Chapter 19

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Yujin's POV

I swear there's something Yuri is hiding. Minju shifted and got off the bed while my hand dangled in mid-air reaching for her. Why did she have to get off? I pouted while I saw her pushing the two out of the room.

"Talk to her." That's the only thing I heard before the door closed with two of them outside. I heard her chuckle a little before turning around with a bright smile on her face. God, I love that smile. Now we have the whole room to ourselves.

I lifted both my arms like how you'd do when you want someone to hug you while she walked towards me and threw herself at me. I groaned in pain, pulling the small blanket over as a smile made its way onto my face while she laid on top of me, stuffing her face into my chest with my arms wrapped gently around her head. I placed my head on top, lips subtly landing on her head, just taking in everything that happened today as I slowly caressed her head. This feels nice. She smells...nice. This is comfortable.

She lifted her head and shifted a bit as she looked me straight in the eyes. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick?" She said while using her fingers to shift the fray hairs off my face. This is probably the first time she's doing this without smacking me. When I don't tell her things, bitch gets angry. And when she gets angry, I usually end up with bruises. Okay, I'm exaggerating. But seriously though. She won't hesitate to smack the shit out of me.

I sniffed a little while she raised both her eyebrows slightly, wanting me to speak up. "I didn't want to worry you," I spoke softly while I heard her chuckle.

"Why did you think that not telling me would make me worry less?" She gently voiced out while I looked at her. "I don't know..." I puckered my lips while sighing a little. "Because you'll cry..." I looked down and pouted while she giggled, making me look up.

"You were worried that I'd cry?" She cupped my face while looking at me with droopy-like, soft eyes, giving me a sympathetic look while I nodded slowly. "Why are you so cute?" She said while squishing my cheeks as I raised an eyebrow. "What are you talking about? I'm always cute." She squished my face even harder which made me chuckle as I lightly punched her in the stomach. After about 5 seconds, she let go of my face and just stared at me, studying my face for a few moments.

I trailed my eyes along her face, admiring every small detail as if I were going to die tomorrow. She just has this...face. A face that's if you walk past her, you better watch out because you might hit a lamppost. I've never seen it this close before and now that I have, she sure is captivating. How the corner of her eyes would wrinkle a little, giving me that eye smile. Just when did know, fall for me?

"I didn't know..." she spoke with endearing eyes, her hand on my face, gently gliding her thumb above my cheekbone. "Didn't know what?" I asked while she smiled. Why does she like to touch my face...? I like it.

"I didn't know that I'd fall for my best friend this quickly..." She tilted her head slightly, giving me that look as if she was examining my face, wrinkling her nose, fighting a smile. Is this what adoration feels like? Why is her hand so soft? It's like a baby's butt.

"But you did," I said which made her giggle a bit. "Yeah, I fell hard." She added, emphasising the last word before crashing into me again, stuffing her face into my shoulder. Something just feels very warm when she said My smile reached my ears as I felt something sharp penetrating my shoulder. Did she just bite me? Definitely. Why did she bite me? I told you she's weird. She let out a long sigh while I gently caressed her back. I don't do this often but it feels...right.

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now