Part 4

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'So, apparently Bruce needs a physical sample of the blood.' Tony thought as he sat on the couch drinking yet another cup of coffee. 'How the heck and I going to d-'

"Hi Mr. Stark!"

"AH!" Mr. Stark jumps and spills his coffee all over his shirt.

"Ooo. Sorry Mr. Stark. Didn't mean to scare you" Peter says while giggling.

"This is not funny! You're lucky this is one of the shirts that I use when I'm in the lab"

"What were you thinking about when I scared you?"

"Eh, just some adjustments I want to make to a new suit I'm making" (Which was totally not true)

"YOUR MAKING A NEW SUIT?!" Peter exclaims with wide eyes. Peter puts his hand on his chest and pretends to be dying. "You're making a new suit? Without ME?" Peter lets himself fall to the ground, despite the pain that he received shortly after in his back.

Mr. Stark grins as he shakes his head.

"I AM HURT! I AM VERY MUCH HURT!" Can be heard from the ground where Peter is currently laying.

"Alright kid. Come on. If you want to work on the suit with me you can" Tony says while walking to Peter, helping him get up

"Thanks, but. I have to go on patrol"

"Ok. But be careful. And please, call me if something happens. I don't want it to be like last time"

"Mr. Staaarkk! That was only one time!"

"One time what? That you encounter bad guys and they beat you up in an alley, and they kidnap you? And you still told Karen to not call me even though they were about to kill you when Karen told me what was going on and I came in a saved you?"

"Ok yeah. But it'll never happen again. I promise."


"Can Loki come with me?"

Mr. Stark raised his eyebrow. "I mean, sure. I guess, but make sure he doesn't get in trouble."

"I will. Bye Mr. Stark! You're the best!"


Loki was walking around the area where Peter was swinging.

So far, they had stopped 2 bicycle thefts, 1 car theft, helped an old lady get her groceries to her house, and she had bought Peter and Loki churro. Peter had stopped a car from driving into a bus, and now they were just watching for anything else.

Loki was actually enjoying this, seeing Peter swing through buildings, help keep the neighborhood safe. He was glad that he was finally seeing Peter do what he enjoyed.

Loki was walking past an alley when he saw some guys beating up another guy, smaller than them.

He shot some green mist towards Peter. Peter saw it and looked down and saw the guys.

Hey swung down into the alley


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