Part 17

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"Peter, Tony has woken up"

"Thanks FRIDAY!" Peter says

Peter and Loki were in the living room with Wanda, Vision, Bruce, Natasha, Pepper, Clint, and Steve watching a movie. Thor was in Asgard. 

Tony walks in and sees everyone in the living room. 

"Have you all been here while I was sleeping?" Tony asks

"Peter is the only one to get you to go to sleep. Apart from Pepper"

"True. Mind if I join?" Tony asks

"Come on Tony" Pepper pats the spot next to her, and Tony goes and sits next to her and embraces her in a hug. 

Loki looks at Peter and nods. 

"Hey guys, there's something I want to tell you"

Steve pauses the movie and everyone turns and puts all their attention to Peter. 

"M-My parents aren't dead. Well, my dad isn't at least. Aunt May isn't actually my Aunt" Peter says

"What do you mean? Your parents died in a place crash" Tony says

"Yes. Well no. Sort of? You know what? Why don't I just show you" Peter says

Peter closes his eyes and lets his human illusion go. So the Avengers see Peter's true form. 

His Lokison form. 

When Peter opens his eyes, everyone's eyes were wide, except Tony's and Bruce's. 

"W-What just happened?" Wanda asks

"My name Peter Lokison."

"Y-You're Loki's son?" Pepper asks

Loki and Peter nod.

"Aren't you mad at me Mr. Stark? I didn't tell you guys. Why aren't you surprised?" Peter asks

"Because I already knew."

Peter blinks for a few seconds, shocked at the fact that Tony knew. 

"W-h-how did you know?"

"Bruce saw you're illusion flickering one day. He came to me and told me what happened. We decided to do a DNA test. The day you got shot, we took your guy's blood sample. They matched. Well, except you spider DNA Pete, but me and Bruce knew."

"Why didn't you confront us about it?" Peter says referring to him and Loki. 

"Because we figured that there was a reason why you hadn't told us. So we didn't push. And in the car, when you got shot, you called Loki 'dad'."

Peter blushed. "I did?"

"Yeah you did Peter. It's ok"  Loki says

"Well, now you know." Peter says. 

"Is that why you spent a long time in Asgard?" Steve asks

"N-no." Peter says, looking down. 

"Bruce, remember that you were seeing my illusion flicker?" Peter asks

"Yes" Bruce says

"Well, something was wrong with my magic. I could feel it leaving me. But there was something else happening too. There was pain. I never felt like I was complete. I always felt like there was something missing. So we went to Asgard and when we got there, well-"

"Peter met Frigga and Odin. No later after, his magic left him, but it was different from before. He collapsed in front of me. He didn't pass out, but he couldn't hold his own weight. He was weak. We took him to the healers, and they took him to the healing room. After a long time, a healer came out and explained what was happening with Peter. His magic was trying to bond with his human cells. But is was killing them. Making Peter fade away. They found a way that his magic would bond with his human cells safely. There is a liquid that must be injected into his bloodstream every 6 months. After 3 years, he no longer has to take it because the effects will be permanent" Loki explained. 

No one in the room said anything. They were trying to understand everything that was said to them. 

Tony got up and walked over to Peter and hugged him tight, surprising everyone. 

"Why didn't you tell us? I would have helped you" Tony whispers. 

"I didn't want you to worry. Besides, I figured that if I told you, you would have found out. I wasn't ready to tell anyone until after we came back" Peter answers, hugging him back. 

Tony hugs Peter tighter, and everyone else stands up and joins the hug. Pretty soon, they're having a big family hug. Loki is in the hug too. 

"I love you all" Peter whispers. 


Peter LokisonWhere stories live. Discover now