Part 16

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Peter, Loki, and Thor walked to the Throne room. 

Peter was no longer wearing his healing gown, but he was wearing his normal clothes. So was Loki and Thor. 

They entered the Throne room to see Odin and Frigga speaking. 

As they entered, they ended their conversation and looked towards Loki, Peter, and Thor. 

"Peter. I am so glad to see that you have recovered" Odin says

"Shouldn't you be resting?" Frigga asks

"I'm feeling just fine, Grandmother. We actually need to get back to Midgard. We promised Mr. Stark that we'd be here for a week, and it's been a week and five days. We need to go back."

"Very well." Frigga says

"On one condition" Odin interrupts.

Everyone looks at Odin. 

"You will visit here regularly. I want the healers to check on you, and... I want my Grandson to visit me"

Peter smiles. "Yes Grandfather. We will visit regularly. We promise"

Loki nods his head in confirmation.  

"Very well. You may go to Midgard."

"Thank you father" Loki hugs Odin, surprising everyone, including Odin. Odin then forgets his shock, and wraps his arms around Loki. 

Then Loki hugs Frigga and says his goodbyes. So does Peter. 

They leave the throne room and make their way over to the Bifrost. 

Peter says goodbye to Heimdall, and Heimdall opens the Bifrost and Thor, Loki, and Peter go through. 

They land on Earth a few seconds later and they look up and see the Compound in front of them. 

"Let's go" Peter says as he walks to the front door. 

"Hi FRIDAY!" Peter says

"welcome back Peter! Mr. Stark has been worried about you"

"I know, it was an unexpected longer stay. We lost track of time. It was so much fun there"

"I'm glad you have fun Peter. Mr. Stark has been told that you are here. He wishes for you to see him in the living room."

"Thank you FRIDAY!"

Peter, Loki and Thor enter the compound and as soon Tony sees Peter, he runs to him




"PETER!" Mr. Stark runs to me. 

He had been sitting at the table on his StarkPad working on some new Iron Man blueprints. He had a cup of coffee next to him, and his hair was matted. I can tell that he hadn't had slept in a while. 

He wraps his arms around me in a tight hug. 


"Mr. Stark I'm ok. We just lost track of time. I was having so much fun seeing the people, seeing the palace, and meeting Frigga and Odin. Frigga is sooo nice!"

"I know you're ok. I just couldn't stop worrying"

"I mean, I can tell that you haven't slept in a while. You have a cup of coffee next to you, your hair is matted, and the only time that you work on your StarkPad working on blueprints furiously is when you are worried about something"

"Pshhh, what are you talking about? I have slept!"


"Boss has not slept in 35 hours Peter"

I raise my eyebrow, and Mr. Stark sighs. He knows he lost. 

"Fiiinnneee. I haven't slept."

"You are going to get sleep or else I will make Loki make you go to sleep"

"Fine fine fine. I'll go to sleep. But only if you promise me that you're ok"

"I promise Mr. Stark. No go to bed" I say, pushing him towards his bedroom. 

He walks out of sight, presumably to his bed, but one can never be too sure.


"He has gone to his room and he is currently sleeping Peter"

"Thank you. If he wakes up, tell me"

"Yes Peter"

"Thanks FRIDAY"

"Your welcome"

I sigh. Loki was looking in the direction of Tony


Loki looks at me. "I'm fine Peter"

"What are you thinking about?"

"We need to tell them Peter"

"I know, but it's too early"

"It's been long enough. Look, Mr. Stark has been your father-figure when I was not here. The Avengers were -  are - your family here on Midgard. They all deserve to know."

I sigh, knowing that he's right. "Fine, but tomorrow. After Mr. Stark sleeps and he calms down."

"Alright. But tomorrow, we tell them. Understood?"

I nod. "Understood"

Loki hugs me, and I embrace the hug. 


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