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About a week and a half has went by. The citizens of L'manburg were finishing up preparing for the war. You had gotten your uniform which looked ridiculous with your wings even with large slits in the back.

Sitting at the desk that you recently put into your room, you hear a rapping at your window. Spinning around from the map you were currently drawing out. A crow sat on the window sill, a familiar crow. Smiling, you stood up heading towards the window to unlatch it.

The crow stepped inside, a piece of paper tied to his leg. Carefully taken the paper off of his leg and opening it to read.

My dearest (Y/N),
Nightmare and I are hosting a meeting later this evening to speak about the upcoming war.  Please join us in the main hall at 7 PM. I hope to see you there.
Your brother,

He was always so formal in his letters for no reason. You sat back down at your desk and pulled out a blank sheet of paper. Picking up your pen, you wrote him back.

Dear XD,
Thank you for the notice. I will be happy to accompany you and my less liked brother Nightmare. I will be there shortly before 7.
Your favorite sibling,

Rolling the letter back up and tying it to the crows right leg. He flew off back towards the castle and you closed the window. You finished drawing out the map, you picked it up and tacked it to the wall above your desk.

You looked at the clock on the wall, it was only noon. You stood up from the desk and walked into the kitchen. Outside your house you could hear Tommy yelling, then yells of Tubbo back. You opened up the fridge and pulled out potatoes. Heh, this shit slaps. You took a pan out of the cupboard and began to peel said potatoes.

After peeling, you cut them into slices and places them into the pan along with salt, pepper, butter, and oil. Stirring them around until slightly browned around the edges. You put them on the plate and brought them to the table.

Idk why I described making fried potatoes, I'm just trying to waste time.

Right a you were about to take a bite, someone pounded repeatedly on your door. You stood up, rolling your eyes, and walked towards the door. You opened it, and Tubbo ran in.

"CLOSE IT!! CLOSE THE DOOR!!" He screamed hiding behind the kitchen island. You were concerned, and quickly closed the door.

"What the hells the matter with you?!" You questioned. Tubbo stood up and opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by more pounding on the door.

"TUBBO I KNOW YOUR IN THERE YOU DICKHEAD! GIVE IT BACK!" Tommy yelled through the door. You gave Tubbo the stink eye.

"Care to explain?" You placed one hand on your hip and Tubbo sweat dropped.

"Me and Tommy were j-just messing around! But I-I may or may not have t-taken his netherite axe a-and threatened to take all of his armor," he mumbled the last part. And you punched him in the shoulder.

"Dammit Tubbo! Give it back right now!" He winced and rubbed the spot on his shoulder where you punched him. "But he's gonna get so mad at me!" He yelled. "He's already mad at you! It's better if you do it now then wait for him to get more mad."

You walked over to the door and opened it, Tommy sprinted inside and tackled Tubbo.

"(Y/N) YOU TRAITOR!!" You chuckled and sat back down at the island and ate your now cold potatoes as the boys wrestled on the floor screaming at each other. Some how, they ran into a lamp, knocking it over and the bulb shattered to the floor.

"HEY! YOU BREAK IT YOU BUY IT!" You yelled at them. Suddenly, the fighting stopped. You turned towards them and they stood up and sprinted out the door. Tommy with his axe chasing Tubbo.

You finished your food, washed the plate and placed it back in the cupboard. You turned around, looked at the shattered light bulb on the floor. Meh, I'll clean it later. And by later that meant brushing it against the wall and never picking it up. But you did set the lamp back up.

You weren't actually going to make them pay for it considering they were the ones who made it in the first place. It was still only 1 pm. Changing into some working clothes:

you grabbed some materials from your chest and headed out the door

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you grabbed some materials from your chest and headed out the door.

On the left side of your home, there was an open space, about 20 feet long by 10 wide. Perfect for crop growing. Using the materials you grabbed, you crafted fences and lined them up around the area. Making sure there was an open area for a gate.

You dug out holes for water and filled them, you also tilled the dirt and planted seeds. At this point it was almost 5:30. Well that took some time, it looks nice though. You had just enough time to jump in the shower.

You started the warm water once you got in the house. You stripped off your dirty clothes and got in. Letting the warm water wash off the dirt and sweat the the day's activities. After the shower, you decided to put on your L'manburg uniform considering you were going to be talking about the war.

You slipped your wings through the slits and attached the hat to your belt.

It was about 6:50, about the time you should leave. You opened the door to your house, locking it behind you. You then shot up into the air, letting the wind dry your wet hair. About halfway there, you noticed a figure by a small pound. You stopped in mid air. Nobody travels through this forest. Who is that?

You landed quietly behind a tree, across the pond from the boy. He looked to be in his early 20s. With dark brown hair and pale skin. He was wearing black jeans, a light blue t-shirt with a strange rectangle on it along with a big pair of white sunglasses sitting on his head showing his beautiful eyes. One was blue and the other was a bright brownish-yellow.
I can't remember if this is right or not

He was sitting on the grass with his knees pulled against his chest, staring at the fish swimming around in the water. He looked a little sad. You walked around the trees so you were behind him and walked up to him.

"Uhm hello?" You said.

1127 words
Hey! Sorry for the delay in posting I've been a bit busy. I'll try to get more chapters out after Halloween because my costume is stressing my out😩. Anyway, don't forget to vote and thanks for reading!

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