Chapter 18

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Yena's POV

After about 15-30 minutes? I lost track of time since I was busy tickling Yuri. Minju slammed, or pushed the door a little harshly, making all of us stare at her. Her face was so red till you could hardly tell which is a tomato if you placed one beside her face. "Did I just do that?" I heard her mumble as I looked at Yuri and smirked while she gave me a cute smirk back.

We stood up and went to her who looks like she was panting. Her mother came to visit and she's also right here beside me.

"We know what you did," I uttered while her eyes shifted to me, back leaning against the door of the room. "Honey, care to explain?" her mother and Yujin's mother both looked at her and I could see just how tense she got. She gulped before standing properly.

"W-What?" She finally spoke while we all gave her the 'really?' expression. "You do know that there's a window on the room door, right?" Yuri said while I saw how the blood drained from her face.

"You s-saw that?" She stammered and used her finger to point into the room slightly while physically shaking a little. "Yup." I abruptly answered her while she covered her face with her hand and slid downwards, squatting on the floor.

"This is so embarrassing..." I heard her whisper while I chuckled. Her mother then lowered herself and hugged Minju who looked surprised. "It's fine. I don't mind." Minju looked up at her mother.

"Really?" She uttered while her mother nodded and gave her a tender and warm smile. "I'm assuming you guys are together now?" Her mother said while Minju visibly choked on her saliva.

"Uhh..." she hesitated to speak as she stood up with her mother. I let out a deep sigh. "Come on. We saw how you kissed her. Was it once? Twice? Maybe thr—" she covered my mouth while chuckling nervously as I shook my head. "We saw, EVERYTHING," Yuri added and chuckled while I high-fived her. Honestly, we didn't see the whole thing. We only saw the first kiss and let them have some privacy. I just guessed the rest of the kissing part. Seems like it's true.

I could see how she got shy as she let go of me and let out a small sigh. "Plus, we read what she wrote." she looked at me.

"Why didn't y'all say anything about this for the whole week she's been asleep?" she whispered. "You didn't want to talk to anyone and you never left her alone," I whispered back while she pressed her lips together. "For the whole week!"

Minju's POV

Ughh...this is so embarrassing. Oh lord please save me. What have I just done? What got into me? Jesus Christ. I feel empowered.

I saw Yujin's mother making her way to me while I actually gulped but she had a peaceful expression on. Her father's not here, he's at work. She then gave me a hug which caught me off-guard.

"Thank you, Minju-ah." Huh? She let go of me while taking a good look at me as if she were my mom. Well, she's my other mother in a way. I see her a lot. "What for aunty?" I asked while she smiled.

"For making Yujin happy." She uttered while I nodded slowly. "And taking care of her when I couldn't be here. You won't imagine how many times she's been calling me or Yena to ask if you were okay before all that happened. She told me about...Chaewon?" Oh god, the name I don't wanna hear.

"I heard her constantly talking through the phone about not letting you see it? I'm not very sure. But I know for a fact...she loves you, a lot. She couldn't stop talking about you." She spoke with endearing eyes and I could feel the warmth being emitted by her. "You're okay with it?" I asked while she tilted her head slightly, almost not understanding what I said. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

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