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My copy & paste broke so no cool font for the title

As you stepped into the Camarvan, Everyone was there. Tubbo sat on the table next to the brewing stands and Eret leaned against them, he looked nervous for some reason. Fundy stood towards the middle of the van rocking back and forth on his heels.

Tubbo gave you a loose hug when you walked in. You took your place close to the wall on the opposite side of Fundy.

"Thank god you guys are ok," Wilbur said again, stepping into the van behind you and Tommy. "Fundy said he heard explosions," you nodded. "How much stuff were you able to get?" Tubbo said. You opened your inventory. You had lost nearly half of your inventory while running away. You looked up to Tommy who had a similar look on his face while looking into his own.

"Not a lot," you replied. You yawned, tired from not getting much sleep. Wilbur noticed this and spoke up.

"Are you tired (Y/N)?" He asked politely, his tall frame barely fit inside the van. You shrugged.

"A little, I didn't sleep when we got back from putting the fires out." He placed a solid hand in your shoulder. "You should head to sleep, we'll need you for tomorrow. Eret said he had something for us," you smiled a little. Eret had mentioned something about gathering weapons.

"Alrighty then," you lazily saluted and opened the door to the van to leave. Just then, an arrow whizzed past your face and stuck into the door you had just opened. You jumped back into the van and fell onto the floor. Everyone's conversations were interrupted as they looked at you.

"Arrow, someone's out there," you pointed to the arrow stuck to the door. Another one stuck into the door next to the first just as you said that.

Wilbur ran outside with you following behind. You took your shield out from your inventory. And used it to block an up coming arrow. You squinted in the dark, and looked up to L'manburg wall. You could see the silhouettes of 4 people, you assumed they were Dream, Sapnap, Punz, and George. Your face fell from confusion and anger to sadness. That was until you realized that all the arrows that were missing you both were all from him.

He's missing on purpose? You thought to yourself. You felt Wilbur run behind you, using your body as a human shield. You spun around, he had an arrow stuck in his shoulder. You had completely let your guard down, an arrow found its way into your back between your shoulder blades. You yelled out in pain, blood soaked the back of your shirt. The rest of the people in the van ran outside as well.

"George! Aim! You keep missing!" You heard Dream yell from a distance. You heard George's voice yell back, but you couldn't make out any of the words he was saying. Just then they all jumped down from the wall. Tommy started yelling.

"Ponk's tower! There heading to Ponk's tower!"  You all tan towards Punz's tower. It looked to be the same hight, if not taller. Once you got to the top, you pulled out your bow. It hurt to move your arms around because of the arrow still lodged in your back. One of you arrows stuck into Sapnap's side, he hunched over in pain. You smiled. Wilbur was sitting in the floor of the tower, clenching his unusable arm.

You noticed the Dream Team retreating from the tower, Punz in the lead, dream supporting Sapnap, and George following behind. You could see in the darkness George looking in your direction. he wasn't wearing his usual sweater. Instead he had armor on with all of his gear.

"Yes! They retreated!" Tommy yelled. You sighed in relief. But then you noticed a figure walking around the inside of the walls. It has glasses on, so you assumed it was George. You smiled, realizing that he was probably heading back to your home. Wilbur dismissed you all after you healed him. The healing process took much longer then it should have. It worried you a lot.

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