Part 15

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Loki sat with Thor outside of Peter's healing room when a woman came out of the room. 

Loki and Thor got up quickly. "Is he ok?" Loki asks

"He will be fine. We discovered what has been causing his magic to fade. Did he say anything to you about how he was feeling?"

"He said one time that he was fading away"

"Yes. That makes sense. If his mother were a goddess, he would be like you, and there would be no complications. But since his mother is human, he has human cells. His magic was being combined with his human cells. His humans cells are not meant for magic as strong as yours. But while his magic was being combined, it was killing his human cells. Which meant that the Spider abilities he gained on earth were also being destroyed."

"Will he continue to fade?" Thor asked

"No. We found a way that his magic and cells could be together without his human cells being destroyed. We made a liquid that can do this. It must be injected into his blood system every 6 months. If he does this for 3 years, then he won't have to inject it anymore, because the effects would have already become permanent. He will live"

Loki sighed. "Thank you. Will the liquid be enough?"

"Yes. What we will give you is enough. We already injected his first dose today. In six months today, he will need his second dose"

Loki sighs in relief. "Can I see him?"

"Yes. It is unclear when he will wake up."

"Can he hear me?"

"We do not know. I would recommend speaking to him, so that if he can hear you, he knows that you are there"

Thor thanks the healer, and he walks with Loki into Peter's room. When they walk in, they see Peter laying on his back, his chest moving up and down steadily, and an IV in his arm. His eyes were closed, and he looked peaceful. 

"I will leave you two alone" Thor says

Loki nods, and as soon as Thor closes the door, he makes his way to Peter's bed and grabs a chair. He sits next to him, and grabs his hand. 

"Hi Peter. It's your dad. I hope you can hear me. You're going to be ok. Thor was with me the whole time. Frigga probably knows you're ok. She knows things. And Odin probably does too. Please wake up soon. I love you"

Loki kisses Peter's hand gently, and holds it against his chest. 

He starts to comb Peter's hair with his fingers, waiting for Peter to wake up. 



I felt weird. It felt whole. I wasn't fading anymore. I had never felt so whole before. I always felt like a part of me was missing. But not anymore. 

It felt like I was laying on a marshmallow. But my hand was being held by a warm, soft hand that felt familiar. 

"-been a week Pete. You need to wake up soon. Tony will get worried. Please wake up soon. I need to see for myself that you'll be ok"

That was dad. I wanted to know that I was ok. I squeezed his hand with every bit of energy I had, and I tried to open my eyes. 


But squeezing his hand and trying to open my eyes made me really tired. I no longer became aware of being awake. 


"-'s been in and out of consciousness. Five days ago, he woke up. He squeezed my hand and tried to open his eyes, but he fainted again"

"His body is still trying to stabilize. It takes time brother."

"I know."

That was Dad. And Uncle Thor. How long has it been? It only felt like 5 minutes since the last time I woke up. I wanted them to know that I was awake. That I could hear them. 

I tried moving my hand, and opening my eyes, but I couldn't open my eyes. I let out a little groan. 

"Peter?" I heard dad's voice ask. 

A hand grabs my hand, and squeezes it. "Pete, can you hear me? Squeeze my hand twice if you can hear me"

I squeeze his hand twice, weakly, but I know he felt it. 

"Pete! Can you open your eyes for me please?"

I groan.

"Come on Peter. Thor is here. He wants to see you"

I try opening my eyes, and I succeed. When I open them, I see Thor and Dad looking down at me. Dad looks tired. I bet he hasn't slept.

"D-ad?" I try to say

"Yeah it's me Peter. How are you feeling?"

"Weird. I fe-" I start coughing furiously, my throat is dry.

I feel something press against my lips and when I open my eyes, I see Thor holding a glass of water against my lips. I drink about half of the glass, and I swallow. 

"Thank you" I croak.

"You're welcome" Thor says

"Anyway, like I was saying, I feel whole. Like before, I always felt like a part of me was missing. But now I don't. It's weird. What did they do to me?"

"Turns out your magic was trying to bond itself with your human cells. But it was killing them. So you were fading away. But they found a way that your magic could combine safely with your human cells. It's a liquid that needs to be injected into your bloodstream every six months. They already did it. After three years, you don't need to take it anymore because the effects will be permanent."

"Oh. Wait, how long has it been since we came here?"

Thor and Loki look at each other. 

"What?" I ask

"Peter, it's been a week and five days." Thor says


"I know. That's why we need to get to Midgard soon." Loki says


I gets up quickly, and Thor and Dad are surprised at the fact that I am not dizzy. 

But the IV is stopping me from moving anymore. 

"Uhh, you could you take this off me please?" I ask 

Thor comes and carefully takes the IV out of me. 

"Thanks" I say as I put my hand on where the IV was. 

"Lets go to Midgard." I say walking out of the room with Dad and Thor following me. 


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