Chapter 3

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Yujin's POV

I excused myself from class to go to the bathroom even if there was only a period left before lunch break. I hung my head low, looking at my feet, puffing my cheeks as I walked through the corridors until I heard...


I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I followed the sound even when my brain is telling me not to. I peeked my head over the pillar and saw two people making out while I retreated and felt disgust taking over me. I acted like I was going to puke but then I realized something. That guy sitting on the ledge looks utterly familiar.

I looked again, slightly closing my eyes and peeking, only to find out something horrific. Terribly horrific. Horrendous.

What the fuck is Chaewon doing there?

That's clearly not Minju he's...making out with. Oh, I don't even want to imagine that. I leaned back against the cold wall as thoughts of all kinds flowed into my mind. Why is he doing this when he has Minju? The perfect girl everyone will die for. I do not understand one bit.

The once loving, made-for-each-other, sweet thoughts I had in my mind about him all came crashing down. Since when was he like this? So oblivious with his actions till the point, someone like me notices that unholy scene unravel in front of me. Eesh. Why are they even there in the first place? Skipping class? Probably.

The sounds just keeps on getting louder and I couldn't take it anymore and headed back into class. Man, I didn't even have a chance to pee. Geez.

I went back to my seat while Minju smiled at me as I tried my best to smile back. I unintentionally let out a huge sigh while she looked at me. "Why?" She asked while I looked at her. Should I even tell her? But she'll get hurt. That's the last thing I want to do. I smiled. "Nothing." she nodded slowly, clearly noticing how uneasy I looked but she chose to ignore it.

That scene just keeps on replaying in my head while I tried to erase it from my mind. That's right. I'll just pretend I didn't see anything. That's probably for the best. I looked at her who's focusing on class, just wondering how could someone whom she loves do that behind her back? It made me feel terrible the more I reminisced how much she told me about him before they got together. How she would give me those lovely eyes when talking about him, how she'll practically tell me all the good things she likes about Chaewon.

She used her pen and tapped on my arm, asking me to focus on class which I listened to. She always makes sure I'm attentive in class, not losing out on anything possible. I've got to thank her for that since my grades would've gone downhill if she weren't the one always helping me get my shit together.

Soon, it was lunchtime and of course, Chaewon is right outside of our class waiting for Minju. The moment we stepped out of the door, Minju practically flew straight into his embrace and he's acting as if he didn't do sinful things about 30 minutes ago. He caressed her hair lovingly while planting a kiss on her forehead.

Oh god, the contamination. I could feel the anger within me rising the more I see him while I grabbed onto Yena's shoulder, seemingly unleashing my anger on her instead.

"Yo bro! Yah! Yah!" she smacked my hand hard when I realized I was gripping onto her shoulders too hard. "Oh shit, sorry." She winced in pain while giving me a confused yet disappointing look.

"Why do you look so angry?" She said, probably seeing the fumes emitting from my head as I calmed down. "Angry? This is happy." I smiled while she stayed bloody confused, rubbing her shoulders. "Come on Yuri," I said while grabbing onto her hand as we all made our way to the cafeteria, walking behind Minju and stupid Chaewon.

We all sat down at a round table, me beside Minju, Chaewon beside her, and Yena on my other side with Yuri beside her. I didn't have the appetite to eat while I just played with the disgusting cafeteria food. They aren't the best.

A guy suddenly came up to our table and tapped on Chaewon's shoulder. "Yo dude, you playing?" I think they were referring to basketball. And that's Chaeyeon. Our school's basketball captain who has a lovely girlfriend, Miyawaki Sakura. She came from Japan and Chaeyeon is a really loyal guy, unlike someone...

"Uhh...yeah, I'll be there in a minute." He told Chaeyeon while the guy nodded and left the table. "Babe, you don't mind, right?" He asked Minju while she gave him a sweet smile and nodded. I toyed with my spoon as I looked at the two of them. God, how can he kiss Minju with those filthy lips of his...

"Yujin-ah, you're not going to eat that?" Yena asked while I snapped back to reality and looked at her. "You can have it, I'm not hungry." I pushed the tray to her while she smiled happily like a little kid.

"I'll meet you after school," Chaewon said as he stood up with his tray. "Uhm, I'll be heading home with her," Minju uttered while pointing at me. I tilted my head and raised my eyebrow while he gave me this fishy look which I can't seem to tell what he was trying to say.

"Oh...okay. Guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Minju nodded and smiled while he planted a kiss on her head before leaving. "How long have you been with him again?" I leaned in and asked her when I saw him leaving the cafeteria while she turned to look at me.

"About six months...why would you not know?" she gave me a confused and questionable look. Right, I was there when the whole thing happen ever since he asked Minju to be his girlfriend. "Ah...right. I don't see the need to keep track of your relationship?" I said in a rather tentative tone while she hit my head.

"You're my best friend and you ought to know." She shook her head with disappointment written on her face. I rubbed my head and slightly snarled at her while drinking my milk.

Best friend. That's the only way you could describe our relationship.

A/N: don't expect too much from this story HAHA 🙆🏻‍♀️

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