Seperate Tides

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A/N: Hey, look! Hazel and the crew are back! I was originally gonna start this when season 2 of my Amphibia au was over, but...that would've taken too long...

SO! Instead, I'm gonna be doing one of these chapters and then 2 chapters of the Amphibia au.
In advance, sorry if Hazel seems out of character. It's been a few months since the last chapter iohsdkjmb

Update: I started writing this before the crossover episode.

Tbh I didnt like the way I was writing Hazel in some parts, since it didn't really sound like "Hazel" anymore. I never imagined Hazel being this aggressive, angry or cold (I blame the hiatus gap lmao).


Luz held a ball of light in one hand, and the Owl Staff in the other as she walked through a dark cave. Hearing a deep cackle, the human gasps, stopping as she sees a large, ominous shadow on the wall in front of her.
"Foolish child. Leave this place, before you meet your demise!" The voice boomed. Holding the Owl Staff tighter in her grasp, the human glares up in determination at the figure.
"Do not underestimate me, Garlog. For I am the good witch, Luz. Hunter of monsters." She stands there a moment, letting the wind blow her hair dramatically. Hearing a cough coming from behind her, Luz turns to look back at Hazel, who revealed herself from the darkness by holding another ball of light up to her face.

The young basilisk was hidden in her usual disguise, and wore a dark blue, medium-sleeve (that what it called?? idfk) and black tights. A grey belt/waistband wrapped around her waist while the hem (??) of her sleeves and shirt were decorated with white dots. She wore her finger-less gloves to protect herself from the magic glyph burns.

Garlog and Luz stare at Hazel for a moment. Realising she was interrupting the humans speech, she chuckled nervously. "Oh! Sorry, sorry! You keep doing what you're doing." She said awkwardly, taking a step back. Luz gave her a grin. "No, no, it's fine! Just took me by surprise was all." She explained. Turning back to the figure, she places the Owl Staff on her shoulder like a bazooka. "NOW EAT THIS SUCKA-what?" The human trailed off as she looked behind a rock to see....a tiny demon standing beside a lantern.

Realising he'd been caught out, he attempted to escape. He was quickly caught by Hazel, who held him up as he let out an angry squeak. "You're Garlog?" She questions.
Luz brought out his wanted poster, depicting him as being much larger and worth 4,000 snails, compared to the real thing. She grimaces. "This is pathetic."
Hazel looks at the snail price. "Lucky..."

Garlog growls up at the two girls holding him hostage. "Small I may be, but you will soon know fear when I lay waste to all that you-"

Hazel let out a yelp as King cut the demon off by eating him whole. Luz scowls at the young demon, as Hazel drops them. "King, drop it now. Drop it now!" She orders. King scurries off, and the human chases after him. "Drop it! No! I'm not gonna play right now! KING! Hazel, help me!"
With a sigh, the basilisk chases after the human and the dog-like demon.


Back at the Owl House, Luz places the bottle Garlog had been stuffed inside on her beside table. Giving him a boop, she sets up her phone camera. She waves warmly.
"Hola, Mama! You haven't heard from me in a while. It's been a week and a half since the petrification ceremony. A week and a half since I destroyed the portal home." She pauses, pulling a face.

"I had to! Emperor Belos was going to kill Eda if I didn't hand it over. But I couldn't let him use it, so I blew it up with some magic fire...She's not gonna understand any of this." The human mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose. "That's okay, Luz. Just keep moving forward."

"This world is filled with inexplicable magical wonders, like this portal key!" Pulling out the item in question, she shows it off to the camera. "I don't know if it contains magic, but I'm gonna study all I can, and find a way back to you."

Pausing once more, she lifts up her leg, revealing King to be holding on to her for dear life. "A-and look! I have friends to help me!" She says reassuringly. King glares at Luz.
"I'm never letting you go! You're never returning to the human realm!" He cries out. Luz chuckles awkwardly, going to turn the phone off. "He doesn't mean that."
"Yes I do!"

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