Part 11

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As time went by, the pain settled, but Peter felt weak. 

When there was no more pain, Peter breathed deeply. He kept taking several deep breaths. He kept his eyes closed, and focused on the fingers brushing his hair. 

When he opened his eyes, he saw Loki and Thor looking down at him with worried looks. 



After a time, Peter calmed down, and his breathing was deep. I kept brushing my fingers through his hair to calm him down. When he opened his eyes, I breathed a sigh of relief. 

"Hey, are you ok?"



"Yeah. I think so" I answered. 

"What happened? Did your magic leave you again?"

"Yeah, it did. But it hurt more this time"

"What do you mean more? You mean you've been in pain all this time and you never told me?"

"Well, yes, but not this much pain. It was just a little bit. And I didn't want anyone to worry. Besides, if Mr. Stark, or any of the Avengers saw me wincing, they'd ask what was wrong and would have told Bruce to do tests. And then they would find out that I'm your son"

"But next time it happens, you should tell me, ok?"

"Ok, but I think we should hurry to Grandfather Odin. This time it really hurt, and I felt a lot more magic leave me"

"Ok" Dad helps me up, but my knees feel like Jell-O, and my knees buckle, but thankfully Uncle Thor was there to catch me. 

"Son of Loki, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah I-I'm ok. And you can call me Peter"

"Peter, you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, it's just, I'm tired."

"Can you walk?"


Thor let's me go, and I takes a few unsteady steps. "Let's go"

I starts walking towards the throne room, towards Grandfather Odin with Thor and Loki following me. 


Peter LokisonWhere stories live. Discover now