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Minju's POV

Hello. I'm Minju, Kim Minju. I'm 19 this year. Yes, I am that frog goddess she was referring to in the first chapter. (Author: She didn't say, goddess) Ugh fine, let's just pretend she did. Tsk.

It has been a year since that very day I asked her to be my girlfriend and I have never once regretted that decision. If I could describe the feeling...you might have to experience it yourselves. It's too overwhelming to have it described in words. But if I must, just imagine your crush who was dead coming back to life just for you. Weird explanation but yes. (Author: did you just say crush?)

Haha...*awkward chuckles* No...yes. In fact, I lied about the four-day thing. I just wanted to freak her out for stupidly not remembering who I was. Her reaction was priceless by the way.

If I were to be real with you guys...I started to get these weird feelings for her since that very day we were walking back to my apartment even though we walk home together pretty often.

That day...there was just something that struck differently. The way she always knows what to say at the right time. Even though all she did was advise me and ask me not to overthink, I just find myself wanting to be...closer to her, never knowing why. Since then, those feelings somehow got stronger? I don't know but it hit its peak when she was about to fucking die. That's when I realise I can't live without her anymore. Very risky indeed. I would've died on the spot too. A little cliche but that was how it was.

And when I carelessly mentioned that I wished for her to be a guy, I then realised something too. We're in a generation where anything is possible. I don't know if she was thinking too much about that one thing I said, but yeah. Well, all this is possible. Also, I like the fact she'll always wait downstairs till I reach home. I see her standing down there through the window of course. I don't know if she realises.

But she doesn't need to know all that. This is a secret between you and me. Don't tell her anything.

You can call me a cheater for this but...at least I wasn't that oblivious, unlike someone...plus I don't regret doing all this.

Not. Even. A. Single. Bit.

It has also been a year since Yujin developed cancer. But she's totally fine now after all the treatment. Oh god, you guys should've seen her reaction when her hair was thinning. It was spectacular. I took a video of that. But I can't show you that, it'll be safe with me.

Also, the amount of times I went into that hospital has made me known there. And for a fact it's Seoul National University Hospital, it's my dream place to work at. I have to thank Yujin for that though. The doctors there recognise me and knew about my preparation for the exam, telling them I'm aiming to work there one day. They look forward to having me there. She also introduced Dr Kang to me. Turns out she used to be a student in our school too. She's pretty cool. Yujin told me about her weird obsession with cakes. Hmm...still cool. I wonder who's that woman she is seeing though...

Plus, I was a personal servant for Ms Ahn Yujin. God, she treats me like one when she was still in the hospital. *shakes head* But who's complaining though? At least you get kisses for doing those. *shrugs and smiles innocently* But it is indeed fascinating for all this to happen. Never did I realise I would fall for my best friend.

"Hey, bestie!" Someone shouted while putting their arm around my neck. I'm currently in school. I frowned and looked at the person—Ahn Yujin. It's been a week since she came back to school. "Bestie?" I gave her a stern face which probably made her gulp. "Babe?" she said and I smiled sweetly before we continued walking.

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