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After you calmed down, you all sat at a table in the library. XD had pulled book from one of the shelves in the library and was now explaining how the spell was going to work.

It needed to be high moon, midnight. The spell was going to take place on the roof of the castle. Luckily, there was a full moon tonight, otherwise the spell wouldn't work. A circle needed to be drawn for you to lay in. XD and Nightmare needed to be standing on either side of you. They will then say the spell. There was a 40% chance something would go wrong and you would die, but you were confident in your brother's abilities to keep you alive.

It was maybe 3 pm, but you guys already started setting things up. Nightmare summoned a stick of wax to draw the circle with, he melted it as it drew so the line was prominent. XD created robes for you to wear, they were black. You ate dinner later on, the book said that the one being resurrected needed to be fed and hydrated.

XD had pulled Nightmare into the other room. You weren't sure what they were talking about but it probably had something to do with the fact that he was being nice all of a sudden.

Once you finished eating, it was nearly 9. You changed into a t-shirt and pants to wear underneath your robes. Before slipping into your robes though, you wanted to see your friends from L'manberg again just in case something went wrong.

You walked up to your brothers as they were finishing there conversation.

"I have a request," you said. They stayed quiet.

"Can I fly down to L'manberg to see everyone again? Just in case.. ya'know.. the spell fails?" XD and Nightmare looked at eachother. They didn't say anything, but XD nodded. You sprinted throughout the halls of the castle and out the doors. You then took off into the sky and flew towards L'manberg. Everyone's lights were still on so you gathered them into the Camarvan. You opened the door to step inside to see Wilbur.

"(Y/N)! Your back," he smiled but when he saw the not-so-happy look on your face, it dropped.

Everyone lined up along one end of the van, you stood in front of them. They were all confused.

"So, somethings been happening. To me, to my abilities," you said, this made everyone more confused. "I'm loosing them."

Everyone's eyes widened. "XD and Nightmare agreed to do a resurrection spell to get them back. The only issue, is that there is a 40% chance that the spell will fail, and I will die."

This caused gasps, Tubbo's eyes started filling with tears.

"I trust my brothers though, and I know that they are strong enough to push through and do the spell. So I assure you I won't die," sighs of relief were heard. "But if I'm not right, and I don't pull through, I just wanted to see you guys again."

Wilbur walked up to you, he seemed to be on the verge of tears. You hugged him. Tubbo ran up and joined the hug, then Fundy, then Tommy. They all said there goodbuys as you made your way back to your home. You opened the door to see George sitting at the island. He was eating pork chops.

His weapons were laying on the couch, his boots were propped next to the door. He dropped and fork and stood up.

"Hey! Took you awhile to get here, I thought something happ-" you wrapped him in a tight hug. Even though you never got to tell him how you really felt, you were sure you would be able to after the spell.

George accepted the hug. "Woah, what's wrong?" he pulled away and rested his hands on your hips, your hands were placed in his biceps. The 2 of you were so close. You explained to him the same thing you explained to the rest of your friends.

By the time you had finished, you were both sitting in the couch. George was almost crying, just like Wilbur. "I can only wish you the best of luck. DreamXD has saved you before, I trust him to not kill you," he said while wiping away a stray tear.

You hugged him again, you then said your good buys and left.

Once you made it to the castle, you changed into your robes and made your way to the roof. It was almost midnight. XD was lighting candles and lanterns around the circle set up the spell. Meanwhile, Nightmare was explaining to you that not only will this bring your abilities back, but it will enhance them. It will also make you feel stronger and more energized.

"It's time," XD called out. You walked to the circle. XD wrapped you in a hug, "No matter what happens, just know that we love you." You let go of XD. You turned to Nightmare, he opened up his arms. You hugged him, it was something you'd never done before. "Thank you so much for doing this," you said as you pulled away.

It was now or never. You lied down the circle, stretching out your wings completely. The circle was big enough so your wings stayed inside the lines. Nightmare stood to your left while XD stood at your right. They raised there hands and started the chanting. The speech was in endermen, you couldn't understand it. Soon, the circle glowed a light blue color. You slowly began to lift off the ground. You slowly became less conscious.


945 words
This chapter is short because another one is going to come out right after it!! So if your reading this one then the next chapter will be out! This is to good to miss I swear.


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