Part 6

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Peter had fallen asleep.

"Is he unconscious?" Loki asks Bruce.

"Yes. We need to get him into surgery now. Do you want to stay?"

"I just wanted to stay here until he was unconscious."

"Ok. Well tell you when we're done"

Loki walks out of the room after giving Peter one final hand squeeze.


Steve and Tony were sitting in the living room, Tony was drinking coffee, and Steve was pacing around the room when Loki came in.

Steve and Tony immediately look at Loki.

"How is he?" Tony asks

"In surgery"

"I'm sure he'll be fine"

"Yeah. I'm mean, the kid got a building dropped on him, so"

"WHAT?!" Loki and Steve yell

"Yeah. You didn't know?"

"No" Both Loki and Steve say

"Oh well. Now you know. Peter has gone through so much. I'm sure he can get through this."

"Hey, we should get someone to check your wounds." Tony says

Loki looks at his arms and sees cuts on his arms, including a small gash. He must have gotten it when he was fighting the guy who shot Peter.

"Oh yeah. But I can wait. Peter's more important right now"

"No way. I've had multiple injuries when I first became Iron Man. I know how to clean wounds. I'll clean them. Come one."

Tony leads Loki to his lab where he grabs the first aid-kit.

He cleans Loki's wounds and puts a bid band-aid over the gash and then wraps it in a bandage.

"Thank you Tony"

"No problem. Now, go. I think Peter will want to see you when he wakes up."

Loki smiles as he leaves the lab.

"Hey FRI?" Tony asks as soon as Loki is no longer in sight.

"Yes Boss?"

"Can I give this to Bruce?" Tony asks referring to a wipe that had a little bit of Loki's blood on it.

"Yes. There is enough for Bruce to use"

"Great. I'm going to wait for Peter"

"Take care boss"


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