Chapter 20

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Third Person's POV

Flashback to when Minju pushed the two kids out of the room...

"Talk to her," Minju said and closed the door while the two lone humans stood right outside the door, not moving an inch. Yena looked at Yuri who had an uneasy expression as she took her hand and started pulling her to walk. She knows how Yuri loves to walk and how it makes her talk more.

This is really normal for them, Yena always makes sure to hold onto Yuri's hand whenever she feels like the hamster is not feeling it. Yuri looked at the hand intertwining with hers, thinking it's what they always do. But every time Yena does that, she would feel all nervous, always thinking whether it's her feeling something for the duck, or something else.

Yuri just Yena is her best friend since middle school and has been sticking with her throughout till now. Whenever there's something wrong or Yuri is just feeling down, Yena would be the first one to notice apart from everyone else. She is shy in nature...that's why she doesn't usually talk much. But throughout her years being friends with Yena, she has come to talk way more and got better at socialising. It was also because of her that she made a little more a little more, she means two. She's grateful that her friends understand her really well. But Yena on the other hand practically reads her mind.

She has also been feeling these weird feelings since who knows when. Maybe it was when Yena would always hug her, hold her hand, or even doing the most subtle thing of being annoying. She finds it weird that she enjoys who Yena naturally is. She's indeed a trouble maker, always late for class and constantly finding the need to copy other people's homework.

But within all that, she loves how Yena always takes care of her, making sure she's well-fed and everything. She may be an annoying duck, but when it comes to her friends, she's more than willing to sacrifice anything to help.

There was once Yuri ended up in the hospital because of bad stomach flu, Yena was there. She took care of Yuri from head to toe when her parents couldn't be there for her. Maybe it was since then she appreciated Yena's presence. She doesn't really know.

Yena also speaks before thinking most of the time, but Yuri loved that about her. At least she's blatantly and brutally honest.

At times, she will blush from the slightest things Yena does. She knows how Yena loves skinship and stuff, it's engraved within the duck's personality. Her blush only thickens whenever she gets reminded of the feelings she has harvested in her, constantly trying to ignore it just so she wouldn't ruin their friendship.

She doesn't know if Yena would find her weird. She has also gone to the extend of thinking if they ended up together or something, and somehow there comes a situation that'll end up with them breaking up, everything will be gone and she'll never forgive herself for letting this all happen because of her 'stupid' feelings. Yuri's quite an overthinker too, but not as much as Minju.

When Yena talks about guys she finds cool and stuff, Yuri would not be able to converse much since she now knows, she's not that interested in guys. She tends to just agree with everything that Yena says although she honestly doesn't find much interest in them. The only interesting part is her talking to Yena. That's all that matters for her and she can't risk losing her best friend.

But...seeing how Minju and Yujin did it...maybe, just maybe it has given her a little confidence boost. She should really start talking about it with Yena and not just let this topic go, knowing how it's been bothering her for a long time.

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