Part 8

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Peter had recovered after a few days, and everything was back to normal.

Tony, Bruce and Peter would spend practically all day in the lab

Nat and Steve would train in the gym

Clint was with his family

Bucky was visiting Steve

Sam was at his home, deciding to spend a day off Avenging. Steve's crazy world.

Thor was off-world.

Loki well, he just hung around.


Bruce was currently in his lab, comparing Peter and Loki's DNA. He got Peter's DNA from blood that he got when Peter was in surgery.


Peter was watching Star Wars: Empire strikes back with Loki when he felt some of his magic leave him.

His brown hair and brown eyes illusion started flickering, and then it became stable again.

Loki quickly noticed.

"Is it your magic again?"

"Yeah. Some just left me. We need to go to Asgard soon. Who knows what will happen if enough leaves me so I can't do my illusion, and the other's will find out"

"Is it so bad that they find out?"

"I mean, I guess not, but I don't think I'm ready yet"

"Ok. Well, we can go to Asgard now"

"What about Mr. Stark?"

"Leave that to me"


Peter and Loki walked into the lab where Tony was currently working on a new suit

"Hey Pete, Loki, how are you guys doing?" Tony asks as he turns to Peter and Loki

"We're doing good" Peter says

"So, Mr. Stark, Peter was just telling me how he would love to see Asgard one day. I was thinking that I could take him"

"On one condition"

"What is that?"

"Thor goes with you"

"Well, he's off-world, I bet he's fighting some war in one of Asgard's allies. I'm sure he'd be back in Asgard as soon as he's done. So, I bet he's already there"

"Fine. Peter can go."

Peter's eyes widen

"How long can I stay there for?" Peter asks

"How long do you want to stay?"

"I don't know. Maybe a week?"

"Fine. No more than 2 weeks ok?"

"Wait, what about Aunt May?"

Loki glances at Peter

"I'll worry about your unusually attractive Aunt. You go and have fun"

"Thanks Mr. Stark! You're the best!"

Peter runs and hugs Tony. He hugs him back.

"Have fun!" Tony says as Peter and Loki leave the lab

"I will!" Peter yells back


Tony was walking into the kitchen to get a coffee, and he saw Steve watching Star Wars: Empire Strikes back

"Wow, Capsicle is watching Star Wars?"

"Yeah, Peter talks about it all the time, I thought I'd catch up"

"Good idea. I can't imagine what would happen if he were to meet someone who knows so many references as him"

Steve laughs. But then he gets a far-off look

"Hey Tony?"


"When, we were in the car when Peter got shot, Peter called Loki 'dad'. You don't think Loki could be his father, right?"

Tony sighs as he puts the up of coffee down.

"Bruce saw them one day talking, and he told me that he saw Peter's body flicker, like an illusion. When the his body was flickering, Bruce said he saw that Peter had green eyes and black hair like Loki's. So, we decided to get a blood sample, and see what Peter's DNA was. We found a piece of DNA which we didn't know what it was. So, Bruce said that he could compare Peter and Loki's DNA. He's still working on it, so I have no updates"

"Is that why you offered to clean Loki's wounds?"

"Yeah, but I also wanted to make sure he's ok. If he does turn out to me Peter's dad, I don't want anything to happen to him or Peter. Peter seems to really like him"

"I guess. Speaking of Peter, where is he?"

"He went with Loki to Asgard"

"Oh he's going to have fun"

Tony laughed. "Those Asgardians are going to have a handful. But, he'll have fun"

Steve smiled.


"No way. No way no way no way no way no way" Bruce said to himself as he examined Peter and Loki's DNA.

Bruce looked up.

"Peter IS Loki's son"


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