Chapter 7

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Yujin's POV

Why am I feeling so tired? I slumped my body onto the couch in the living room while hovering my arm on my forehead. Geez! I'm burning!

I groaned a little while sitting back up, wiping the sweat off my forehead as I tried to calm down a little. I must've been working my brain too much. It's so cold...

Shivers ran down my spine while I slowly stood up, feeling as if the world was actually spinning as I tried to steady my stance and walked to the kitchen to get some water to drink. I slowly poured the water from a jug, hastily wiping the sweat building up on my forehead. Why am I even sweating when the aircon is at full blast?

I took the cup and sipped on it, only to choke after taking a mere sip. I started coughing—hard, as I tried to get the water out of my airway, holding onto the countertop with my hand in front of my mouth. As soon as everything came out, I tasted something weird in my mouth, something like iron. I felt something wet, almost sticky on the surface of my palm while I shifted my gaze onto it which made me widen my eyes.


I quickly washed the small patch of red away and tried to ignore the fact that I just coughed up blood. Why am I even coughing up blood? That's the last thing I have ever imagine happening to me. I'm healthy plus, I keep myself active. It doesn't make any sense. I made my way back into the living room, massaging my temples from the sudden headache that hit me a split second ago. I groaned a little as the throbbing increased, causing for me to collapse onto the couch. Everything seemed to be turning black while my head began to spin and get heavier by each second.

The next moment...I felt lifeless.

Minju's POV

It has been quite a few days ever since Yujin came to school. I tried calling her but...she never picked up. I thought that even if she were sick, she would've at least told me through text or something. I'm starting to get worried...

I walked down the hectic hallway until I felt a pair of arms around my shoulder, looking to my right to see Chaewon, my boyfriend. I'm starting to think he's hiding something...but Yujin told me not to overthink it. A smile spread across my face while I took his arm off and held onto his hand instead.

"Where have you been?" I asked while he tilted his head to look at me with a small grin on his face, swinging our hands. "Looking for you." This is why things always contradict each other. How could a guy this sweet be...bad? I should really stop thinking too much.

"Oh really?" I gave him a look of disbelief mixed with smug while he giggled. "You wanna go out later?" He asked in his deep but light voice while a smile unknowingly appeared on my face. It's been a long time since we actually hung out, but now that he's asking—I can't say no.

"Where to?" I questioned, light with my steps while he hummed. "The usual?" His face broke out in a wide grin, eyes shown with delight. I thought as my lips twitched into a small smile, agreeing to his offer. The usual—his apartment.

He has his own unit just about 15 minutes away from school. I don't exactly know why he does but he told me he couldn't stand living with his parents. It felt weird at first but I didn't ask anymore. Even though we've been together for 6 months, I still feel like I've only known him yesterday and it's odd. He's just so...mysterious. Maybe because he's a year older than me.

Yes, he may be one of the most popular seniors in school but somehow I managed to "lure" him in. I didn't know I could, actually. I really didn't know anything about him other than the popular jock he is. But as I got to notice him, and start thinking about him...he isn't really that bad. Very pretty for a guy...I must say.

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