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You woke up stiff and slightly sore. Sitting up you looked around the room, forgetting that you fell asleep in the library. You pushed your chair away from the table. The candle went out sometime during the night, your book still lay open on the same page you left it.
You stood up stretching out your large wings, ruffling the feathers a little bit, and raising your arms above your head.

With a long steady yawn, you looked out the window. It still seemed to be early morning, 7 AM at the earliest. Folding down the corner of your page, you closed your book. You stepped out of the large library doors, and up the stairs.

The library was on the first floor. The same floor the entrance was on. Meaning, to get to the meeting/main room, you had to travel up up a flight of stairs. For once, your brothers won't in the main room. Hm, strange. You walked up the second flight of stairs up to the 3rd floor to the bedrooms. Walking all the way down the hall, you swung open your bedroom door, closing it behind you.

Opening your large wardrobe, you pulled out a few clothing options. Settling with a simple one considering you were planning on seeing some friends today. Taking off the armor you uncomfortably slept with, you placed it on your bed. Taking off the emblem that rest on your forehead and placing it on its stand on your vanity.

You walked to the bathroom, turning on the tub water to a warm setting and letting it fill. Sitting on your bed for a short time, you turned off the water. Stripping out of the clothes from yesterday and tossing them in the the dirty clothes basket. Carefully stepping into the oversized tub making sure to not splash water everywhere.

The tub was large to fit your wings, they needed to be cleaned too of course. You stared down at your reflection in the water. The ripples in the water slightly disorienting your faces reflection. The water was warm, not to hot but decent. You let yourself sink farther into the water, lowering your wings into the warmth.

After washing up, you stepped out of the bathroom, changing into the clothes you had
lied out earlier.

Yes another gacha life outfit, I'm going to continue doing this from now on:

If you couldn't tell already, your 'god' colors are black, gold, teal, and white

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If you couldn't tell already, your 'god' colors are black, gold, teal, and white. Sorry if you don't like those colors. You can change them if you want too

You your waist armor on and placed the emblem back on your forehead, fixing your sword into place on your hip you jogged out the door and down the stairs to the bottom floor. Walking out of the castle doors into the cool autumn breeze. Breathing in the fresh outside air.

The sky had cleared and the sun was stinging brightly. You spread your wings, and shot up into the air with one flap. Flying towards L'manburg with great speed. Your (H/L) hair flew back behind you. In short time, L'manburg came into view, being able to see all the buildings beyond the wall.

You could see Tommy running within the walls, chasing after Tubbo for god knows what reason. Wilbur was sitting on the step of the Camarvan talking to Fundy. No one else could be seen. You landed on one of the main paths, Wilbur spotted you almost immediately, standing up from his seat and quickly ending his conversation with Fundy.

"(Y/N)!" He smiled and pulled you into a hug.
You returned it, lightly wrapping your wings around him too. "It's been a while."

"I'm aware, my apologies Wilbur," you pulled away from the hug staring up at his face. He looked down at yours. "I've haven't really been able to get out lately, Nightmare's a bit of a prick."

Wilbur eyes widened slightly and he laughed, "(Y/N)! You shouldn't say that," he slightly brushed his hair off his forehead, fixing his beany as well. "What made him let you out this time?" he questioned, fiddling with the hem of his yellow sweater.

"He didn't, Neither Nightmare or XD we're at the castle this morning. I'm glad though. I'm not on good terms with Nightmare right now." You almost repeated his actions, running a hand through your almost dry hair.

"Oh my gosh really? It's not your never mad at each other," Wilbur slapped a hand to his cheek, mocking surprise.

You rolled your eyes lightly punching his shoulder, "shut up," you chuckled. "No this time is different.Nightmare wants to bring Dream back and give him his powers back. Killing me. He says Dream will be "so much more powerful then she'll ever be"," you raised you hand and made air quotes, repeating what he said prior to this day.

"Oh- that's a little.." Wilbur trailed off thinking of the right word to say. "Harsh."

It's more than harsh!" You quickly retorted, frowning. "It's diabolical. I new he was bad but not that bad," looking down and one of your gloves hands. "XD shut it down almost immediately, thank god. Nightmare needs to just get over it. Over 800 years has gone by and he's still dwelling over the fact that Dreams gone."

Wilbur itched the scruff on his chin, letting his hand drop down hitting his leg with a small slapping noise. Thinking for a second, his eyes lit up. He smiled and snapped one of his fingers.

"I got it!"

"Got what?"

"A way to get rid of your problems!"

"Like what?"

"Move to L'manburg!"

941 words
Ah, second chapter done. Like I said, the next chapters probably won't be as long but I'll try. I hope you don't think everything's moving a bit to fast. I'm trying to get to the main parts and not dwell on the exposition for too long. But thanks for reading, and don't forget to vote!

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