Chapter 15

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Minju's POV

"We did everything we could."

The moment he said that, my legs gave way and I crashed onto the cold floors of the hospital, palms and knees on the floor. My mind went blank, not knowing how to comprehend what he just said. My heart shattered into a million pieces to the point I couldn't even articulate a single word. What am I going to do now? She's gone. Yujin's gone. My best friend is gone.

I felt warm tears dripping onto my hands which were visibly trembling as I clenched down on my jaw hard, feeling as if my teeth were about to shatter. I felt a pair of arms holding onto me while I instantly grabbed onto them. It's Yena. 

My breathing became heavier as I felt my vision getting blurry from the waterfall of tears welling up in my eyes. And the next second, everything went pitch black.

Yena's POV

I saw how Minju collapse on the ground while I held onto her to lessen the impact. Her tears slowly ran down her cheeks as she stared into nowhere. Yujin's mom turned around and cried hard onto her husband while Yuri sat back down on the chair with her head in her hands. The doctors did a full 90-degree bow to show their condolences. I saw how her father was constantly trying to convince the doctor that his daughter isn't dead but to no avail. Cries could be heard resonating throughout the hallways while I just held onto Minju...she's trembling. Her breathing got heavier and the next second, she wasn't moving anymore as she collapsed on my shoulder.

"Minju..." I shook her lightly while she didn't respond. I checked if she was still breathing, and she is. I think she just fainted from being too overwhelmed. She has been through quite a lot today, causing her to be emotionally drained. I draped her arm over my shoulder and brought her to sit on the chair beside Yuri while she let Minju rest on her shoulder. I don't know why but I'm not crying. Tears aren't making their way to me.

Nothing hit me. It's as if whatever the doctor said didn't get through my head. What is wrong with me? I looked around and just broke when I saw how hard her parents are crying, collapsing onto the floor, back against the wall. Alarms could be heard echoing throughout the hospital because I think we're in the emergency department.

There's no way Yujin's gone. She's not and I know it. I turned and looked at Minju who was just sleeping, probably exhausted from crying too much earlier. It's around 2 am now. Yuri was crying too, sobbing quietly. Everyone is in pain. I'm in pain but I can't seem to cry. My friend is gone. Our friend is gone. Our vitamin in school...she's gone.

But I can't accept it.

I walked up to the doctor who was about to walk away and held onto his forearm. "Tell me she's not dead," I desperately said, voice cracking a little while he turned his head and looked at me directly in my eyes. He let out a small sigh and pressed his lips together before fully facing me, looking like he's asking me to give up trying.

"Look, kid." he let out another sigh. "We've done everything we could. I'm terribly sorry for your loss." He tried his best to say it in a gentle way while I let go of his arm. He must have been tired from working all day too, judging by how irritated he sounded no matter how much he tried to be patient. A tear escaped from my eye while I looked down, feeling my the wave of tears fighting its way up.

"Now, please go back to room 902 and pack her things. We will be transferring her to the morgue till further arrangements have been settled." One of the nurses told me while I looked up at her, arching my eyebrow.

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now