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His voice startled you, you jumped and your head shot up. DreamXD sat in the edge of your bed in a more comfortable attire than his robes. He still wore that stupid mask. In your 826 years of life you had never seen his face.

He repeated his question, mere sternly this time, "Where have you been?"

You stuttered over your words, trying to think over an excuse before you told the truth, no point in lying

"I was helping Tommy," your voice came out strangely confident. DreamXD tilted his head.

"With what?" He asked

You slammed your fist onto the vanity table.

"Oh my god! Why the hell does it matter!" You yelled at him, probably waking up Nightmare. But you didn't care.

DreamXD stood up, his stance tense.

"It matters to me! You could've been in danger!" He yelled back.

"From who!"


You paused, what?

DreamXD's shoulders tensed further, he had definitely let that slip.

"What? How? I thought you took away his powers," you said, returning to your normal voice level.

DreamXD sighed, "if I took away his powers completely you would be an all mighty god. More powerful then Me and Nightmare combined. I didn't completely take away his powers, only half. But he doesn't know that, neither does nightmare. Only you and me," he sat back down on the bed, you sat down next
to him.

DreamXD lowered his head and looked towards at his lap. You just then realized that he wasn't wearing his hood. He had messy blonde hair, the color only being seen by the moonlight through the window.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want to upset you," he mumbled.

You looked up at him frowning, "I'm not mad at the fact that he still has powers, I'm just mad that you didn't tell me,"

DreamXD paused for a second. "So about what you said earlier, do you really not wanna live here anymore?"

You new he was going to mention this, so you had already come up with a response, "today at L'manburg, Wilbur suggested that I move within the walls instead of living in the castle so I wouldn't have to deal with nightmare as much. And before you say anything, yes I will still come to the meetings,"

DreamXD pondered before responding, "honestly, I can't really stop you. Even if I say you can't you'll probably just leave anyway. I'll tell Nightmare about it," you smiled at him.

DreamXD sighed, and stood up. "Well, you should probably get some rest. I'll leave you now." Before he could leave, you stood in front of him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He immediately accepted the hug and returned it.

You really only gave him hugs when you wanted him to know you were sorry, or when you were both stressed out about something. You pulled away, and he left the room. You took of your armor, placing it on its armor stand and taking the emblem off your forehead and replacing it on its rightful holder.

After changing into to something more comfortable for sleeping, you climbed into bed and lied flat on your back staring at the ceiling. Think about the next day.


You woke up, the sun shining brightly, higher up then it was the day before. You stared at the clock on your wall, 9:32. You hopped out of bed, picking out clothes for the day and packing them on your bed as you turned the tub water on for a bath.

The tub filled, and you stripped out of your clothes, repeating the same actions from yesterday. You dried off, and slipped on your clothes.

Instead of putting on your normal armor, you put on netherite armor instead

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Instead of putting on your normal armor, you put on netherite armor instead. It was modified to still protect you, but I was also a lot easier to move around in, less bulky and lighter. You swing open your bedroom door and headed down the stairs.

DreamXD and Nightmare were in the main room as normal. You jogged down the hall to the kitchen, saying hello to one of the maids as you walked in, you grabbed an apple turnover. Saying goodbye as you walked out. You stoped in front of the stairs, the half eaten turnover sitting in your hand.

"I'm heading out, I need to get my house ready for my move in," you said.

DreamXD replied, "Ok, hurry back so I can help you pack." Nightmare didn't say a word. Running down the stairs and out the door, you sprung into the air flying down to L'manburg, finishing the turnover on the way there.

You noticed once you got closer, that a new building had been built over night, it was a small house, nice at best. With white flowers planted in front of the house. You landed in front of the door. But before you could knock, the door swung open by nine other then Tommy.

"Big (F/I)! (first initial) how are you?" He yelled. He put his arm over his head and leaned against the door frame, it almost looked like he was trying to hide what the inside of the house looked like.

"I'm fine?" You replied. Just then, Wilbur walked up to the door from inside the house.

"Ah, (Y/N)! Your here, come in please," he pushed Tommy out for he way and you stepped in the house. The inside looked a lot bigger than the outside. It had skylight in the entrance, along with 3 rooms, a kitchen/living room, bedrooms, and bathroom. The living room seemed to be already furnished, and the kitchen cupboards and fridge already stocked.

"Wow, this is really nice," you said looking around.

"I'm glad you think so!" Tubbo said walking out from the bedroom.

"Who's it for?" You questioned.

Wilbur looked at you confused, "you of course? It's the house you asked us and Tommy to build for you."

Suddenly everything clicked and you looked at Tommy, he wouldn't meet your eyes.

"Tommy.." you said with a smile.

"Sorry, I should've asked you if you were actually going to move to L'manburg or not," Wilbur's head snapped in Tommy's direction.

"Wait, so your saying that we build this entire house, and there's a possibility it was for nothing?" You shushed Wilbur and giggled.

"It wasn't for nothing doofus," you lightly pushed Wilbur, "I'm staying."

1065 words
Yay! You made it to the end of the 1st group of 5. All my chapters will come out in groups of 5 so the next group might take a few days to come out. Sorry there hasn't really been any mention of George yet, I'm trying to take that part slower then the rest of the story. Anyway, thanks for reading and don't forget to vote!

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