Part 5

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"Hey guys. How about you fight someone your own size?" Peter says as he swings into the alley.

They all look at Peter as he lands. He the big guys run towards Peter, and he shoots his webs at them.

They all get stuck to the wall, having no luck getting out of the webs.

"Sorry guys, we have to wrap this up. It's a school night." He says as he starts backing up.

The little guys ran away a while ago.

He was preparing to shoot a web, when he feels extreme pain in his side. He looks down and sees a gunshot wound which was currently gushing blood.

He lets out a shaky breath, and puts his hand over the wound.

He looks around to see where the bullet came from. He sees a man in the shadows in front of him.

He stares at him, and in a few seconds his vision starts getting blurry. His knees feel like jelly. Was he falling?

"-ter! eter! PETER!"

Loki is kneeling next to him, shouting his name. Huh, when did he get there? Peter looks behind Loki and sees the man that shot him unconscious.

When did that happen?

"PETER! Answer me!"

Oh yeah, Loki was there. Oh he had to answer him. Right.

"Mnnnnnnn" Peter tried to say.

Peter's lips moved weakly, but no words came out. He started feeling the pain in his side, and Peter's eyes scrunched up. He sucked in a shaky breath.

Next thing he knows, he feels someone tapping his cheek.

"Pete, open your eyes, please"

That was Mr. Stark. When did he get here? And his eyes were closed?

He tried to open his eyes, and when he couldn't he let out a small groan.

He couldn't feel anything but the pain in his side.

Next thing he knows, he's being lifted, and strong arms are carrying him.

He opens his eyes just a little bit, and sees a blond with blue eyes staring at him.

"Steve?" he asks weakly.

"Yeah, it's me Peter. Can you try to stay awake for me? You can go to sleep when we tell you ok?"


Peter says, but his eyes start to close.

Steve moves Peter's head. "No no no Pete. What'd I tell you? Look just, look at my hand ok?"

Steve starts moving his hand in front of Peter's head. Peter follows his hand with tired eyes.

He feels someone press on his side, and he hisses.

"Sorry sorry, but we have to stop the bleeding" He hears someone say

"Dad?" Peter asks weakly


"Dad?" Peter asks weakly after he says that.

His eyes widen in shook. Steve and Tony look at Loki.

Loki smiles fondly.

"Yeah. It's me."

"Mn tired"

"I know. But you need to stay awake for me. Please"


Loki starts running his fingers through Peter's hair. Peter closes his eyes and smiles.


Peter sees Loki's hand reach for his head, and he feels Loki running his fingers through his hair, while the other hand was pressing on his wound.

But it was nice for Loki to run his fingers through his hair. It felt good. Peter closed his eyes in content and smiled.

He focused on his hair, so he would stay awake.

But soon he felt Loki no longer running his fingers through his hands. He was being moved and he no longer felt Steve's strong arms holding him.

He let out a whine.

"Sh sh sh sh. It's ok."

Peter opened his eyes a saw that there were people him, all crowding him. He started wiggling where he was laying, ignoring the pain in his side.

He feels soft hands on his shoulders. And he sees Loki's green eyes looking at him.

"Peter, calm down. It's ok. They're going to make you feel better. Ok?"

"I want you"



"I want you" He tells me.

Loki looks at Bruce, who was next to where Peter was laying. Bruce nods.

"Ok. I'm going to be with you the whole time. I promise"


Peter relaxes.


Peter then sees Bruce, and a girl he had seen before, he just didn't remember her name. Something like Dr. To, Tone? Dr. Cho. That's it. 

He was being wheeled away from Mr. Stark and Steve, and Loki was holding his hand, staying next to him the whole time.

Next thing he knows, he's hooked up to the heart monitor, and he's in a room full of equipment.

He feels a slight pinch in his arm, and he starts feeling really tired.

"Dad? Can I go to sleep now?"

Loki smiles at him

"Yeah Pete. You can go to sleep now"

Peter closes his eyes, and then he doesn't feel anything


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