Chapter 8

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Yujin's POV

I fluttered my eyes open and got greeted by a bright beam of light forcing its way through my eyelids. I waited for my vision to clear up a little bit before I looking at the ceiling...this is not my room. My ceiling isn't pure white, it has a tint of blue to it.

I shifted my eyes to the left and saw my mother sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position with her hand on my bed, head slumping against her arm. I lifted my head a little and looked around just to realize that I'm in a hospital ward. I tried sitting up, groaning when greeted with pain. I don't know where hurts but there's pain, and it's mostly coming from my head. I think my movements might have woke my sleeping mother up.

"Oh,'re awake." She raised her head up and spoke with a sleepy voice. She looks...exhausted. I managed to sit up and leaned against the back of the hospital bed. This is uncomfortable. I hate hospital beds. "Mom...what am I doing here?" I looked at her then shifted my gaze onto my hand which had an IV needle inserted into the back of my hand. Oh god...needles. Instead of answering my question, "How do you feel?" She asked while I arched my eyebrow.

"I'm fine...just a little headache. Maybe my chest hurts a little, but it's not that bad." She stood up and poured water into a cup and handed it to me. I want to know what I'm doing here. "Why am I here?" I asked again, not drinking while she pressed her lips together. "Just drink first and I'll tell you."

I narrowed my eyes and drank the water, stale water. I ran my fingers through my hair...greasy. Just how long have I been here? I put down the cup on the small table beside the bed and looked at my mom who looked rather uneasy. Just when I was about to open my mouth and ask the same question, a doctor walked in with two nurses beside him.

I heard the doctor talking to my mom but I could barely hear what they're talking about. The nurses checked my drip and everything while I turned and whispered to her. "What is wrong with me?" She looked at me with a warm smile on her face. "There's nothing wrong my dear, I'll leave the doctor to answer your question." She sounded almost too nice and it made me wonder whether she's telling the truth or not. There's no way there's nothing wrong with me. If not, why would I even be here in the first place?

The doctor came closer to my bed and examined me, mostly my face. I gave him an uneasy and confused look while he opened his mouth. "How are you feeling?" he asked while I shrugged. "I'm fine. Now, what am I doing here?" I tried my best to not sound too rude but I can't take it anymore. Judging by the greasiness of my hair, I must have been here for a bit of time.

"Honey, respect." My mother uttered while I let out a small sigh. "I'm sorry." I apologized while the doctor's gaze soften. I just hate the hospital. "Now, what do you remember?" He asked while I tilted my head.

"Uhm...I was in my living room and suddenly everything went black?" I said in an uncertain tone while he nodded. "By any chance did you cough out blood?" he suddenly asked, almost too direct and specific while I nodded slowly. He wrote down a few things on his documents before pursing his lips together and looking up again.

"How long have I been here?" I asked politely while he looked at me. "About four days. We still need to do a few checkups here and there and maybe go for an MRI scan." Four days? I haven't gone to school for four whole days? You gotta be shitting me. This is bad.

"Don't worry, I've already called your school." My mother said. He started looking a little uneasy. "What's wrong?" I asked while he let out a small sigh.

"Judging from the previous CT scan, we saw some inflammation in her lungs which may be the reason why she was coughing out blood." I widen my eyes a little. "Pneumonia?" I guessed while he looked at me with a hint of surprise in his expression.

" study medicine?" he asked while I shook my head and chuckled a little. "My friend is studying to become a general surgeon. I read her books sometimes." he nodded. That made me more at ease just by thinking about it. "But from what I know, it isn't deadly, is it?"

"Fortunately it's not. But we do have to monitor you closely since it's rare for pneumonic patients to cough out blood...Don't be too alarmed, you'll be perfectly fine. We'll call you up for some MRI scans so we can properly see what's going on. For now, please rest as much as you can." he said and bowed while my mom and I nodded before he walked out of the room.

I'm dead. Doctors lie. The look on his face tells a different story. That's not everything that's happening to me and I know it. There has definitely something more to it. Whenever they over-assure you, there's definitely something wrong. I think I've watched too many dramas. Damn it, Min.

"Mom, can you pass me my phone?" I asked while she turned around and picked up the phone on the table, handing it to me. I thanked her and waited for it to turn on. Somehow it was switched off. "Too many messages." She uttered while I nodded.

The moment it turned on, tons of messages came in along with many miss calls. I scrolled and scrolled, it mostly came from one person. I smiled the moment I read her messages. But I don't want to worry her about all this...not when I know there's still something unknown about my condition right now.

Just then, a call came in and I expected it to be her but it was Yena. I picked it up and she started asking where I am. Of course, I told her about where I am and stuff so she'll not worry too much.

"...This girl in front of me is worried sick right now so get your ass back to school asap..." she mumbled through the phone while I raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Your best friend, Minju of course. She said you've been ignoring her calls." Blood drained from my face while I started to panic a little bit. "Just don't tell her I'm in the hospital. Tell her I'm fine...I just need a little time for myself and I'll be back."

"Why don't you just call her yourself? I don't get the both of you."

"Just help me tell her, I'm not sure about my condition right now. Please? I don't want her to worry." I said in a pleading voice while I heard some commotion happening on the other line.

"Fine, you get well soon, okay?" I nodded and hummed before she ended the call.

The doctors came in and told me to get ready for an MRI which I prepared and off we went.

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now