Part 2

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Tony, Steve, Wanda, Nat, and Rhodey were all in the training room, practicing their fighting moves.

Bruce was in the lab, says he felt more calm there, Clint was home with his family, and Sam was at home, enjoying a day of from the crazy.

Peter was in the living room, making himself a sandwich. Peter stopped spreading the butter, and looked up, and raised an eyebrow.

"You know, I know when someone is sneaking up on me too you know?" He says without turning around.

"Well, aren't you the little actor?"

Peter turns around and looks at Loki

"Hey, It's not like I could just let them find out that you have a son right?"

Loki laughs. "Where is everyone?"

"In the training room. Bruce is in the lab, Clint and Sam are at their houses"


"Oh, he's a new guy. You haven't met him." Peter looks around. "And speaking of guys, where's Uncle Thor?"

"He went to visit Jane"

"Cool. When he comes back, I want to see if I can lift M-Myol-Meol- his hammer"

"You mean Mjolnir?"

"Yeah, that"

"Well, drop the illusion. I want to see my son for how he actually is"

Peter smiles and closes his eyes.

Next thing you know, Peter has slick black hair, and green eyes, just like his father.

"There you are. Come give me a hug"

Peter runs to Loki, and Loki embraces him, kissing the top of his head.

"How did you make it here without me?" Loki asked him.

"Well, a nice couple found me in the alley as a baby and took me in, later they died and I was them taken in by their relatives. They were a couple, but then the husband died, so I was left with the wife. Aunt May. Really nice. You would like her. She's made sure that I'm safe and that I've always had what I needed."

"How did you find Mr. Stark?"

"More like he found me. I was coming back from school, when he was just sitting there on my couch, and I was like, 'Woah, what? What's he doing here?'. And then Mr. Stark took me to my room and he like, somehow figured out that I was Spider Man. And that's how he found me"

"You know, I only ever know about 'Spider Man' from all the videos that show up on the news"

"How would you see the news? I thought you got locked away in Asgard"

"I did. But that doesn't mean that I didn't sneak my mind over here."

"You can do that?"

"Sort off. Not for long thought. I can pretend to be in one spot, and actually be in another place, hidden, but not for to long"


Peter and Loki heard the elevator ding, and Peter quickly put his human form illusion back on, a split second before the elevator opened and Bruce walked out.

"Oh. Hi Loki. Hi Peter. I just, came to get something to drink"

"Great. We were just going to watch a movie" Peter says

"Yes. I have wondered what a 'movie' is, as you Midgardians call it" Loki says, playing along.

"Ok. Um, alright bye"

Bruce quickly walks back to the elevator, and the door closes. As soon as it does, Peter removes his human illusion.

"Phew. That was close. I though he was going to be able to the through the illusion"

"Why would he be able to?"

"Well, I don't know why, but since I was a baby, I felt I was loosing something, but I could barely feel it, it was just a very tiny bit every week. But ever since I got my new Spider powers, I felt I lost more, every day. But I don't know what I'm losing. I think-I could be losing my magic."

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know! How am I supposed to know? I'm not the- All-Father!"

"Hmmm" Loki hummed.

"This is not a 'hmmm' moment"

"I know, but, I think Odin could figure this out"


"You know, he's not actually your grandfather right? Lauffey was your grandfather"

"I know. Well, Odin?


"But, does he know I even exist?"

"No. I kept you a secret. I didn't want them to take you from you mother and me"

"Whatever did happen to mom?"

"The frost giants killed her when they attacked Asgard"

"Oh. Well, even if Odin can help me, how can I go without Mr. Stark suspecting anything?"

"Leave that to me"


Bruce walked into the training room.

"Hey Tony"

Tony turned around. "Brucie! What's up?"

"Can we talk?"


Tony and Bruce walk out of the training room and into the hallway.

"What's wrong?" Tony asks Bruce

"I was just in the kitchen, and I found Peter and Loki in there"

"Oh man, I bet Loki is going to show him how to use a dagger, Peter probably asked him to" Tony said shaking his head

"That's the least of my concern. I mean, yeah, probably not a good idea, but right now I'm not worried about that"

"Then what is it?"

"Well, when I stepped out of the elevator, I saw Peter and Loki there, and after a few seconds, Peter started flickering, sort of, and he was still there, but between each little faint flicker, I saw green eyes and black hair"

"What are you saying?"

"I don't know. I could have been me, but I kind of looked like one of Loki's illusions."

Tony furrowed his eyebrows. "He had black hair and green eyes?"


"Like Loki?"

"I mean yeah, now that I think about it. Do you think-"

Bruce looked at Tony.

"I don't know why he would keep that from me. But we need to find out. Take a sample blood test, and see the DNA. Try to get Loki's too, although that will be hard" Tony says

Bruce nods his head.

Tony walks back into the training room, and Bruce walks back to the lab.


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