Chapter 9

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Yujin's POV

The results came in quick and apparently they have diagnosed me with pneumonia and...lymphoma. To put it short, it's cancer. They said the pneumonia part was worse. I might actually die from this, but they also said we're lucky that we spotted it early if not it might actually be terminal. But...that doesn't fully cancel out the fact that I might still die. I'm scared. But I'm even more afraid about what might happen to her.

I don't even know how all this happened. Is that why I've been getting all these headaches frequently? Well, I try to endure it a lot, thinking it's all because of the tests we have in my stupid feelings.

I'm in my room right now, at home. They let us discharge for a while to pack some things for the hospital stay since they said I'll be needing treatment. I'm going bald, oh no. Funny how I'm worried about losing my hair instead of worrying about the fact I might be gone from this world.

I shoved my clothes into the bag my mother handed me and went towards my study table. I sat down and decided to write a little something on a piece of paper and slid it into my notebook, smiling before closing it and placing it neatly on my table. I carried the bag and left my room, glancing back for a while because I might not come back so soon.

I haven't told my friends about this whole cancer thingy, let alone have I told Minju. I know I should tell her, but what good will it do to her? She'll just be worried and I don't want that to happen. Well, even if I'm gone, she'll be fine by herself. I think...I hope...

I shook all the thoughts away from my head and left the house with my mom to go back to the hospital to get myself ready for the treatment.

Minju's POV

This is driving me insane. She picked up Yena's call and said she was totally fine. If she was totally fine, she would've called me back instead of leaving me hanging here...just where is she? Is it weird that I'm super worried right now? It's not, right? Why is she making me feel like this? I am very confused right now.

"Babe, you good?" Chaewon spoke up while sitting down next to me with a cup of water in his hand. We're currently in his apartment as we have agreed on earlier. I turned to face him while he handed the cup to me. "Yeah," I spoke softly, trying to act normal before taking a sip of water. He reached out his hand and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, smiling at me like he always does. I gave him a subtle smile while he lifted me up and made me sit on his lap, straddling him. He took the cup away from me and placed it on the coffee table.

"Why are you always thinking?" He spoke gently while he held onto my hands, looking at me deeply into my soul. "What makes you think I'm always thinking?" I said before leaning in closer, closing the gaps between our bodies. He chuckled lowly while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You always have that face whenever you're thinking and it's pretty obvious." He narrowed his eyes a little before brushing his finger across my cheek. I lightly punched his chest which made him groan. "Ouch." He uttered before pulling me closer. "Is it weird to worry for your best friend? Like, over-worry?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

" I have no clue how your friendship works." Why am I even asking him?

"Just stop thinking about anything." He spoke with his husky voice, almost too alluring as he crashed his lips against mine.

He swiftly moved his lips while his hands landed on my hips before I responded to his intense kisses. That's not until I noticed something. "Why do you...taste different?" I uttered, narrowing my eyes while our faces were centimeters apart as I felt his hot breath lingering above my lips. "Chapstick. Where do you think my soft lips came from?" he chuckled and as far as I can remember, he doesn't use one. I put my hand on his chest and slightly pushed myself away, looking straight into his eyes.

"And since when did you use one?" I asked with suspicion lingering in my tone. "It's yours. There. You left it here a few days ago." He pointed at a lone stick of lip balm sitting on the table while I nodded. "No wonder I couldn't find it." I turned back and looked at him while he shook his head.

"Can we continue?" He asked while a smile made its way onto my face before leaning in and letting him do the trick. Our tongues fought for dominance while his hands freely roamed around my back, my hands firmly placed on his neck. I shifted a little which made him groan as I looked down and realized something.

"Can you calm your fucking dick down?" I said while shifting onto the couch while he just sat there and laughed cheekily. "Can't help it. Little guy gets excited." He shrugged while putting his hands behind his head and leaned backward while I shook my head.

"You have got to stop doing that," I said and crossed my arms, sitting properly on the couch. He turned to look at me with a small grin on his face. "What?" I asked in an empty tone. He then slowly leaned in, pushing me onto the couch as his cheeky grin got wider with every movement he makes. "We could wait for it to go down..." My breath hitched the moment he started moving even closer to the point I could feel what's going on down there. From the looks of it, he is not small. And no, we have not done any lustful things you might be thinking about right now. If you ask me why...I don't know...I find it, weird?

"...Or you could help me." My eyes widened as I instantly pushed him away and sat up straight with him kneeling on the couch, in between my legs. "W-What?" I gulped, obviously knowing what he meant but my mouth just found the need to ask. Chaewon then slowly unzipped his pants while I used my legs to stop what he was doing.

"Uh-uh," I said while shaking my head subtly with my lips pursed into a slim slit. From the looks of his expression, I could tell he was burning with lustful desires as a smirk appeared on his face. "Why do you look so hot if you're not going to help me?" Hot? Well, that wasn't intentional.

"I'll just be needing your hand, silly." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, placing it on his groin and I could just feel how needy he is right now, totally not the Chaewon in school. "Nope. Not doing that," I took my hand away as he grunted while turning around and started jerking himself off. This is not the first time I'm seeing this while I just sat there facing his back, legs crossed on the couch in front of me, and waited for him to be done.

"Can I turn around?" He asked while I kicked his back as a no. "Come on, it'll help." He pleaded while I shook my head. "No." He snarled a little before going back to whatever he was doing. He's quite...vocal.

"Babe, tissue...please?" He peeked over his shoulder while reaching out his free hand as I took the whole box and shoved it in his face. "Disgusting," I uttered, smacking his back while he giggled a bit. I saw him stuttering his hips a little and that probably means he's done. He turned back and put his hand in front of my face while I immediately yanked him away.

"Fucking gross, don't do that." I scowled while he chuckled before heading to the bathroom. He came back after a while before crashing into me. "When are you going to help me?" he muttered into my neck while I didn't answer.

"I gotta go." I pushed him up and stood up on my feet, grabbing my things and putting my shoes on. "Where are you going?" he asked as I looked over my shoulder. I went back and took the lip balm on the table before unlocking the door.

"I have things to do." Before he could say anything, I already left through the door.

I actually have nothing to do. I just somehow wanted to get away from him. I then looked at the chapstick in my hand, frowning when I noticed something.

"This wasn't what it tasted like."

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now