Part 7

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Loki was sitting next to where Peter was laying. The heart monitor was showing that Peter's heart rate was steady. Peter's breathing was steady.

Loki was holding Peter's hand. He was brushing Peter's hair with his fingers, the same way he was doing when they were in the car when they were on their way here after he got shot.

"Hey, how is he doing?" Loki hears a voice ask from the doorway.

He turns around and sees Tony standing there.

"He's ok. His breathing and heart rate is steady. He hasn't woken up yet"

"When he does, tell FRIDAY to tell me ok?"

"I will"

Tony leaves the room. Loki turns his attention back to Peter.


Loki feels Peter's fingers move, and the heart monitor showed that his heart rate was getting faster. And his breathing was becoming more noticeable.


Peter moved his head slightly towards Loki, and his eyes flutter, but then relax.

"Come on Peter, please open your eyes for me"

Peter's eyes flutter and this time they open. Not all the way, but enough so Loki could see Peter's brown eyes.

"There's my boy. How do you feel?"

"Mnnn. Tired"

"How does your side feel?"

"It doesn't hurt"

"That's good."

Peter starts to talk, but he starts coughing.

Loki helps Peter sit up, and then he conjures a glass of water and puts it to Peter's lips. Once Peter's done drinking, Loki makes the glass disappear.

"Thanks" Peter says weakly

"How about you get some more rest, ok bud?"


Loki kisses Peter's forehead, and Peter falls asleep.

"Hey FRIDAY" Loki whispers.

"Yes Mr. Lauffeyson?" FRIDAY whispers.

"You can call me Loki and, call you tell Anthony that Peter woke up and he's fine. Tell him he fell asleep too"

"Yes Loki"

"Thanks FRIDAY"

Loki turns his attention back at the sleeping Peter.

"Oh Peter. There's no way I'll be able to tell you not be Spider-Manning anymore. What are we going to do with you?"

He smiles at Peter fondly


Peter LokisonWhere stories live. Discover now