Chapter 11

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Third Person's POV

If there's one thing the poor brunette girl is feeling right pain. Just imagine the pain you get from constantly having to cough without control and the pain from not seeing someone you love, let alone ignoring them at your own will. The pain adds on further with the current condition she's fighting for, causing her lymph nodes to swell at certain areas, cancer cells mostly affecting her lungs, making it really difficult for her to breathe.

Yujin fumbled around on the pathetic hospital bed, clenching her fist together as she forced herself to control her constant coughing, wheezing the moment she fails to do so. She can't even drink water properly despite being so thirsty.

To keep her distracted from feeling the pain, Yena brought some of their school stuff to her from school and her house during the last visit, not knowing whether Yujin would like the idea of studying.

Studying. A thing students hate to do the most but are still obligated to no matter how much they despise it. The only way to get your future secured...for Korea in this case.

As much as Yujin hates studying—she loves it. Why? It's because whenever she does, it reminds her of a certain someone. Someone who put the love for studying in her because whenever she studies, she could just picture that person right in front of her, tutoring her way through the books.

The enthusiasm she emits whenever the girl teaches Yujin something she doesn't understand. The taller has been longing for that moment again as she sat up and flipped through the books Yena brought for her. She frowned a little when she fumbled across a medicine book, something that she doesn't really need because she's not the one studying for it—Minju is.

"Why is this here?" She flipped it open to find little pieces of post-its scattered all over. More like written curses. She traced her fingers over the words, smiling softly as she knows whose book this is. She then came across a particular scribble right at the corner of a page. She narrowed her eyes and read out.

"Where are you?" She raised an eyebrow, not knowing why there are a bunch of scribbles just saying those three words in a small corner. "She must be studying too hard." She shook her head and closed the book, trying to erase all the thoughts and hopeless hopes in her head.

She laid back down on the bed and got met with a sudden headache. And in a speed of light, beeping sounds could be heard blasting throughout the room while the girl found it hard to breathe. She desperately gasped for air, a nurse came rushing in as soon as she heard the sirens going off with her mother in a state of shock.

"Code blue!" The nurse shouted while half a dozen of doctors and nurses were seen running in with different metal trays as her mother stood to the side, tears welling up at the corner of her eyes, trembling in worry.

"Intubation!" The doctor reached his hand out while the nurse passed him the tube.

"Her airway is blocked."

Minju's POV

I'm going to go to her house. She's not replying me? Okay. I get it. But I can't let this keep happening. I have to do something. There has got to be a reason why she's not replying me and she's not fine. She doesn't have an aunty in Busan, her relatives are all here in Seoul or rather overseas.

I sat on my seat, tapping on the table using my pen while my leg subtly shook in sync. I looked at the clock...3 more hours before school ends...10 more minutes before lunch break.

Soon, the bell rang while I got startled from being too deep in my thoughts. Yena and Yuri stood up, and as usual, they turned around in sync and immediately clung onto both of my arms, each of them on one side. They have been rather clingy the past week, or should I say—weeks.

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now