Part 9

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"Peter IS Lokison"

Bruce stared at the results, while it all sank into his head.

"Dr. Banner, your heart rate has increased. Should I activate the Hulk protocol?" FRIDAY says

"No, I'm fine. Jus-Can you get Tony in here please?"

"Of course Dr. Banner"

A minute later, Tony appears in the lab

"Bruce, is everything ok?"

Tony walks towards Bruce.

"Yeah, but you might want to take a look at this"

Tony walks to the table where Bruce was.


Bruce shows Tony the DNA results.

"Bruce, I don't know bio that well"

"Peter's DNA matches Loki's DNA. Peter's DNA is divided in three parts. Spider, Frost Giant, and Loki's DNA. Peter IS Lokison."

Tony said nothing. "Jeez"

"Do you think he knows?"

"I don't know"

"Do you think Loki knows?"

"I'm not sure"

"Where's Peter?"

"He went with Loki so Asgard."

"I don't think that was a good idea"

"Yeah, well, it's too late. If Loki does find out, or if he does know, there's no way that he'll hurt his own son"

"Yeah, but what about Loki's dad? Odin?"

"I don't think he'll hurt his Grandson"

"Let's just hope you're right."


"What do we do when he come back? Do we tell him?"

"I'm not sure. We can think about that later"

"Do we tell the team?"

"No. If Peter knows, then he's kept it a secret for a reason. It's not our thing to tell"


Tony and Bruce leave the lab.


"Hey, dad?"


"I don't think we quite thought this through. How are we going to get to Asgard?"

Peter asks as he looks around at the open field in which they were walking in.

"You are really going to enjoy this" Loki says

Loki suddenly stops walking, and Peter stops to.

"What are we stopping for?" Peter asks

Loki smiles. "Heimdall, open the portal!" he yells

No sooner than he said that, rainbow colors surrounds both Peter and Loki, and Loki grabs ahold of Peter.

Peter's felt his feel slowly leave the ground, and he let out a yelp. He felt Loki's arm give a reassuring squeeze. Peter closed his eyes and hugged Loki tightly.

"You're going to want to see this"

Peter opens his eyes, and sees the stars and the entire galaxies.

"Woah" Peter says

"Look up"

Peter looks up and sees light, and pretty soon, they enter that light, and Peter feels his feet touch something that felt like the ground.

He heard the whirring of machines, and he feels himself no longer moving. he looks around and sees that he is in a dome-like building, and sees a man with golden armor and a huge sword in front of him.

The man twisted the sword in front of him, and the whirring of the Bifrost slowed.

"Welcome to Asgard, Peter Parker"

"Uh, thank you. I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I am Heimdall. Guardian of the Bifrost."

"How do you know who I am?"

"I can see and hear in the nine realms."


"Yes, Spider Man, Lokison"

"Can we just keep that between us three?"

"Of course, Mr. Parker."

"Thanks, and you can just call me Peter"

"Alright, Peter"

Loki guides Peter across the rainbow bridge, and behind them, Heimdall smiles.


Peter LokisonWhere stories live. Discover now