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I have snapped away Endgame due to the plot of this story.

It had been 3 years since Peter and Loki found each other again. 

Loki kept living with the Avengers, and Peter was 17 years old. He had become an Avenger. Loki kept living with the Avengers, Peter and MJ started dating, May kept living in the apartment, Peter kept visiting Odin and Frigga, and he had been getting his shot every 6 months. 

And today was his last shot. 

Peter sat on his bed, with basically all the Avengers around him. 

"Guys, It's just a shot, you don't all have to be here" Peter says

"Pete, you have gone through so much. This is your last shot ever. We all want to be here Ребенок паук" Nat says

"Thank you Мама паук" Peter says

"Ok Pete, you ready?" Bruce asks holding the last shot in his hands


Loki holds Peter's hand as Bruce grabs his arm. 

Peter looks as Bruce inserts the shot into his arm, and squeezes the syringe slowly. 

All the Avengers watch the liquid go into Peter's arm, and as the last of the liquid leaves the syringe, Peter breathes out and closes his eyes. 

Bruce removes the syringe, and let's go of Peter's arm. 

And then, something that had never happened before happens.

Peter starts to gently glow green, and when he opens his eyes, his eyes were glowing green. 

Peter opens his hands, and a green flame appears above his hands. 

Then the mist and the flame turns blue, chilling breeze went through the room. 

Peter's Lokison form disappears, and everyone sees his Frost Giant form. 

Then his Human form forms, and the mist goes away. 

Peter opens his eyes.

"Woah" He says

"What was that?" Loki asks

"That was the end of the process. My magic had finally become a part of me. I'm whole."

Loki hugs Peter, while the other hang back, until Loki grabs Tony's hand pulls him into the hug, and that is an invitation to the other to join the hug, and they all have an Avengers Family Hug



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