Chapter 2

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Yujin's POV

I rouse myself out of bed for another typical day at school. I looked at the clock on my table, 6:30 am. Ugh, my head hurts for some reason. I dragged my feet towards my bathroom and did my daily morning routine. Pretty normal morning.

As usual, I ate my breakfast and headed out of the house.

"Honey! You're forgetting something!" My mom shouted while I was just about to leave the door and turned around. I smiled before going to her and giving her a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Bye, mom." I chuckled and walked out of the front yard.

"Have fun in school!"

I'd totally have fun in school. I took the bus and put on my headphones, listening to some K-Pop girl group called IZONE, as I gazed out the window. I looked at the people walking along the sidewalks hand in hand and I sighed before crossing my arms and leaning my head onto the window.

"Ahn Yujin!" There she is. Always waiting for me right in front of the school gate. I ever wonder why she keeps on calling my full name. I smiled and jogged my way to her and before I could even reach her, her boyfriend slipped in and hung his arm around her shoulder, making me slow down.

"Hi, Yujin." He uttered in his low and husky voice as he waved at me, giving his little grin while I rolled my eyes and shook my head. I don't know why, but everytime he sees me coming, he'll give off that aura as if he's trying to ask me to stay away. It's as if he's...insecure? I don't know.

Minju took his arm away and clung onto mine instead. "Let's go?" She smiled while I felt my insides heating up. I stuck out my tongue at Chaewon while he shook his head and followed from behind. I'm grateful she still makes time for me even when she has a boyfriend. Literally, the best.

"Where's Yena?" I asked while she shrugged. "She'll probably be late again." She chuckled while shaking her head as we made our way to our classroom.

Yena is a duck-looking girl who is always late for class. She's one of our close friends too whom we met during middle school. I turned my head and looked at her, having the widest smile on her face as if she has struck some kind of lottery. How can you not fall for that when it's literally the most adorable smile you've ever seen?

She continued talking about her day while I nod along the way, listening to her intently, a small curve appearing at the corner of my lips. I shook my head and continued looking forward, gulping when I realise her hand is still wrapped around my arm. I found back my breathing pace when she let go of me, realizing we've reached our classroom.

"I'll come by later, okay?" Chaewon uttered while wrapping his arm around Minju's waist, giving her a kiss on the forehead while I looked away. I clenched down on my jaw and balled my hand into a fist to the point my knuckles became white. I shouldn't be feeling like this. "Come on." She suddenly dragged me into class. And there I notice I was dazing too long.

We sat down on our seats, her beside me since we're seatmates. The bell rang and there we saw our duck friend running into the classroom while slamming the doors wide open. "I'M NOT LATE!" She shouted, chuckling as she made her way in front of us. We both shook our heads as she turned around.

"Did you do your homework?" She asked while rummaging through her bag. "No shit sherlock," I replied while she looked at me. "Okay give it to me." She put out her hand.

"When are you going to do your own homework?" Minju asked while the duck blinked a few times. "Probably never." She giggled and took my homework away before proceeding to copy.

"Yuri-ah, do you have a pen?" I heard her ask her seatmate while the girl handed her a pen. "Yah ducky, you even forgot to bring your own pen?" I asked with a disbelief tone while she nodded almost too innocently. "Gosh..."

Yuri is our other close friend. One thing cool is that she and Yena look a lot like each other sometimes. A whole hamster with those fluffy cheeks of hers.

"I don't even know why she looks like a duck when she has a brain of an ostrich," Minju uttered while writing down some things in her notebook. "A disgrace to the duck species," she added while I nodded in agreement. Ducks are one of the smartest creatures, definitely not what we're seeing right in front of us. I realized I was staring at her too long when she used her pen and hit my head.

"Yah, the teacher's here. What are you even looking at?" My hand automatically went onto my head where she hit and rubbed it. "Must you hit my head?" I retorted while she nodded. I rolled my eyes and faced the front as I saw her looking at where she thought I was looking.

"Someone has a crush~," She said softly which made me quickly turn to her and widen my eyes, thinking she found out something. But that would be impossible because I'm pretty good at hiding what I'm feeling. "What?" she used her pen and pointed at our classmate sitting at the other end of the classroom.

"Why didn't you tell me you liked Hwang Hyunjin?" She faced me while I arched my eyebrow and gave her a disappointed look. "Because I don't," I answered nonchalantly and went back to doing my work. I heard her chuckle while shaking her head.

"It's about time you find yourself a boyfriend, Jin-ah." She relaxed her face and continued doing her work as I gazed at her. She had a mix of disappointment and amusement in her expression. She looked up slightly and mouthed 'what' while I shook my head and let out a small sigh.

Why would I get myself a boyfriend when the person I like is you?

Falling for my best friend, Jinjoo.Where stories live. Discover now