpected attack rang through out her skull at the horrid memory.

Hazel reached up to feel her earring, face darkening as she looks away. "I...don't wanna talk about it." She mumbled. Viney raised her eyebrow at the statement, before shrugging. "Hey, it's cool. Sorry if I struck a nerve there."
Hazel smiled. "No, it's fine. It's not your fault."
To make things less awkward between them, Viney began to explain what the room was.
"This place connects the different parts of the school. We found it after being thrown in the detention track. The witches who made this are known as..." she gestures to a portrait hanging on the wall. The two faces were covered with graffiti and signatures. "the Lord Calamity Duo."
Jerbo walked over, pointing at their names. "They started this troublemaker wall and we added our names in their honor." He stated.
Luz followed Viney as the walked to the centre of the room. "This place is amazing. I bet you guys can get into so much trouble in here." The human said. Viney chuckled at her statement. "Sure, we can, but we can also do so much more." She pointed up at Barcus, who was listening in on an Oracle class. Luz and hazel walked up the ramp and watch with him.
"Remember, seeing the end of a life is the beginning of reading a fortune. We have to work backwards from it to see the truth." The teacher said, folding a fortune teller. Barcus copies her, as Hazel watched in wonder. She eventually had to be held back by Luz so as not to be seen.
Jerbo and Viney sat on the ground, and the two students went to join them. "We aren't allowed to study any kind of magic, so we study every kind of magic in secret." Viney continued. Luz gasped. "You actually liked school?" she asked curiously.
Viney chuckled. "Yeah, we might have liked it too much."
"I tried mixing Plant magic with abominations." Jerbo explained. "Bump was not thrilled. Barcus makes potions with oracle magic."
"Mixing healing magic and beast keeping was slightly unconventional. But Puddles was a great assistant, dang it!" Viney complained. "We all want to be in more than one coven track! But Bump just says we need to focus.: she sighed.
Hazel and Luz frowned. "Sounds like Bump's priorities are out of whack." Luz stated. Viney smiled. "I'm glad you two are with us. You've made a great first impression, Luz."
Pulling out a marker, Viney held it up for the two girls. "Would you two like to add your name to the troublemaker wall?"
Luz gasped, reaching for the marker, when a familiar voice floated through the wall. "Luz? Hazel? We're here to get you out of that horrible class."
Hazel recognised the voice as Willow. Everyone turned to the two, confused. Luz laughed nervously. "Eh, they're probably looking for some other Luz and Hazel." she said. Viney didnt believe her, standing up and peeking through the main entrance. Hazel followed her gaze to see Willow and Gus inside the detention track classroom, looking around for them.
Willow was whistling for their attention. "Maybe they already booked it? Luz did say they were better than this place."Gus said.
Viney closed the door quietly. "Oh. You think you're better than us?" She asked, hurt. Luz looked guiltily at the witchling. "No, no, it's not like that. I just didn't think i deserved-i mean, none of us deserve-"
"Jacques!" Jerbo snapped. "I should've known you'd look down on us. Everyone else does." He mumbled. Barcus sneezed, translating, "You BOTH have aura's of lies."
Hazel fiddled with her skirt for the second time that day, standing by quietly. What could she say?
Viney sighed. "It's fine, i just...I thought someone finally understood us. But, maybe you should just leave." she said, gesturing to the door. "Both of you." She added much more quietly.
Barcus and Jerbo gasp, while Luz looked down in shame. "I understand." She mumbled.
Hazel followed Luz out through the door they first walked into. Willow and Gus were waiting on the other side, and when Luz opened the door, Willow looked up happily at the wall. "Thank you, walls!"
"Hey, guys." Luz muttered, slumping onto the floor face first. Hazel climbed through after her, rubbing her arm awkwardly.

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