Chapter 16

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Yujin's POV

My whole body aches. It's cold...But I feel something warm. I furrowed my eyebrows as I slowly opened my eyes, light peeking through gently. I had a nightmare. Everything was moving so quickly but so slowly. I saw my whole life replaying right in front of me as if I was in a cinema. I swear I was dead for a moment...I felt dead. I heard terrible shouting too. Most importantly—

I saw Jesus.

Why does everything seem so...quiet? I gently lifted my head a tiny bit while feeling my strained neck being able to move again. I'm still in the hospital, of course. Did I sleep for that long? I looked down where I felt was a little warm and saw a hand holding onto mine.

I narrowed my eyes to give that person a better look. Yena...? No...Yena doesn't have hair that long. Yuri? No...Yuri has short hair. This person has long brown hair...her hand feels soft. She's sleeping so soundly...but that position feels like it would hurt or be sore once she wakes up. She's sitting on a wooden chair, head laying on the bed with her face facing the other way. She's wearing uniform? That's definitely not my mom. Did they just ended school?

I looked at the hand and noticed a really tiny birthmark on her ring finger and I just know who that person is. A smile rose upon my face while I moved my finger a little bit.

Ah shit...I shouldn't have done that. Her head slowly lifted from the bed while I quickly shut my eyes again. I heard a little groan and took a little peek through my left eye to see her yawning, rubbing her eyes. Cute.

Must have been a tiring day for her.

I internally giggled while closing my eyes again. I am so pranking her. I moved my finger a little bit and I could hear shuffling, I think she didn't notice it. I peeked a little bit and saw her looking straight at my hand, blinking a couple of times, face frozen, widening her eyes. I quickly shut my eyes again and moved my finger again.

"YURI-AH!" okay, she shouted.

I heard a couple of footsteps coming closer as I felt a presence very near my face. I slowly fluttered my eyes open, acting as if I didn't wake up a few minutes ago. "Yujin-ah?" I heard my mom's gentle voice while I fully opened my eyes.

"Eomma...?" I uttered weakly, voice cracking a little while I saw her smiling warmly. That's the first word I said after not speaking for who knows how long. Her hand landed on my forehead, caressing it a little while a tiny smile twitched its way onto my lips. I tried sitting up with her aid, groaning a little as I roamed my eyes around me. My mom gave me some water and I drank it since I'm thirsty, very thirsty. "What happened?" I asked my mom.

"You were in a coma. A week." She answered while I nodded slowly. I remember not being able to breathe...assuming I was dying. I gave back the cup and looked to the left side. "Yuri? Yena?" I spoke while they gave me a small smile, their faces turning a little mad while they smacked my leg in sync. "Stupid dog, you nearly died. Doctor said you had powers." Yena exaggerated, earning a smack from Yuri as I giggled a little bit while my eyes shifted to the person standing on the other side—Minju. She looked a little uneasy while I frowned a little.

"Who are you?"

I tried holding in my laughter when I saw how her face dropped. "Y-Yah, you don't know who she is?" Yena nudged me a little while I took a closer look at her and shook my head. "Did the surgery go wrong?" I heard her ask worriedly while they shook their heads. "It went perfectly fine, too fine that the doctors didn't know how to explain."

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now