Where My Demons Hide

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Hazel and Luz were sitting on the ground, watching Mewtube on Luz's phone. The two giggled hysterically as the human showed her demon friend funny cat videos.
King was napping on the couch, sleeping peacefully, while Eda was busy sorting through her human garbage. Hooty was dancing around the room for some odd reason, but Hazel didn't mind.
She was happy. She felt safe. Closing her eyes, she sighed.
Hearing a knock on the door, Hazel opened her eyes. Looking around in confusion, she saw the scenery had changed. The Owl House and its inhabitants were no where in sight. All that surrounded her was a black void. The demon stood up, searching anxiously for anyone. "Eda? Luz? King? ....Hooty?"
Another knock came, causing Hazel to jump. Turning around, she found the door still there. The only thing standing out from the darkness.
Taking a step toward the door, she hesitantly reached out for the door. The smell of metal and smoke filled her nostrils, and she hesitated.
Finally, she grabbed the handle, yanking the door open. In the doorway, stood the Warden.
Hazel began to shake, backing away from the door. "No, no, no, no...."
Her back hit a wall, and feeling something wrapping around her wrists, she looked down to see familiar chains holding her in place. Her panic began to rise. "Wait-NO!"
The demon pulled at the chains, trying to break free. Metal bars appeared out of thin air, as Hazel tried running away. "LET ME OUT!"
Seeing flashing lights play out before her, Hazel glanced around the room. Her panic and guilt shot through the roof when she noticed the familiar figures of basilisks. They were being tortured, screaming for help. The Warden stood in front of it all, glaring her down.
Hazel began to heave. "NO! Leave them alone!" She screamed, choking back her sobs.
The basilisk's forms began to change shape. Hazel watched in horror as Luz, Eda and King appeared amongst the tortured souls. They were begging for her to help them, yet all Hazel could do was watch helplessly.
Hazel was sobbing, banging on the bars in vain. "Please, stop! Y-YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO THEM!"
A chilling cackle rang throughout the room, loud over the screams of the Owl House inhabitants. Hazel shivered at the unknown voice. Feeling a shadow being cast over her, the demon tore her eyes away to look at the figure towering over her. A familiar golden mask with blue, glowing eyes stared down at her, his robe ghostly white compared to the darkness surrounding her.
"It's time to come home, Hannah."

"....zel! Hazel, wake up!"
Hazel's eyes snapped open, and she jolted up, hitting her head on the person that was towering over her. They both let out a yelp, falling back as they clutched their heads.
"Hazel? I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have been leaning so close."
Hazel, holding her head in pain, opened her eyes to see Luz holding her own head, King standing beside her worriedly. "L-luz? What are you doing?" Looking up to the window, Hazel rubbed her eyes. "It's not even light yet. Why did you wake me? Not that I'm complaining." She added hurriedly. Luz, finally taking her hand off her head, looked at her friend anxiously. "You were talking and crying in your sleep. It seemed like you were having a nightmare. Are you okay?" She asked.
The demon was silent for a moment. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." She finally muttered out. Laying back down, she turned away from the small demon and the human. "Let's just go back to sleep."
Hazel only heard silence from Luz for a few minutes. Finally, she heard the shuffling of Luz's bed covers, as she laid back down.
Feeling something curling up to her back, the demon turned her head to find King already fast asleep against her. She sighed, turning to lie on her back as she stared up at the dark ceiling.

Luz made her way into the living room. Hazel was still sleeping, and the human wanted to keep it that way for a little while longer.
Eda was already in the kitchen drinking her apple blood, a flier in hand. "Good morning, Eda." The human said. Eda turned her attention to the young girl. "Hey kiddo. Where's the other one?" She asked. Luz gestured behind her. "Still sleeping. She didn't sleep well last night..." she stated. Eda raised a brow.
"Really? From how early she went to bed last night she should've gotten a good nights rest." She queried. Luz rubbed her arm anxiously, remembering the whimpers she'd heard from the basilisk the night previously. "Yeah...Eda, can Hazel stay home today?"
The Owl Lady took a sip from her apple blood, sighing as she eyed down the human. "Why? What happened?" She asked.
Sighing, Luz sat down on the chair opposite of Eda. "You see, last night King and I woke up to Hazel's...sleep talking. We think she's been having nightmares."
Eda hummed in thought, holding the cup of her morning beverage up to her lips as she thought. "And you want her to try and catch up on some sleep today." She finished. Luz nodded. The witch sighed. "Fine. As long as she doesn't sleep ALL day." She muttered. Luz smiled. "Thanks, Eda."
Eda waved her off. "Eh, it's only for today. How bad can it be?"

