Chapter 17

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Yujin's POV

She stopped laughing while shifting closer again. Now, what is her problem? I placed my hands on the bed, beside me while she looked at me deeply into my soul. Feels like I'm getting sucked into those eyes of hers, entering a whole different dimension. Her eyes just felt like I could drown in their depths. As I was busy staring at her, dazing, I felt her warm breath lingering above my lips and realised she was close—way too close to my face right now, making me gulp softly.

My breath hitched as I couldn't say a word, closing my eyes and tried to lean back as much as I can and unfortunately, I have nowhere to go. And since when was she like this? Was she this initiative to begin with? Wow. This is definitely not the Kim Minju I know.

I suddenly felt something soft on my lips, flinching a little but found myself getting lost in the moment. Time stood still, heart raging, twisting in every direction as if it was going to fly out of my chest. Her lips are so, so soft as to what it looks like. Not that I ever imagine...shut up. This isn't the first time she's kissing me anyway. But this felt...different? She tastes like...strawberries? Why is she doing this?

She must be joking. Does she know what she's doing? Does she know who she's kissing right now? How about Chaewon? She can't be doing this kind of things. It's not right even though that guy is... doing the same. She always does this kind of things to me, and I can't be fooled too easily. I gently pushed her away and she stared at me, blinking way too innocently as to what she just did.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a mix of confusion and chuckles to avoid being too awkward, holding onto her shoulder. I waited for her answer, but nothing came. I narrowed my eyes at her while she smiled softly. What're very confusing Minju-ah...

"You—" She covered my mouth while I saw a faint shade of pink tainting her cheeks as if she just realised what she did. I giggled in her palm while she blinked her way back to reality I suppose. I took her hand away from my mouth and placed it in front of me, on top of the blanket that was covering the other half of my body. "Tell me." I sounded a little demanding as I saw how she was grazing her finger along the back of my hand. She's getting shy...

...or is she really?

"Tell me what's wrong," I asked again in a soft voice while I saw how her chest relaxed, sighing internally. There has got to be a reason why she's doing this. She didn't say anything and leaned in again, seemingly about to kiss me while I used my hands to stop her. What's up with her and kissing me? "So he can do it and I can't?" She uttered which made me very confused.

"What?" I knitted my eyebrows together while she shifted my hands off the top of her chest and sat up a bit. "You know who I'm talking about." she frowned a little and I immediately knew who she's referring to. Oh no...did she see it?

"But Chaewon love—"

"No, he doesn't. He cheated on me. I saw him kissing that Japanese girl right smack in the middle of the hallway and I gave him a huge slap that could probably leave a mark on his face." She said while moving her hands all over the place. Wow. On second thoughts, she may cry easily, but she's strong...perhaps independent. "And stop trying to defend him. I know you knew this long ago." She subtly glared at me before softening her gaze a little.

"And you know what's worse?" She asked while I hummed. "I found out when he tasted different and said he used my lip balm but that wasn't what it tasted like." Say what?

"You found out when you were kiss—"

"Yes stupid. That's the worst way someone could find out something horrendous."

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