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The meeting went by quickly. You were anxious to get out to see George. Once you left, you sprinted towards the direction of the pond. It was quite dark and you new that if you flew to it you would most likely pass the it.

As you got closer to the pond, you could see a silhouette off a person standing near the water. Their hands wrapped around there arms as a way to warm themselves from the cold. It was considerably colder than it was earlier that day.

You slowed down as you approached the silhouette.

"George!" You whisper-yelled to get his attention. George turned around, the scarf he was wearing covered the bottom half his face.

"(Y/N)!" He responded in the same volume, George walked towards you and engulfed you in a warming hug. It was then when you noticed the height difference. He always seemed like he was the same hight as you, maybe shorter. But no, you actually had to look up to meet his eyes. He could almost rest his chin atop your head.

You pulled back, "You ready to go?" He nodded. You reached your hand out, he grabbed it and you started walking towards L'manburg.

The walk was quiet. Not uncomfortable, but the kind when your taking a test at school. You want it to be quiet. He grip on your hand tightened as you approached the walls of your country. "They closed up the opening so we'll have to fly in," you said. He nodded again. You told him to raise his arms and he did, you flew up about 3 feet, grabbed his hands, he pulled him off the ground and over the wall.

He made a small yelping noise when he was picked up. You flew over to your cottage and flew down, dropping George when the tips of his toes hit the ground. You landed next to him and tucked your wings back a little. You unlocked your front door and let him step in first, you stepped in shortly after.

"This is my home, I'll get some chests ready so you can out your stuff away," you walked towards your room and stopped in the doorway. "You can take the bed if you want, I can sleep on the couch."

"No it's fine, I'll take the couch," he said, twirling his thumbs together. "You sure?" You questioned, he nodded once more. You continued walking into the bedroom. You grabbed some of the empty chest along the wall and walked them into the living room. You placed them along the wall and George walked towards them.

You walked back into your room to grab bedding from the closet. It was the same ones Dream had used the night before but it would have to do because you didn't have any others.
You carried it back into the living room and dropped it into the couch. It was also the same couch Dream had slept in the night before. You turned around to look at George.

You completely froze, your mind blank. George had lime green shulker boxes, that was holding all of his stuff. He was placing all the things into chests. You slowly walked towards him.

"George," you said, you voice quiet and worried. "Where did you get those shulker boxes?" He continued to place things into the chests.

"Oh I took them from my boyfriend back at the castle..." he seemed happy at first, but he looked up mid sentence and met your eyes. He trailed off. Your face was unreadable. A mix of surprised, confused, and worried. George dropped what he was holding, it clanged against the rim of the chest and dropped onto the floor with a thud.

"Your boyfriend.. is Dream isn't it?" George looked towards the ground, his eyes shaded by his hair. He stared at his scarf that was hanging over the chest lid.

"Yes." He spoke barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for not telling you." His voiced cracked halfway through the sentence. You sat down on the floor. You pulled your legs up and rested your arms across them. George stared at you.

"It's.. ok," You said, staring at the wall. "It's fine it's not my decision who your in a relationship with." But then everything clicked.

The first day you met him, he pointed towards the DreamSMP.

His boyfriend wasn't home last night? Duh he was with me.

Abusive? It's Dream of course he's gonna be like that.

He took the shulker boxes? Yeah why would Dream give them to him.

You lauded your head in your hands.

"God I'm so stupid! How did I not find this out before?!" You yelled at yourself. George walked in front of you and waved his hands around. He then got in his knees in front of you

"Please please please don't be mad!! I didn't think it was to important and you seemed so nice and I didn't want to make you think so bad of me right from the start so I didn't say anything!" He said, placing his hands on the floor.

"I'm not mad I promise, I'm just confused. But please don't feel like you have to hide anything from me anymore. We will be living together for a bit so I want to make sure we're ok with eachother," you said. George smiled then nodded. He seemed to do that a lot.

"Got it," he responded.

You helped George out the rest of his stuff in the chests and went to the kitchen to make supper. George did a great job keeping you company as you cooked. After eating,  you changed into your nightwear and showed George where the bathroom was. He changed out of his jeans to sweatpants and placed his boots next to the couch on the floor. He lied his scarf across the arm of the couch and got comfortable, snuggling into the blankets.

George's POV
I watched as she walked off into the doorway of her room. "Goodnight George," she said to me. "Goodnight," I replied. I pulled the blankets up to just below my nose, they had a familiar smell. My eyes shot open, I pulled the blankets back down.


His cologne smells like that.

I always hated that..

But why was he here?

That doesn't make any sense..

What was (Y/N) doing with him here?

I didn't really care. Well I did but not enough to say something about it. I pulled them back up and curled into a ball, falling asleep.

Back to normal POV
Late into the night, nearly 2 A.M, you woke to the smell of smoke filling your sense. You through your self out of bed and ran out into the main room, George jumped off the couch and ran to your side as well. You opened the front door and stepped outside.

What you saw, was not pretty.

All of the surrounding trees on the outside of the wall were in a blaze. Red, orange, and yellow colored flames dances into the night sky. You ushered George back inside so he wouldn't be seen and you sprinted to prime path. Wilbur and Tommy already there and Fundy was just running up.

"What the hell is going on?!" You yelled over the roaring flames. Tommy turned towards you. "We don't know! But obviously someone did this, this isn't fucking natural!" He yelled back.

Wilbur looked looked at you. "I want to assume it was someone from the DreamSMP, declaring that the war has finally started."

1262 words
Yes I'm very aware this isn't accurate (unless it is idk I haven't watched it) I'm literally just making shit up. I have school tomorrow and it's like really late so I'm gonna go to sleep. Hopefully I'll have another chapter out soon. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote.

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