Chapter 6

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Yujin's POV

School has soon ended and it's the weekends tomorrow. Quite exciting since we don't have much homework to do. I packed up my things and slung my bag around my shoulder.

"Wanna come over?" She wrapped her arm around my shoulder while I looked at her struggling to do so when I saw her tiptoeing. I laughed while taking her arm off and settled them beside her. "Don't do that. You're not tall enough. You might break your toes," I uttered while chuckling as she slapped my back, making me wince in pain when it's actually not that painful. Okay, actually it's quite painful. Has she been working out or what?

"You giant dog." She sulked while sneering at me as I continued laughing. "Yeah, yeah, let's go." I put my right arm over her shoulder and dragged her out of the classroom. She crossed her arms as I saw her pouting as if she lost her teddy bear or something.

"Why?" I asked while her eyes shifted towards me and gave me a death glare. "I'm not that short okay." She's still going on with that? She zapped my sides, causing me to let go of her while I surrendered a little. "I didn't say that," I said in an amusing tone while she puckered her lips and blew out a breath.

Soon, we reached her apartment. She punched in the code while I took out my shoes halfway, tiptoeing while waiting for the door to unlock. Once it did, I fully took off my shoes and entered the house, following behind her. "Hi, aunty!" I greeted her while her mom waved at me.

"Aigoo Yujin-ah, you've gotten so tall!" She exclaimed while coming closer to me, Minju going to the kitchen to do something. It has been a long time since I've last seen her mom because the last time I came over, her mom was on a business trip and most of the time her mom isn't home when I come. And no, I didn't grow taller. "Maybe it's because she grew shorter." I used my head and gestured at Minju who was eyeing us like a hawk and shaking her head.

"How's your mother?" She asked while we sat on the couch. "She's doing great as always. You know her." I said and smiled while she chuckled a little before chatting for a short while. "I'll leave you two here. Call me if you guys need anything." I nodded before standing back up.

Minju's house is a two-level apartment. The view is great here even though it's only on the 9th floor. Minju soon came and dragged me into her room while shoving our bags beside her study table. "Feet," she uttered and I immediately knew what she meant. She's clean and doesn't allow anyone on her bed until they wash their feet. I went into her bathroom and washed my hands and legs before coming out to see her sitting on the bed while rummaging through her computer.

"What do you want to watch?" She asked while I made my way onto her bed and sat beside her, one leg dangling off the bed. We always go to each other's place to watch either movies or dramas, or just lie around doing absolutely nothing. Did I mention she's a drama fanatic? Like whenever she finishes a series, she'll spend a whole week or even a month telling me about the behind-the-scenes and stuff, not accepting that the series ended.

I looked at the screen and puckered my lips as she scrolled through Netflix. "This one?" she suggested as she turned to face me while I did the same, causing our faces to be too close till the point if I moved a little, I might just end up kissing her. I flinched backward a little, clearing my throat as she furrowed her eyebrows a bit and chuckled.

"Sure," I uttered while she clicked on it, loading it a little and pausing. I raised an eyebrow while she stood up and walked to her closet with my eyes following her every step. She then threw some clothes directly into my face. "Change," she uttered while I pressed my lips together and stood up. I swear this is how she makes me do things. One word.

She started taking her clothes off while I instinctively turned around, feeling a huge gush of blood rushing up into my face. Why am I even like this? I mean, she does this all the time I come to her house or she comes to mine. We've practically seen each other bare countless amount of times but this time it's different. Definitely different.

I gulped while taking off my clothes and quickly changing into whatever she gave me. An oversized khaki coloured shirt with some black shorts. I have got to admit, her pants are a little too short for me but I wear them anyway. I myself don't really mind it but I don't know about her. I guess she's fine.

I turned around to see that she's still shirtless. She does have a good figure, not gonna lie. "Why are you not putting on your shirt?" I said while she innocently looked at me and showed me the shirt. I went over and checked—oh a stain. "Just get a new one then." I took it from her and placed it in her laundry basket while she went back to her closet to find another one. I swear she's like a little kid in an 18-year-old body.

"Why are you so slow?" I uttered while shaking my head as she put on her shirt and looked at me. "Patience my friend. Patience." She walked to me and slapped my ass before running towards her bed, hiding under the blanket. Gosh...did she turn on the air conditioner in here? Because damn, it feels hot as fuck.

I tackled her and started tickling the hell out of her until she surrendered and popped her head out of the blanket with me on top of her. She looked at me with a grin, or rather a smirk, and suddenly kissed me out of nowhere while I blinked, feeling my cheeks heat up exponentially. She laughed. She fucking laughed. "Why are you so stunned?" she said. Even if it was just a light peck, that was my first kiss. Yes. I'm 18 and that was my first kiss. What are you going to say about that? And she stole it just like that. Who's complaining though?

I sat up, unknowingly straddling her with the blanket beneath me as she dragged the computer closer. "Fuck you." I said playfully while she smacked my arm as I brushed my finger across my lips. "You looked like you wanted to be kissed." She blatantly uttered and shrugged while patting the spot beside her. I shook my head and sat down while extending my legs forward as she propped the computer on a small pillow in front.

I was expecting her to start the damn movie, but no. She kneeled on the bed and spread my legs apart before scooting over and sitting in between, facing forward. I got caught off guard, feeling myself not being able to move or touch her as she laid back down onto my chest. "What are you doing?" I said with my hands in the air, not knowing where I should be putting them even though literally anywhere is fine. She tilted her head back and met with my gaze.

"What? It's comfortable." She said and wiggled her ass while I felt myself getting hotter. I rolled my eyes while shaking my head. This is how she's always like. Very physical, doing whatever she likes to me. Now, do you feel how I'm feeling? How to not fall harder when she's always doing this kind of things? It's offensive.

"There's a whole ass bed right here and you choose to sit here. In between my legs?" I said in an unbelievable tone while she nodded innocently. I let out a sharp sigh and just let her do whatever she wants as I leaned back onto the pillows. I swear this girl is going to kill me anytime soon. And by kill, I meant myself getting out of control.

She suddenly took my hand and looked at it. Putting her hand on mine, she compared our hand sizes while she tilted her head back to look at me. "Your hand is huge." She giggled while I put on a poker face. "I am tall, duh. Did you only realise that now?" I scoffed playfully before looking at her.

"Unlike someone." I said and she gave me a side glare before elbowing my stomach, making me groan a little. I watched as she slowly admired my fingers, looking as if she were taking in all the details of it. It's making me nervous for some reason. Her hands aren't that small actually. It's slim...and soft. "What are you doing?" I asked while she bend one of my fingers.

"This." She cracked the knuckle which made me yelp in pain. I don't usually crack them often. She started laughing while I playfully strangled her, totally not focusing on the movie. I stopped after a while, snarling at her as she continued lying down, back against my body, taking both my arms and placing them around her body. I swear this feeling is weird and unexplainable. I don't know what she's doing. Clingy much. I felt my heart doing a little dance in my chest, sending loud thumps through my head while I tried to stay calm.

I just hope she didn't feel it.

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now