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Still no copy and paste

The next morning, Goerge was already gone when you woke. He left a note though. It said that he had to head back to the castle for important matters. But on the bottom of the note it said "don't trust Eret". This didn't make sense to you, but You trusted George, so you decided to listen to what he wrote. You changed into your outfit for the day.

I'm to lazy to put an outfit, mb

You headed to the Camarvan van, Eret explained to you all about his plan and even had materials for you.

"I've been grinding for days, I managed to get all of us full sets of Netherite armor," Eret stated. Tommy and Tubbo cheered alongside Fundy. Wilbur congratulated Eret for being able to do this. You on the other hand, didn't believe him. Eret lead you to a room made out of black stone, you had to go down a hole to get inside. The room had 6 chests, you each had one.

You opened your chest. It was empty.

"Wait these chests are empt-" you tried saying, but Tommy cut you off.

"Oo button," he said, you tried stopping him but it was to late, he pushed the button. The wall behind you opened up. Dream, Sapnap, Punz, and George were behind the wall.

This must've been what he was talking about. You though to yourself. Everyone took out their weapons to get ready to fight.

"What the hell Eret?!" Wilbur yelled. Eret shrugged "So sorry guys."

Everyone started fighting. George ran towards you.

"What is this?" You said quietly, only for him to hear, you 2 weren't really fighting instead just clashing your swords together. "Eret betrayed you, I didn't know about it until recently. Sorry I couldn't tell you," he replied with the same volume. You looked around to see your friends being inevitability beat by Dream and his goons. George pushed you hard enough so you fell over.

"I'm so sorry, but you have to let me somewhat knock you out so we can leave. If I don't, Dream will," George said with a sorrow look on his face. You nodded. "don't actually knock me out though," George hit you in the forehead with the end of his axe. He didn't hit you hard at all, but it looked like he did.

You fell back on the ground, you didn't hear anything else besides footsteps.

"Nicely done Eret, that better then I expected," Sapnap complemented. Eret laughed. "They're more gullible then you think."

You heard a sound of someone hitting someone else. You assumed it was somone patting someone else on the back.

"George, I'm impressed. You took out (Y/N) with ease," Dream said. "It was almost as if she wasn't trying. I don't know why people even talk her up like that," George said. The way he talked to his friends was so confident. They talked for a little more before walking away, as soon as you couldn't hear there footsteps you swiftly sat up. You looked around, everyone was still on the floor. You shook them awake one by one. Wilbur first, Fundy last. It didn't take long.

Nobody was seriously injured, just a couple cuts and bruises that you were able to heal. Nobody else noticed this besides you, but your healing ability was depleting. I'll have to talk to XD about it...

The lot of you walked back to L'manberg. "Fuck him! I can't believe we trusted him!!" Tommy yelled while kicking the ground. Fundy tried comforting Wilbur and telling him that it was ok, but Wilbur stayed quiet. Once you got back to the Camarvan, you all stayed outside and quietly talked it over. The sun l was still high in the sky, meaning the meeting wouldn't be until later.

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