Hazel groaned, sitting up from her mattress. Rubbing her sleepy eyes, she glanced around the room. King was still laying beside her, fast asleep. But Luz was no where to be found.
Looking out the window, she found the sunlight of late morning shining through the window. Hurriedly getting up, she quietly made her way into the dining room. The human was no where in sight. Eda was trying to cook something in the kitchen.
"Oh, morning kid. Geez, didn't think what Luz said was serious." The Owl Lady chuckled as she greeted the demon. Hazel looked around once more. "Morning Eda. Where's Luz?" She questioned.
"Oh, she went to school. Luz figured you'd need more sleep, so she asked me to let you stay for today. Don't get too comfortable with the idea, though." She replied. Hazel nodded, looking away from Eda. "Oh. O-okay. I-I'll be in our room doing school work if you need me." She finally said, making her way back to the room.
Eda watched her go, brows furrowing in concern. Hazel was still in her witchling disguise, which confused her. Her mind wandered to her conversation with Luz. The nightmares. Was it that serious?
Should she be trying harder to make Hazel feel more comfortable?
The witch let out a yawn, her eyelids drooping as she cast a spell to keep the spoon stirring while she did something else. All the while, thinking about what she could do to let Hazel be more open and be herself.

The demon sat on the ground, rolling the pencil between her fingertips. King had gone out into the kitchen with Eda, most likely keeping her company.
Hazel couldn't sleep, and she couldn't concentrate. Last night's nightmare was still fresh in her mind. The screams of the other basilisks were still wringing in her ears, making her gut wrench in guilt.
And when they changed to Eda, Luz and King? It was horrifying.
Worst of all was the voice. That horrid, sickening voice, that felt so real, calling her by that name. "Hannah".
Groaning, the basilisk flopped onto her back, hitting her bed behind her. She lay there a few minutes, staring up at the ceiling as she tried to forget the nightmare.
A loud groan came from the dining room, followed by a loud, demonic screech. Hazel sat up slowly, turning her attention to the closed door. That sounded familiar....
All of a sudden, King rushed into the room, slamming the door behind him as he hurried toward Hazel. "Hazel! Boy, am I glad that you're still here!"
The basilisk quickly stood up. "What is it? What's going on?" She asked. King clung to her leg, trying to drag her further into the room. "We have to hide! Eda's turned into-"
Another shriek sounded out, this time much closer. Sounds of things smashing came down the hallway. Hazel swiftly picked up King, rushing to the closet and closing the door. She hugged him tightly as the Owl Beast smashed down her door, stalking around the room. After looking around for a moment and seeing no sign of life, it flew back out the door, crashing into more objects.
The two demons let out sighs of relief neither had realised they'd been holding in. Hazel let King go. "Eda?" She asked. King nodded his head, before his eyes widened in surprise. "Wait, how did you know?" He asked suspiciously. Hazel chuckled.
"Don't you remember? I helped you get to the animal control cart when Eda was captured as the Owl beast. She made me promise not to tell anyone." She explained. King scratched his head in thought. "Huh."
Hazel stood up, slowly opening the closet door. "So, how do we get Eda back?" She asked. King peeked out the door. "We need to get her to drink her elixir. Last time Luz and I used a giant light glyph to knock her out." He stated. Hazel hummed in thought. Hearing a growl, the two ducked back into the closet. The Owl beast scurried by the room once again.
"Alright. King, do you know where the elixir is kept?" The basilisk asked. King nodded. "I think so. Hopefully she hasn't moved it from the last time..." he muttered the last part. Hazel squinted as she watched the Owl beast's shadow loom in the living room. "While you get the elixir, I'll draw a light glyph on the floor in here. We'll lure her in, and activate the glyph. Okay?"
King nodded once more, and when they made sure Eda wasn't watching, Hazel and King got to work.

