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You woke up the next morning feeling groggy. After sending Dream out last night you did you nightly routine, changed out of your uniform and went to bed . You didn't actually fall asleep until about 3 in the morning (🎶it's turning 3 in the morning🎶) and woke up around 7.

Dream's appearance really worked up some anxiety so you had to calm down before you were tired enough to fall asleep. You got up and decided to move stuff around. Not even bothering to change out of your nightly attire, you walked out into the living room and started moving around the chairs and side tables.

You picked up the rug and replaced it with a smaller one. You moved the small dining room table farther out from the wall. You took apart the wooden island stools and replaced them with metal ones. I tapping on a nearby window interrupted what you were doing through. You turned towards the kitchen window and I opened the curtain from the night before.

One of DreamXD's crows stood in the sill. You opened up the window and ushered him inside. You took the rolled up note off of his ankle and opened it up to read.

To (Y/N),
Another meeting will be held this evening at the castle to speak about upcoming events. We will be holding meetings every day at 7 PM until the war begins. Please try to be early instead of late.
Your brother,

You scoffed, why so many meetings? This seems redundant. After all the moving of furniture it was only noon. You took a long, hot shower to clear your thoughts. After the shower, you changed into 'appropriate' clothes for the meeting. Not your uniform:

You walked back over to your bedroom and grabbed a book off of the large bookshelf along the west wall

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You walked back over to your bedroom and grabbed a book off of the large bookshelf along the west wall. You brought it back to the living room and through the sliding class door you went.

It was a cooler day today, resting at about 50 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degree Celsius) with a light breeze and partly cloudy. You sat down in one of the wicker chairs and opened the book. Introduction to the End, the cover read. You picked this book because it was a book about the end that you hadn't read before, possibly holding information that you hadn't read.

It was 612 pages, it should have something you don't know. You started reading. You got to chapter 23 in almost 2 hours, that was the half way point in the book. The chapter title was The Portal. This intrigued you.

A portal?

There's a portal to the end?

The book talked about the stronghold, how to find it, and how to open said portal. It didn't look to difficult.

By the time you finished reading the chapter the sun had set to that certain point where you knew it was time to leave. You marked your page by folding down the corner and then you placed it on the kitchen counter. You remembered to lock the back door this time. You headed out the front door and flew towards the forest.

You left about 7 minutes earlier then usual. But then, something unusual happened. As you flew over the same pound from yesterday, George was sitting there again. You smiled and your flying came to a halt. You glided down and landed right beside him.

He jumped again, and your eyes met his once you looked down. He sighed in relief once he was it was you. Today he wasn't wearing that t-shirt, but instead a same-color sweater with the same red and white rectangle.

"Oh, it's just you," his voice was monotone and he seemed more upset then he did the day before. You sat down next to him but he kept staring at the water. To be honest, he looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Hey, are you ok? You look really upset," he had more bandages on his face and hands, his neck was covered in light purple bruises in almost a hand-like shape. When you asked the question, he lost it. Tears immediately filled his eyes and streamed down his cheeks. He sobbed loudly and lauded his head on your shoulder, pulling his knees close to his chest and tightly wrapping his arm around them.

"Ah! I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" You were concerned, something definitely happened. You wrapped your arm and right wing around him. He still continued to sob into your shoulder. After a few minutes he sat up straight and wiped his eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. Things aren't going to good right now," he sniffled between some of his words. You looked at him, your eyes full of sympathy. "You wanna talk about it? I mean, I know we've only known each other for like 2 days but you did just cry on my shoulder," you said.

He nodded. "Well you see, I'm in an abusive relationship right now," he paused and you sighed. "And I don't know how to get out of it without him hurting me," he finished. So it's a guy.. he's gay? I'm not judging but he doesn't really give me gay vibes.

"Well, you can ghost him. Are you too living together?" You asked. "Yeah, we live in a small-ish castle north of here," he replied, you remembered him mentioning the direction yesterday.

"Well, you could pack all your things one night and leave. Move somewhere else." He shrugged. "But what do you think he'd do if he found me?" He questioned worriedly. "Right.." you looked at him to see he was already looking at you. His eyes were puffy and his cheeks were red. His glasses sitting sideways atop his head from laying on your shoulder.

"Let me at least heal your wounds," you said, he nodded and rolled up his sleeves. He unwrapped the thin bandages to reveal a few cuts here and there but mostly bruises. Along with the ones on his face. He pulled down the collar of his shirt a little bit so you could see more of the bruise on his neck.

You hovered your hands over his arms and they emitted the same light blue glow. They completely healed within seconds and George sighed to the pain relief. You place both of your hands on his cheeks. These cuts were deeper then yesterday meaning they needed real contact instead of just hovering. He winced at your touch but when the cuts started to heal he was fine.

You grazed the bruise on his neck with your finger, it was dusted with the light blue and glowed for a second before the bruise disappeared.

"Thank you so much," he said, a small smile in his face. You smiled back. "I'm assuming these cuts aren't from sword fighting?" You asked. He nodded. You stood up and he watched you stand.

"Well I have to get going if I want to get to my meeting in time," you said. "Alright, see you later," he said back. You said goodbye and flew towards the castle.

George's POV
Move out huh? I'll really have to look into that. A few minutes after she left I stood up and walked off to. She's really nice and I want to get to know her more. I hope she stops by tomorrow as well. I headed back to my castle and opened the door. Dream wasn't there, thank god. I headed up to my room to start packing things.

I had a few shulker boxes that I stole from Dream, he probably had them from his passed life as a god. He never told me that much about it though. I put my important things in them and placed them in my inventory to hide them. I left my junk and other stuff I didn't need in the chest. I also took some keep sakes, a mushroom kept in resin that I got from Sapnap, and a necklace I got from Dream when he wasn't an ass.

I actually put the necklace on, it was pretty. It was silver with a small heart shaped pendant with the words 'oh c'mon now' engraved into it. Those 3 words were an inside joke that actually made me chuckle. I put on my more comfortable pants and kicked off my shoes. The castle was cold so I left my sweater on.

I turned the light off and jumped into bed, tucked myself under the covers, and fell asleep.

1431 words
Alright! The longest chapter so far is complete. I'm aware my friend told me not to make the dnf toxic.... But I'm still doing it. I'll have another chapter out tomorrow, hopefully will have more action. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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