Part 12

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Thor, Loki, and Peter were walking towards the throne room when they hear a voice. 

"Thor? Loki?"

They turn around and see a woman. 

"Mother!" Thor says as he motions to Peter to get behind him

"Thor, Loki, where are you going?"

"Weeee arreee, um"

"We are going to train. Thor would like to show me some sword moves" Loki answers for him. 

"And what about Peter? You should go to your father first. He needs help"

"H-How did you-" Thor asks

"I'm a witch. I know things. Go to your father."

"Yes mother" Loki says

"But first, I should meet my Grandson"

Peter steps out from behind Thor and smiles. 

"Hi Grandmother Frigga"

Frigga opens her arms as an invitation to a hug. Peter gladly accepts it and hugs Frigga

"Alright Peter,  go to your Grandfather"

Peter smiles, and Loki, Thor, and Peter walk towards the throne room. 


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