Part 14

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As Peter's episode ended, Odin and Loki comforted Peter. 

Peter opened his eyes, and looked at Loki tiredly. 

"Dad?' He said weakly. 

"Are you ok?" Loki asks

"Mnnnn. We-we're run-ning out of t-time. I-i'm fading a-away."

Odin does not hesitate to lift Peter into his arms and to carry him towards the healing room. Loki doesn't say anything as he follows him. 

Peter's eyes are closed, and his breathing is heavy. 



I was so tired. I could feel myself fade away. 

One minute, I was in dad's arms. Next thing I new, I was getting lifted, and another pair of arms were carrying me and taking me somewhere. 

I didn't know where. My eyes were closed. 

I kept feeling myself fade away, and it was not a nice feeling, I can't help but to let out a groan. 

I faintly hear someone shush me, and I was no longer being carried. I was laying on something soft. 

I groan as I open my eyes, and I see Grandfather Odin and another people I've never seen before looking down at me. Their lips are moving, but I can't hear them. All I can hear is the sound of my weak heartbeat in my ears. 

I start to panic, as the people start to but bands on my wrists. 





Peter's eyes are frantically looking for me.

I walk over to his side, and I grab his hand. 

"Sh, It's ok Peter. I'm right here."

He looks at me with tired eyes. 


"I'm right here Pete"

"What are they doing?" he asks weakly

"They're going to see what's going on with you. Ok?"

"K. I'm tried"

"I know. But keep your eyes open and look at me ok? I'll tell you when you can go asleep"



Peter's tired eyes look at Loki, as Loki runs his fingers through Peter's hair. 

Loki nods at the healers. They bring up a holographic-type form of Peter's body.

As soon as they see a green light flashing in Peter's body that was quickly fading, they rush Peter into a different room without notice. 

"Hey hey hey what's going on?" Loki asks. 

"We have found something that is fatal. We cannot tell anymore until we know more. But if we don't do what we need to do now, he will die" A woman tells Loki. 

Loki nods and looks at Peter. 

"Hey Pete, you can go to sleep now bud"

"Will you be there when I wake up?" He asks weakly. 

Loki swallows a lump in his throat. "Yeah. I'll be here"

Peter smiles as his eyes close, and his body relaxes, and his breath is steady. 

The healers take Peter to another room, when Loki's stomach lurches.

Loki covers his mouth with his hands, as he tries to keep the bile down. He succeeds. For now. 

Tears starts to form in his eyes, and he feels familiar hands gently grab his shoulders and leads him out of the room and makes him sit down. 

He doesn't even have to look up to see who is was. He just buried his head in their chest. 

"How is Peter?" Loki hears a low, soft voice ask. 

"I don't know brother. They saw something and took him to another room, saying that if they don't do something now, he will die. I'm so worried about him"

"He will be fine brother. You took him here on time, and the healers in the Palace are the best healers in the nine realms."

"I know but, I'm still worried."

"It'll be ok"

Thor hugs Loki, and Loki embraces the hug. 

They hear soft footsteps approach them, and Loki feels soft, comforting arms wrap around him in a bear hug. 

"Peter will be alright. He has the strength and stubbornness of his father" A new voice says from behind Loki. 

"I'm sure mother, but I'm still worried" Loki answers

"I don't doubt that. But don't beat yourself up about it"

Frigga's arms give Loki a reassuring squeeze, and so does Thor. 

They remain in the mother-sons hug for a long time. 


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