Chapter 13

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Yena's POV

I saw how Minju's face sunk the moment she read that piece of paper she's holding on to. I was about to ask her what it was when Yujin's mother came into the room. We all stood up and bowed a little.

"Oh, hello." She said with a voice seemingly trying to sound happy. "Hi aunty, where's Yujin?" I asked while she pressed her lips together and put down the jug she was holding onto. I think she went to refill the water. "She's currently in...the operating theatre."

The what? Didn't she say they just needed to do some kind of treatment for her? Why is the operating theatre brought up?

"Ah, Minju's here." She suddenly uttered while Minju let out a tiny smile before nodding a little. "W-Why is she there?" Minju weakly sounded out while Yujin's mom asked us to take a seat. She has a sad expression masking it with a smile.

"She had problems breathing a while ago." The lady said while I furrowed my eyebrows. "She's going to be okay, right?" Yuri asked while the lady didn't nod immediately. I saw her inhaling deeply, and shakily while clasping her hands together, shaking her head subtly. "I don't know. They're still trying to figure out what's wrong."

"What do you mean? Is she going to die?" Minju suddenly blurted out, making us all turn to look at her. She had an uneasy expression, blood drained out of her face, quivering eyes, desperate for someone to answer her. "N-No...but we don't know." The woman uttered while looking down, almost on the verge of crying, making Minju's tears well up at the corner of her eyes.

"She can't..." Minju muttered softly while tilting her head down, tears welling up in her eyes, tightening her grip on the piece of paper. Just then, the door opened and we saw the nurses pushing a bed in with Yujin laying there unconsciously. Minju immediately stood up and went beside the bed, face sinking as she saw how frail Yujin looked. "Oh no...Why..." She whimpered a little as she held onto the railings of the bed.

The doctor cleared her throat. "She's fine for now...but we don't know when she'll react again. We have to keep a close lookout for her. She's now currently under anesthesia but it'll wear off in a couple of hours." The doctor told us while we nodded as Minju suddenly grabbed onto her arm.

"She's going to be fine...right?" She asked voice stammered with tear marks under her eyes. The doctor's expression soften as she took Minju's hand. "We're finding out what's wrong my dear. But I can't guarantee anything yet. We'll have to wait for a while." Minju subtly nodded while her eyes shifted onto Yujin again, just looking at her in a very...painful way. I wonder what she read.

The doctor pulled us aside, away from Minju because she looks a little unstable right now. "We found out why she reacted that way just now. The inflammation in her lungs is getting worse which was why she had trouble breathing herself. We've drained all the fluids from her lungs but that doesn't mean it'll not happen again. I'm terribly sorry...but for now, we can't really do anything with the knowledge that she has lymphoma too. It's not helping her body. We can only hope that her body is strong enough to fight." the doctor told us while I saw how her mother was tearing up.

The doctor then pulled out a piece of document. It's a document for her mother to sign that if anything else happens to Yujin, the hospital has no liability because they have already done all they can. It basically means Yujin might die.

"What are the chances that she'll survive?" I asked while the doctor looked at me. "For pneumonic and lymphoma patients...there's only a small percentage of survival. About 0.3%," she told us while I felt my heart shatter when I heard that number. That is close to nothing.

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