Chapter 5

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Yujin's POV

It has been a week or maybe two since I found out that Chaewon is cheating on Minju. But everything seems to be fine—weirdly fine. I don't know whether he has told her yet, or it's just Minju ignoring those things that she has been speculating. I know I told her not to overthink it...but sometimes...she should try listening to herself. I can't always tell her what to do. She can't rely on me too much even when I want her to. It's...complicated.

Yes, he looks like he is indeed getting bored of her. But how is he bored? Just give her to me bro. Jokes, she's not something you can give or take. Even I can tell from what his face looks like whenever he hangs around her. It's just that...she loves him too much to see that. If I were him, and if I truly loved her, of course, I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. What am I even saying?

If he truly loves her...he would tell her the truth...maybe he was just getting side-tracked about his relationship with Minju that he let his wild feelings get a hold of him. But who the fuck would do that to such a sweet girl who is willing to do anything because she loves you?

I really don't like him for her but what can I do? I'm merely her best friend who is supposed to stick by her and not let my own opinions meddle with her relationships even if I would die to just tell her everything.

Right now I'm in school, with Minju, walking across the hallways towards the library to return some books she has borrowed. "You want me to carry that for you?" I asked while looking at her who's struggling to handle four thick books, seemingly like a whole harry potter series collection. "Please?" She said while looking at me. I let out a sharp sigh and took it from her while she dusted her own hands.

"Why did you even borrow so many books? And why are you reading books about anatomy?" I furrowed my eyebrows when I read some of the titles of the books. It looks like a whole library of things a future doctor would read. "What? I'm aiming for Seoul University. Medical school. I want to study and become a general surgeon." she answered confidently while I scoffingly chuckled.

"You? A general surgeon? Someone who is scared of blood? Please Min, you have got to be kidding me." I shook my head while shifting the books to lay comfortably on my arms as we continued walking. "I am not. I'm not scared of blood. I bleed once every month. I'm totally serious about this." Wow, the determination in her voice. "Plus, starting early is better than nothing."

"Well then, I'll gladly be at your service, Dr. Kim." I giggled lightly while she smacked my shoulder and pursed her lips together. And that's when I noticed something. "Where's Chaewon?" I asked her while she looked at me with an unexplainable expression. Usually, he'll be with her since it's break time now.

"He said he had to meet his teacher for something. He didn't tell me what it was." she puckered her lips. That's suspicious. I nodded and faced the front as we reached the drop-off station. She helped get the books off my arms and slid them into the rectangular hole which had a label 'return' stuck on the top. I dusted my hands and smiled while she gave me a thumbs up.

She is really the weirdest.

As we walked, she talked about many different things as usual while I listen to every single word she has to say. I may be an extrovert, initiating conversations, but whenever I'm with her, she'll be the one who talks and I'll be the one who listens. Well, I find myself wanting to listen to her voice all day, every day. It's soothing. Plus, she talks about the weirdest things ever. Too random, but I like it.

She continued talking when my eyes got stuck on a familiar back of a person. A person too hard not to notice by how wide his back is. So that's where he was. It's Chaewon...with that same girl from before and I've come to recognize her. She's Honda Hitomi, a Japanese transferee that came to this school just this year.

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