Chapter 1

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Yujin's POV

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Yujin's POV

Hello there, I'm Yujin. Ahn Yujin. I'm 18 this year, just your average teenager around the block. A rather tall girl who has dark-brown hair, and loves doing sports. Well, my mom always tells me I'm pretty, but I'd say I'm pretty average-looking as for my appearance. My parents are the most loving people in the world and I can't thank them enough for that. They're basically my pillars of support.

I'm an easy-going person to be with, always happy wherever I go. You come talking to me, be sure that you'll get stuck with me for your entire life. Just kidding. But people do say I'm naturally an extrovert. Can't lie. I do love being around people. It's wonderful to have people to talk to and play with. But I only have a few close friends. Other than that, I'm really just your average girl in high school, no boyfriend or whatsoever. Single life has never been better.

But I have a confession to make. There's this one thing I've recently come across and it has been stirring around in my mind ever since. I think it's a rather odd, not a very conventional thing if I would say. I just can't stop thinking about it wherever I go...

I'm falling for my best friend.

Falling as in falling in love and not physically falling of course. That would be stupid. I've come to acknowledge this weird feeling within me after constantly trying to put off and deny it.

This is the worst thing that can ever happen to me...and she's a girl.

She has long wavy hair, parted in a 2:3 ratio, not as dark as mine though. You could say she's pretty tall for a girl, but I'm even taller. I'm basically a giant at this point...that's how she describes me. Her eyes are big and shiny that I find myself getting lost in them without knowing. And whenever she smiles, her cheeks create those lines which are similar to whiskers. At times I wonder if she was a cat in her past life.

Whenever she gets shy, she tends to hit people a lot...but it doesn't hurt. Her laughter that no one can get enough of, seemingly wanting to make her laugh just because it's too addicting to hear it. Her eyes widen almost at everything she finds interesting, making her look like a confused alpaca. But I personally think she resembles more of a frog. Yup, a frog.

She's the best person you can find to tease, doesn't use her brain very often. She listens to whatever you need to say whenever you've got something to rant about. It sometimes amazes me about her duality. One second she may be the dumbest person on earth, and the other she's basically einstein.

If there's one person I'd never want to hurt or see get hurt, that'll be her.

I don't know why, but whenever I'm with her, I feel obligated to protect her in some way. I guess it's pretty normal...but in my opinion, it sounds weird when you're just her best friend. I find myself getting all jittery whenever she holds onto my hand like she always does, or whenever she clings her arm onto mine. I was fine with all those physical contacts or moves you call it...

...but not till now.

Something is definitely wrong with me. I shouldn't be liking her. I can't like a girl. That's not what being normal is. A girl has to like a guy. That's how things work, at least that's what society deems as a norm. What is wrong with me? I'm starting to think I've eaten something wrong the past few weeks, or even months.

I've tried thinking about it like it's a phase, maybe I've gotten too close to her or something. But whenever my other friends do those to me, I don't feel the same way like how she makes me feel. It's weird...very weird.

Oh right, I haven't told you her name yet.

She's Minju, Kim Minju.

Well, that's her

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Well, that's her. Cute, isn't she?

We've been friends since I don't know when, but it has been a very long time. Maybe even for the whole of our lives. I don't know when I started feeling all these weird butterflies flying around in my stomach but I do know for a fact that I'm slowly falling deeper for her as each day passes.

But the thing is, I haven't told anyone about these forbidden feelings. Not even to our closest friends or my parents. Heck, it's so peculiar to like a girl. The more I try to think it's just a phase, I just find myself thinking about her almost every second of my life. The things she does to me are basically what every girl best friend would do and I shouldn't be thinking too much about it...well, I try. It's annoying when it doesn't really mean anything, but at the same time, I just find myself hoping that it means something. I don't want to like her that way.

And I won't let that happen. In fact, I can't.

Why? You may ask. That's because she has a boyfriend. Yup, she has a boyfriend, you heard that right. She's straight, of course. Why do you think I'm constantly going on about that? And they're really sweet together that it almost makes me feel pain every time I see them. They are practically made for each other. And it hurts to know that.

Her boyfriend is none other than Kim Chaewon, he's a year older. At times I wonder if by any chance they were related since they have the same surname...well that better not be the case. He's a pretty well-known guy, taller than me, has a well-built body, and has glossy, slick back black hair. Can't lie that he is pretty good-looking for a guy, almost too pretty to be one. He's really nice to her, always making sure she's alright and stuff. Like what normal boyfriends do to their girlfriends...I guess.

He's popular too, everyone in the school crushes on him. Wherever he goes, people would gawk at the way he walks and snarls when they see Minju right beside him. They say he's pretty lucky for having Minju as his girlfriend. Well, I'd agree with that. She basically flew straight down from heaven and landed on earth accidentally.

Not only is she gorgeous, but she has a wonderfully kind heart. She cries when I step ant. She's really soft, you could say. Well, yeah. My heart is being real dumb right now for feeling like this for someone who is clearly taken.

But she's still my best friend. And it'll stay that way.

A/N: back with a short story.

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now