Chapter 12

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Minju's POV

"Pick up...pick up..." I mumbled while constantly trying to call Yujin using Yena's phone since I know she'll not pick up my calls. The two looked at me being all irritated while I gave up and shook my head.

"Can we just go?" I asked. "But we have 2 hours before school ends," Yuri said while I frowned out of frustration.

How could she keep that from me? Why didn't she tell me she was sick? More so, cancer? Why is she being like this? This is so not like the Yujin I know. I should be depressed because of what happened a few minutes ago but knowing that Yujin is in the hospital hurts way worse.

"Minju, calm down. She's fine. Maybe she's just running some tests and doesn't have the time to pick up the phone." Yena said while holding onto my hand while I shook her off. My breathing got heavier as I made up my mind.

Screw it, I'm going to see my best friend.

"What are you doing?" I started packing up my things. "Minju, stop."

"What? And risk not seeing her again? Do you know how angry I am right now?" I practically growled at them while they backed down. She's not answering...that can mean two things, not one.

She's running tests like they're saying...or something bad happened.

"If you guys aren't going, I will." I stood up and grabbed my bag with the two running behind me. "You're risking your placement on the dean's list!" I didn't care and just continued walking...or running.

Yena caught up and held onto my wrist, preventing me from moving. "Fuck the dean's list Yena. I can't let Yujin...die."

"She's not dying!"

"YOU DON'T KNOW!" My voice echoed throughout the whole hallway. She loosened her grip as I felt a tear escaping the corner of my eye. Yuri came running with their bags and handed Yena hers. The duck looked at Yuri and sighed.

"Fine. Let's...Let's go."

Yena's POV

Minju had this look on her face...a look in between anger and sadness. I shouldn't have told her, not when she just went through a heartbreak a few seconds ago. We took a cab because it'll be faster. She's just looking out the window, constantly fiddling with her fingers and clenching down on her jaw. I could clearly see how she was fighting back her tears even though I know she cries very easily. Her restrained sniffing just sounded so...painful.

Probably because I lied to her. Or maybe...that's how you would feel if your best friend kept something this big from you.

I know she's definitely mad...mad at me for not telling her sooner and coming up with stupid excuses just so I could fulfill what Yujin told me. I suddenly felt my shoulder getting heavier and realized Yuri fell asleep. I placed her head in a more comfortable position before leaning back, thinking how I'm going to explain all this to Yujin. She's not dying. She was fine when I went to give her some books I took from her house and from school.

A few moments later, we reached the hospital, and Minju practically jet out of the car towards the entrance of the building. She was about to run somewhere but I know she doesn't exactly know where to go. I pulled her back with Yuri walking behind me and led us to the registration counter. I could see how her breathing got heavier by the second, the desperation in her eyes.

We quickly got everything done and walked towards where Yujin's ward is. She's frantically tugging onto my wrist, constantly asking me to walk faster while I tried my best to at least calm her down with Yuri helping me. Why is she overreacting so much? I don't get it.

"Where, Yena?" I pointed to the door at the end of the hallway while she immediately ran. I let out a big sigh before slowly walking with Yuri. She entered the room but came out a second later. I raised an eyebrow while quickening my pace.

"You sure this is the right room?" Minju asked while I nodded. I looked into the room and it was...empty. But there were still books on the side which I left here a week ago. "Then where is she?" Minju asked, almost on the verge of breaking down as I heard her voice shaking. I shrugged while she tried to calm down. I pulled the three of us to sit down on the small couch, trying to think where Yujin might be since her stuff is still here. Maybe she is indeed doing some test? Her mom isn't here...that's weird.

Minju's POV

I started to feel jittery as thoughts of all kinds entered my head. What if she's gone? That can't be. But where is she? I assumed these are her things since it has her name on them. I recognize her bag and stuff so she's definitely still here.

Why did she not tell me? How could she not? Why...

I saw her notebook resting on the coffee table while I reached out for it. She usually draws stuff in it since she's always not paying attention in class, resulting in me needing to tutor her a lot. Yena looked at me, not minding what I was doing. I miss her...a lot. But why do I feel a little weird? I don't know. There's something inside me that has a constant longing for...her. It's like something feels missing.

I miss how she just smiles and laughs at every dumb thing I say. I haven't seen those in weeks and I can't help but feel...lost. Like I find myself wanting her back...needing her. What is wrong with me? Is this some kind of separation anxiety or what? My head is not working properly.

I flipped open her notebook and something fell out onto my lap. It's a piece of paper that's being folded in half, seemingly having writings in it. Well, my name is written on it. With curiosity in me, I opened it up and read what was in it.

No way...

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now