Part 10

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"Hey Dad?"

"Yes Peter?"

"Does Grandfather Odin know about me?"

Peter asks Loki as they walk across the bridge.

"I haven't told him yet. Let's just say your Grandfather and I aren't exactly "simpatico" at the moment"

"Oh. Will, he, do something to you? Or me?"

"No. I mean, I don't know. But I will make sure that he doesn't do anything to you"

Peter looks away.


When Loki enters the palace, he is immediately greeted by Thor.

"BROTHER! What are you doing here?"

Thor hugs Loki tightly.

"We have come to see father"

Thor stops hugging Loki and looks at Peter.

"Why did you bring him along? You know Father doesn't like it when other beings from other worlds come here."

Thor looks at Peter as Peter sighs.

Peter closes his eyes, and releases the human illusion, and lets Thor see his Lokison form.

Thor's eyes widen.

"How did you do that? That was Loki's magic? Why do you look like Loki?"

"I am Peter Lokison."

Thor's eyes widen and his mouth opens.

"Loki, you never told me"

"I was afraid that Odin would find out. I was afraid that Peter would get taken away from me"

"But, you are bringing him here, and you brought him here to see Odin, I presume, because you are in the palace"

"Yes. We're here because Pe-"


Loki and Thor look to Peter, who is leaning side to side, and his flickering was intense, but it was flickering between his human, frost giant, and Lokison form. Peter's eyes were unfocused, and his eyebrows kept scrunching up. He reached up and clutched his chest and fell to the ground.

But before he could even touch the ground, Loki caught him.


Every time Peter flicker, Peter winced, and his body scrunched up.

"Brother, what is happening?"

"His magic is leaving him. But this has never happened before."

Peter groaned as his magic flickered, and he buried his head in Loki's chest.

"Sh, shsh" Loki soothed him.

Loki brushed his fingers through Peter's hair, and held him close to him.

Thor kneeled down and helped to support Peter's head.


Peter's P.O.V

Dad had been talking to Uncle Thor when I felt this stabbing pain in my chest. I felt a huge amount of magic leave, me and it hurt. It felt like my lungs were burning, and it was hard to breathe. He groaned, and he was getting dizzy.


"-other, what is happening?"

Peter felt strong arms holding him.

'When did I get on the ground?' Peter thought.

"-s magic is leaving him. But this has nev-"

Peter no longer listened to what Loki was saying, because he felt another stabbing pain in his chest. He buried his head in his dad chest, and listened to his heartbeat.

"h-shsh" He heard his dad's comforting voice.

He felt his dad's fingers comb his hair. He felt himself being pulled closer to Loki's chest, and he felt big strong hands support his head. He knew those were Uncle Thor's

Peter kept feeling his magic leave him, and it hurt. More than it every did. Yeah, it hurt the other times, but not as much as right now. Before he could contain it, and not show his pain. But right now, it was way too much pain.


Peter LokisonWhere stories live. Discover now