Part 20

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Peter had been leaving school with MJ, when he saw Loki standing there waiting for him. 

"Hi d- I mean- Mr. Loki!" Peter said

Loki raised his eyebrow. "Hi Peter. Hello person I don't know"

"I'm MJ" MJ says

"Oh, so you're MJ"

Peter blushes. "LOKI!"

"What has Peter said about me?" MJ asks, grinning.

"Oh, how you stop this Flash guy from bullying him."

"Oh yeah. If Flash tries to put one hand on Peter, he will not live to see another second" MJ says

"I like her" Loki says

"Yeah. I trust her."

"You do?" Both Loki and MJ ask


"Well, then why do you hide your secret from her?" Loki asks

"Oh, I already know he's Spider Man" MJ says

"WHAT?! HoW dID YoU kNOw?" Peter says, looking at her with wide eyes. 

"Have you been paying attention to Peter?" Loki asks with a grin. 

"I'm not obsessed with him I'm just very observant" MJ says

Loki smirks. "Well, there's another secret that you've been hiding from her too"

Peter glares at him. 

"What do you mean? MJ asks, confused. 

"Why don't you tell her Pete? Or should I?"

Peter glares at Loki even more, then sighs. 

Peter looks around and makes sure that no one is around, or looking. Then he releasing his allusion. MJ gasps, backing away from Peter slightly with wide eyes. 

"P-peter. What's happening?"

Peter looks at MJ with not brown eyes, but with Emerald green eyes. 

"This is my true form. I've always had an illusion on. I have magic."

"H-how? It looks like Loki's magic"

"I'm Lokison"

MJ looks from Peter to Loki, over and over again. 

"How long have you known?" MJ whispers.

"Since I can remember. But now that Loki is here on Earth, and we're all at Peace with him, he was able to come and live with me and the Avengers. Sorry I didn't tell you"

"It's ok. I understand why you didn't tell me. But I'm glad you did now."

MJ hugs Peter, and Peter is surprised, but he puts his arms around her. 

"Well, I have to go. Books are waiting for me" MJ says pulling away

"Have fun!" Peter says

MJ smiles and waves, and Peter waves back. 

After MJ was out of sight, Loki turns to Peter. He smirks. 

Peter soon sees green mist in the form of a heart in front of him. 

Peter's eyes widen and glares at Loki. Loki smirks and removes the mist. 

"You like her don't you?"

"Yeah, she's a great friend"

"Ah huh, yeah sure. Ok let's go Pete"

Loki and Peter walk to the car and make their way home. 


Peter LokisonWhere stories live. Discover now