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Later that day, you headed back to the castle. You called DreamXD upstairs to help you pack. He took everything out of the chests and organized them into shulker boxes, a lot better than what you did with Tommy. You took clothes, toiletries, and your armor and placed it in your personal shulker box.

"I think that's the last of it," you said, having 7 full shulker boxes and a full inventory, you placed them in the empty space that you left for the boxes. DreamXD looked at you, just by looking at his posture you could tell he was upset.

Sighing, you walked over to him. Hugging him again for the second time in less then 24 hours. He returned it, hugging back tightly. Engulfing you in his much larger wings. You didn't want to let go, you didn't think he did either. After a solid minute, you pulled away. Looking up into the smiley face mask that you learned to love. You smiled sadly, and you both walking out of your room and down the stairs to the front door.

Nightmare stood in front of the door, covering the exit, "Nightmare, move," DreamXD said in not an angry tone, more of an annoyed one.

"That's not what I'm here for, I want to give you something," he looked at you and your eyebrows shop up. What? I swear if it's a bomb..

He pulled an eye of ender out of his cloak, but it looked different. It was smaller and the pupil was more pronounced.

"As you can see this is an eye of ender, but it's different. If you break this, me and XD will be automatically teleported to wherever you are. Use it only when you really need it because we only have one," you were shocked, he's actually being nice?

You reached forward and grabbed the eye out of his hand, and slipped it in one of the pockets attached to your belt

You reached forward and grabbed the eye out of his hand, and slipped it in one of the pockets attached to your belt

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"Thank you," you smiled at him. For that moment and that moment only, you thought things would change. Maybe he would actually be nice to you.

You hugged DreamXD one more time and pushed open the door. Waving at your brothers you flew off into the evening sky. Shortly, you made it to your new home. Swinging open the door and shutting it behind you.

You walked into the bedroom, taking off your armor and placing it on the stand provided. You took the shulker boxes out of your inventory and put everything in chest lined up against the west wall, along with everything else in your inventory. It was nearly 11 o'clock when you got finished.

Changing into something more comfortable, you sat on the couch. The feeling of being watched returned. You tried to ignore it as you stood up, heading to the kitchen to cook dinner. You cooked steak, along with baked potatoes. You sat down at the island and ate. You couldn't shake the feeling.

You stood up, and walked to the only window with the curtains open. You couldn't see out of it due to it being dark outside and light in the house. You cupped your hands around your eyes and pressed your face against the cold glass, looking around for a moment.

826 Years | C!GeorgeNotFound X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now