Hazel hurriedly pushed aside as many objects as she could. Picking up her pencil, she traced the circle base.
Glancing over her shoulder, she spotted the Owl beast still in the living room, its back to her as it sniffed something in the kitchen. A loud crash followed by a yelp reverberated throughout the house. The Owl beast perked up, glancing up the stairway. Hazel quickly got to her feet, moving out of its sight behind the door. It didn't notice her.
Peeking around the corner, she spotted King clutching a bottle of elixir, cowering behind the wall as the Owl beast crept closer and closer toward him. Hazel panicked.
She couldn't let King get hurt.
Without thinking, she stepped out of her hiding place. "Hey! Over here!" She yelled. The Owl beast turned its attention to her. Letting out a shriek, it charged at her. Hazel backed further into the room, closing the door as she reached for her pencil.
It was too late, however. The Owl beast crashed into the door, knocking it off its hinges in one motion. Hazel stumbled, falling over.
Turning to face the Owl beast, she started backing up as the creature stalked toward her, like it was hunting its prey. The basilisk whimpered, fear consuming her as her witchling disguise fell.
Hazel covered her head, shaking with fear.
The Owl beast chirped in confusion. Hearing a soft thump, Hazel peeked out to find the creature looking down at her, tilting its head in confusion and curiosity. Hazel squinted at it, not sure what it was staring at, until she heard a quiet "Psst!"
Peering around the creature in front of her, she found King hiding behind the doorway, waving his hand in front of his face, wiggling his fingers. "Hazel! You changed!" He whisper-shouted. Hazel looked down at her own hand, realising the small demon was right. Her scales and claws had returned.
The Owl beast watched her. The basilisk slowly got to her feet, holding out her hands. The creature growled, but didn't move. "H-hey there...I-it's gonna be o-okay..." she whispered. Its growling ceased, and Hazel took this as a chance to try and walk around the beast. "I-i'm just going to grab the elixir, King. When I reach you, hand me the bottle, okay?" She said softly. King gave a nod in understanding.
Cautiously stepping around the Owl beast, she didn't break eye contact. The creature watched her every move, turning its head a full 180 degrees as the basilisk reached King.
Taking the bottle from the small demon, Hazel raised it up above her head, throwing it at the Owl beast. It let out a shriek at the sudden movement, and the bottle landed in its gaping mouth. It swallowed the whole thing.
Hazel picked up King, slowly backing away from the Owl beast. Its feathers disappeared, and not long after Eda lay on the ground, passed out. The basilisk let out a sigh of relief, putting King down as she knelt down beside Eda. "Eda? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly. Eda's eyes fluttered open, and she let out a loud groan, rubbing her head as she sat up. "What happened?" She grumbled.
Hazel shrugged, glancing over her shoulder at King. King fidgeted with his hands. "I don't know. You were fine one minute and then the next you were the Owl beast." He explained.
Eda scratched her head, looking thoughtful for a moment. "Huh. Must've been using my magic too much." She chuckled, getting to her feet. Making her way up the staircase, she let out a yawn. "I'm gonna get some shut eye. Don't you two get in any trouble while I'm gone." She ordered, closing her bedroom door.

Hazel sat on the couch, letting out an exhausted sigh. She was back in her witchling form. King yawned beside her. "What a day." He said. Hazel hummed in response, and the two sat in content silence.
"Hazel...are you really okay?" The small demon asked. Hazel raised a brow. "What do you mean?" She asked curiously. King looked away. "Well, you're always in your witchling form, even around Luz, Gus and Willow. And what happened last night...made us worry." He said.
The basilisk was quiet before replying. "It's...complicated. I don't want to think about what happened to me all those years I was in the emperor's clutches, so I do everything I can to not think about it. If that makes sense." She explained. King hummed in thought. Hazel chuckled, patting his head. "But, who knows? Maybe one day I'll feel comfortable in my own skin." She smiled.
"That sounds weirdly disturbing without context." King pointed out. Hazel chuckled again. "Yeah, I know."
There was more silence.
"You know, you can't always run away from your fears." King pointed out. Hazel looked away. "Yeah. I know."
"You have to face them at some point in your life. We understand that you're scared that what happened in your past might come back and hurt you. But now, you're not alone." King said, laying across Hazel's lap like a child. "You got us. One day, maybe those things will come back, but with us by your side, maybe they won't be as scary. We'll be there to help you, Hazel."
Hazel raised a brow at the small demon, a smile appearing on her face as she pat him. "How did you become so wise?" She asked, tickling his tummy. He let out a giggle. "Weh! My wisdom is both a blessing and a curse!"
Hearing the door opening and closing, the two sat up to find a scuffed up Luz walking through the door. "Hey, guys." She greeted tiredly. Hazel raised a brow. "Wow. Are you okay?" She asked. Luz sat on the couch, letting out a tired groan. "Yeah. Man, who knew rogue pixies could be so terrifying." She said, letting out a tired sigh. Hazel giggled at her statement.

The three decided to watch Mewtube on Luz's phone. Laughing amongst themselves, Hazel felt her eyes droop. She wasn't the only one to feel sleepy. They all eventually fell asleep on the couch, free from nightmares for the night.

A/N: this was another last minute chapter. So sorry it took so long. And that it's bad. And yes, that was a Gravity Falls reference. 

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