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You woke up early the next morning . Technically you never went to sleep because you were so worried about the guest in the other room. Sighing, you stood up and walked into the main room. Dream was dead asleep with his back turned to you making it so you couldn't see his face. Thank god.

You walked to the kitchen area and began to prepare breakfast. Usually you just had a bowl of cereal or a waffle for breakfast, but today you had a guest so you actually kinda tried. Sure the guest was Dream, but you couldn't treat him like shit considering he never really did anything to you. If anything it was you who did something to him, having his power.

You cracked eggs into the pan, they sizzled as they cooked. You placed 2 pieces of bread into the toaster. You flipped the eggs and seasoned them with salt and pepper. You then heard rustling from the couch. Dream was up.

He had been laying on one of the sideways couches in the living room. (idk if that makes sense, but like he was laying so his head was facing the kitchen and when he sat up his back was toward you, idk man) You continued flying the eggs.

"Did you.. look?" He said, obviously referring to his unmasked appearance. You lifted your head from the stove and stared straight at the wall only a few feet from your face. Both your backs turned towards each other. You sighed, placing your hands on either side of the stove in front of you.

"Of course not, I respect your privacy. You wear the mask for a reason and I'm not going to ignore that reason just because your not aware of my presence." You responded, he let out a breathy chuckle. You quirked an eyebrow even though he couldn't see it. "Why are you laughing?"

"I forced my way into your home because I got caught spying on your forces. I've only caused trouble to you and your country. But you still let me spend the night and now your preparing breakfast. Why?" He said, you really didn't know how to respond.

"Honestly, I don't know. I know I've already said this but it feels right. I'm aware we shouldn't even be in the same room right now because of-" you paused for a second because you had almost mentioned him still having powers. He doesn't know about that. You okayed it off though "-of Nightmare and DreamXD but I want to help you."

Dream didn't think twice about your pause. You finished making the food and you turned around and set on the coffee table next to him, you stood at an angle so you didn't see his face. You sat the a kitchen island and you both ate in silence. You finished a few minutes before him and placed your dirty dishes in the sink. Dream then finished and placed his plate back on the coffee table, threw his sweatshirt back on over his head, put his out back on, and clasped the mask back on behind his head.

"Thank you," he said. You turned around when he was putting his belt on, shoving the sword in its holster. "Anytime," you responded, and that caught his attention. He looked at you, you  gave him a small smile. "This wasn't so bad, except for the fact that I got no sleep last night. If you aver need anything, ask me," you said and yawned. "Honestly you haven't hurt me or tried to kill me yet so your still ok in my book." He made a small 'huh' noise and pulled a shulker box out of his inventory.

Unlike cyan ones that DreamXD had, or the orange ones that Nightmare had, or even the light blue one you had, Dream's was lime green of course. He opened it and pulled out a netherite sword and a pickaxe. He mined it up and returned it to his inventory. He walked towards the back door, opened it, and peeked his head outside.

He pulled his head back in and turned towards you, "Well I'll be off now, see you later, hopefully under better circumstances stances," he said and then walked fully out the door. "Bye," you replied, Dream then shut the door and ran off towards the wall where you assumed was where he came in.

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