Part 19

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Peter woke up, got ready, and went to school. 

The day was pretty normal, he went through all his classes, and was running out of school when his foot tripped over something, and he fell down the stairs, scraping his elbow. 


As he gets up, he receives a punch in the face. He looks up, and sees Flash standing over him. 

"You have no idea how bored I was these past few weeks. I wasn't going to beat you today, but you act like you're all smart. You make me look stupid. But I'm not. I wish you were never born Penis Parker. You're useless. No wonder your parents died. You're nothing. You will never be anything more."

Peter punches Flash, forgetting that he was supposed to hide that he was Spider Man.  

Flash is shocked, but quickly recovers, and he punches Peter in the gut. 

There is a full on fight, and people start to surround them, yelling "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"

"MOVE! Hey, what's going on here?" Peter and Flash hear a voice, but they ignore it, and they continue fighting. 

As Peter raises his fist to punch Flash, he feels a hand grab his arm, and pulls him back. 

"Hey, hey, hey Peter stop. What's gotten into you?"

Peter turns around and sees Mr. Stark. 

"Everyone leave, get out of here" 

Everyone that had been watching the fight quickly ran away, except Flash, who was on the ground, staring wide-eyed at Tony. 

"M-Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?" 

"I was waiting for you in the front like always, when I see this mob of people. The better question is, what are you doing here?"

"Psshhh. Oh please Parker. As if Tony Stark actually cared about you. How did you get him to do this huh? We all know you're worthless Penis Parker"

"What did you just say?" Tony says

"Mr. Stark, Penis Parker here claims to have an internship with you, but we all know that's not true because he's not important"

"I presume you're Flash Thompson?"

"Yes Sir" Flash says as he gets up with a smug look on his face. 

"Well, Flash Thompson, never touch Peter Parker again. He is my personal intern, and no, he doesn't make my coffee or pick up my dry cleaning. He works with me in the labs and helps me with my Iron Man suits. He has met the Avengers many times. In fact, it's like he's family. So if I hear that you are bullying him again, I will personally come to your house with the Avengers and I will destroy everything you love. And NEVER call him Penis Parker again. Understood?"

"Y-yes sir"

"Good. Now get out of my sight before I change my mind"

Flash quickly runs away, and Tony looks back at Peter. 

"Oh Pete"

Tony walks over and holds Peter's face in hid hands. Peter has a cut above his eye brow, he had bruises all over his face, he had a scrape on his elbow, and he had a cut on his cheek. 

"Let's get you home"

Tony leads Peter to the car, and they drive home. Peter had been looking out the window in silence the entire time. 

When they got home, Peter got out of the car and walked in. 

When they got inside, Bruce cleaned his wounds, and Loki quickly fussed over him. 

"STOP! Just stop please. I'm fine" Peter gets up, surprising everyone, and he walks to his room. 

After a few minutes, Loki walks in a sits on Peter's bed. 

"Please don't" Peter says

"I wasn't going to" Loki says

Peter sighs. "Sorry. It's just, he was saying thinks about Mary and Richard."

"The lovely couple that took care of you?"

"Yes. They were like my parents for the time that you couldn't be here. And he was just saying things about them. I'm sorry. I just snapped"

Loki embraces Peter in the hug. 

"It's ok. But be careful. No one can know you identity. Besides, you know that what he says is not true. Do you want me to kill him?"

"NO! Mr. Stark already took care of that for him. MJ and Ned weren't there. MJ normally stops all of Flash's treats. But she wasn't there."

"I'm just glad you're ok"

"I love you"

"I love you too"


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